On the tiny balcony of the master bedroom, Klein stood behind a railing in the form of Dwayne Dantès. He silently watched Baron Syndras’s luxurious carriage depart.

His mind was still resonating with the conversation he just had. He believed that there had been a secret plot behind the acquiring of the Coim Company’s shares from the very beginning.

According to Syndras, although the Coim Company has great potential and bright prospects, its current value is only limited to Backlund. It’s constrained by many conditions, making it not worthy for a powerful banker to place such great importance on it that he had to take on a stance of being hell-bent on acquiring it. After all, even if he didn’t succeed, it would only be a difference in monetary profit. It wouldn’t result in any losses.

For the seller, Cuarón, it’s very normal to be under external stress to sell his shares for cash. It’s also very normal for him to be unwilling to see “Moneybags” Baron Syndras from the Conservative Party. But herein lies the problem. As a businessman, faced with a deal that isn’t considered important, the political inclinations are something to be considered when prices are similar. There’s no reason to reject the possibility of receiving an extremely high premium. Yet, he had deliberately rushed to close the deal with Dwayne Dantès before Syndras could make his final offer. It’s as if he has a grudge with money or views the Conservative Party with extreme prejudice. And this doesn’t match the current political climate. The Loen Kingdom’s internal politics hasn’t reached such a splintered state.

From the looks of it, someone is forcing Syndras to do this, and someone had designed a trap, using Cuarón’s 3% shares as the bait and me as the cover to lure Syndras into the trap, wishing to achieve a certain goal… Klein looked at the street lamps under the night sky as he sighed poignantly.

Based on my assumption, if I hadn’t discovered the problem tonight and hadn’t sent someone to Syndras, the subsequent developments would definitely have me crushed by all kinds of seemingly incriminating evidence. And when the military or the Church of Evernight intervenes, there will undoubtedly be a twist in the evidence, incriminating Syndras.

During this process, just a tiny misjudgment on Syndras’s part will result in him treating Dwayne Dantès as an accomplice of the mastermind behind this ploy. He would use a rather intense method in response, hammering the final nail in my coffin.

As for who the mastermind was and their true goals, Klein had no idea. All he could do was confirm that Ma’am Mary likely wasn’t aware of the truth. She was only used due to her anxiousness to preserve her control over the Coim Company. In short, she wasn’t qualified to be deeply involved in the mastermind’s ploy.

Environment protection… New Party… Conservative Party… Bankers… Acquisition… Framing… One word after another surfaced in Klein’s mind, seemingly allowing him to see through the present calm in Backlund. He saw the dangerous stirrings that were hidden beneath the surface.

They existed for a long time and hadn’t been quelled because of the Great Smog. It was even possible that it was just an extension of the tragedy.

When all of these meshed together, mixed with the tense international environment, Klein suddenly thought of a word: “Revolution!”

In that second, Klein seemed to catch a whiff of the impending storm.

Together with the prophecy of the apocalypse, I wonder how much chaos and madness are brewing in secret… Currently, my main goal is to start from the military and investigate the truth behind the Great Smog of Backlund. If I were to get caught up in this maelstrom, there’s a high chance I’ll get involved in unnecessary trouble. Perhaps it might expose my Sequence powers, preventing me from continuing my act as Dwayne Dantès… Klein retracted his gaze, having made up his decision.

It was to quickly extricate himself from the matter!

As for Syndras’s safety, he wasn’t too worried. First, the former had the Conservative Party backing him, and he had his own faction. With him on alert, it would be difficult for him to suffer any further harm. Second, Klein didn’t have any deep ties with him; thus, providing a warning had already spoken volumes of his character.

As for the truth behind Cuarón’s death, he had no right to carry out any investigations. All he could do was trust in the Nighthawks’ rich experience and the myriad of means to have a chance of finding the real clues.

the shares are with me, it implies that I’ll ultimately remain center stage… Get Ma’am Mary to acquire it ahead of time? That will be very difficult. She likely doesn’t have the funds… Sell it to Syndras? That will be in violation of the contract… Amidst Klein’s flurry of thoughts, he

reason before they relaxed. This was because what he wanted to do was something he had planned on doing but lacked the ability to do so. Furthermore, it would also benefit him by establishing an

observing the streets and garden. One of them was looking at the crimson moon that was half-hidden behind the thick clouds. There was a

when Dwayne Dantès’s lights were extinguished did Fors turn to look at her friend. She said in excitement and clear

might’ve gone bankrupt in three days and be

glance and said, “I can hire a powerful

I were you, I would change all of

that, she saw Xio frown

Fors tensed

perception tells me that an item or matter related to black

when they were close enough, they could sense matters related to evil,

was considered a senior Beyonder, so she wasn’t unfamiliar with

speaking, anything that didn’t pass through the seven orthodox deities was considered as black magic. It

and all kinds of strange items to cast strange spells. It partially involved evil gods, one’s Beyonder powers, the

I plan

silent for two seconds and


took out Leymano’s Travels from a hidden

arrived at the first floor. Following her

inside, Xio was

remember wrongly, this room likely

magic item or matter which triggered her spiritual perception vanished. Calm returned to the room as though nothing abnormal had

her ear to the door and carefully listened,

wasn’t doing anything else, she returned to the third floor with a look of suspicion. She recounted her findings to her friend and finally said, “Do we feign ignorance, or think of a way to remind Mr.

thought and said, “Perhaps the butler doesn’t have

“Let’s keep observing.”

their stance,

nearly throwing him into jail and losing his reputation, but he also has a butler who researches

Xio nodded in agreement.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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