Upon hearing Miss Justice’s greeting, The Fool Klein suddenly had a strong wistful feeling.

After knowing her identity, status, looks, and situation, he had a deeper understanding as to why Audrey’s tone had a happy and radiant air. He understood where they essentially came from, but he didn’t end up envious or jealous because of that, nor did he believe that she lacked the toughness that was brought about by misery. Instead, he felt that in this world that had chaos, warped, and madness underlying it, having such a lady exist was really nice.

A smile surfaced on his face as he gently nodded as an acknowledgment of Miss Justice’s greeting.

After the Tarot Club members exchanged greetings, Cattleya nudged her glasses and turned her body sideways. She bowed in the direction of the blurry figure that was enveloped by gray fog at the end of the long bronze table.

“Honorable Mr. Fool, there are three diary pages this time.”

Queen Mystic has finally come online again… Klein lampooned and said with a smile, “Very good.”

A few seconds later, Cattleya conjured the diary pages after receiving approval before seeing them “leap” into Mr. Fool’s hands.

Klein glanced at it casually when his heart skipped a beat.

He realized that the diary pages provided by Queen Mystic depicted Emperor Roselle’s early days. It didn’t seem to contain anything important.

Logically speaking, when being unable to distinguish the importance of entries, one will definitely prioritize the later diary entries. This would best restore the mystery as to why Emperor Roselle was “agitated”… I believe Queen Mystic is sufficiently clever… As Klein wondered to himself inwardly, he began seriously reading the first page.

“21st September. Arrived at St. Millom. I’ve officially begun my first state visit.

“Feysac’s weather is really a little cold. It’s not even October and it looks like it’s about to snow. It’s no wonder it’s famous for its various coats and winter wear. As well as its liquor!

“F*ck, the people here are ridiculously tall. As expected of a country that descended from giants. However, I have to say that I hate it when people look down on me!

“Tonight, I’ll be going to a bar to find a Feysac beauty to share some drinks!”

Upon reading this, Klein suddenly suspected if Queen Mystic Bernadette’s question was if she had a brother of Feysac descent.

Holding back his tsking inwardly, Klein swept his gaze to the second diary entry.

“22nd September. I think I blacked out…

“What happened last night? What happened to my Feysac beauty? I actually lost out to her in drinking!

“The embassy staff told me that the women here are often better at drinking than men…

should show some temperance when I head to bars in the future. I sure don’t want some ugly, middle-aged woman to do unspeakable things to

an entire day. Thankfully, my stomach doesn’t hurt. I should sleep

Great Twilight Hall is indeed grand. It’s like a myth materializing into reality. That

The square at the bottom of the Great Twilight Hall is also filled with

there, some kneeling, some sitting, others playing musical instruments.

got to know a Feysacian who blows a bone flute. Compared

name is Honegger, and he claims to be from one of the clans in Feysac that have the purest giant bloodline. The way he plays the bone flute looks very sorrowful, as though he doesn’t belong here but has no idea where to go to. Compared to the skirt chasers at Intis, he’s a lot more like a poet. Now that I mention it, I really can’t help but give some criticism. Those guys seem to

with Honegger for a while and raised my question from before. He said that he’s only

that he’s a true blue native from St. Millom. He has never left

few more minutes. He later told me that

as giant city walls. It’s a palace forever bathed in twilight’s glow, with tall towers and other

and his clansmen believe that it’s the

thanked me for listening. He was going to

front of the Sonia Sea, there might be a path that leads to the Giant King’s

it’s his turn to follow the footsteps of his ancestors. This path would never

and gradually left amidst


Upon reading this, Klein felt for the first time that his feelings resonated

wrote the word that seemed to repeat without describing his feelings, Klein could understand the undulating feelings within the emperor. This was because he and

Klein flipped to the second diary


Elf Island. It has plenty of elvish ruins


“They even invented chopsticks?

on the murals, apart from their blue hair, their facial contours and eyes are similar to

well. However, it’s impossible for so many people to transmigrate at once since it’s almost an entire race. I felt that I was overthinking matters… But it doesn’t make

busy searching for writings, relics, and folk tales that I forgot

have been taken away by the

that Elf King Soniathrym created chopsticks. There are records of ‘Him’ using animal organs and blood to cook delicacies. There are stories of this ancient god being good at identifying and using

be that this is a fellow

There’s nothing ancient gods can’t do,

also an elf. Hmm… I’ll

further investigation, elves might really have nothing to do with transmigrators. At the very least, they didn’t leave behind any Chinese, English, or other

all the time. Nothing of it gives

appear before I came. Likewise for famous quotes. There are only proverbs and idioms with similar meanings but with a completely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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