7 Pinster Street. Leonard Mitchell came to his desk and unfolded a piece of paper.

He then picked up a fountain pen and lowered his wrist in preparation to write.

However, just as he dipped a dark blue spot onto the paper, his fountain pen paused. He attempted to move his wrist in order to write a few times, but all his attempts ended up stopping due to hesitation.

He raised his wrist, lowered the fountain pen, and repeated this action again and again. Finally, he froze his wrist in midair.

Pa! Leonard threw down his fountain pen, crumpled the piece of paper, and accurately threw it into the trash can.

At 160 Böklund Street, Klein received a thin letter from one of Miss Messenger Reinette Tinekerr’s heads.

He felt the weight in his hands and only when his spiritual intuition didn’t send him any warnings did he tear it open and retrieve the letter inside.

There was only one page, and on it were two lines of text written in neat, beautiful handwriting:

“I have something that will require your help. Let’s discuss it in detail, face-to-face.


So it’s Miss Sharron… Klein had his questions answered as he took out a gold coin and did a simple divination in front of Reinette Tinekerr. Then, he took out another piece of paper and wrote one word:


After he folded the letter, he asked Miss Messenger as he handed it to her, “Can you still locate her?”

If it wasn’t possible, he planned on giving her Sharron’s mailing address.

Hillston Borough, 126 Garde Street, Ma’am Maryam.

“Yes…” One of Reinette Tinekerr’s blonde, red-eyed heads gave an answer.

The head then opened its mouth and bit down on the letter.

After Miss Messenger vanished from the room, Klein immediately held a ritual, planning to bring Creeping Hunger back to the real world from above the gray fog. He then planned on Traveling to the various archipelagos in search of a lucky pirate.

Creeping Hunger hadn’t been sealed yet, so it still required feeding once a day. All Klein could do was barely use it, feeding it whenever he needed to use it. He would then throw it back above the gray fog when the next feeding time was at hand. He wasn’t planning on making up for the difference.

If Creeping Hunger dares to make a fuss about it, I’ll feed it mushrooms! After ending the ritual and clearing up the scene, Klein wore the thin human-skinned glove, turning his body translucent until he vanished from his spot.

had his dinner, and after waiting for Creeping Hunger to finish its howling above the gray fog, Klein went to retrieve it by using the excuse of having an upset stomach to enter the bathroom. He then used this opportunity to Teleport to the

his appearance, turning into the black-haired, mustached, and bespectacled detective,

pant legs, Klein gave a self-deprecating laugh. He lowered his hat and nudged open the heavy wooden

a cup of Southville beer and went to Billiard Room 3

knock, the door creaked open a

Ian peeped his head out

come on

wore his old coat. Instead, he wore

with a smile and quickly entered the billiard room where he took in the surroundings almost

a little messy, was wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black pants. He

deep impression of causing chaos for Sherlock Moriarty, he didn’t

see,” Klein greeted

black bonnet and black, regal gown,

Klein moved his gaze over and bowed with

float up as she stood up before raising the hem of her skirt to do a slight bow as a polite response. As for Maric, he lowered his cue stick and said in a gruff voice, “From the looks of

look in his brown eyes had lessened

apparent that his acquisition of the Scarlet Lunar Corona prevented him from almost breaking down on every full moon, so

didn’t directly answer Maric. Instead, he walked to the billiard table and put down his beer. Smiling, he said, “I’m very sorry. I was planning to sell a Wraith Beyonder characteristic to you,

for a reason. All she

And he was also Sherlock Moriarty’s marionette. By losing the Wraith Beyonder characteristic, it also meant the loss or destruction of his marionette. This was a significant loss for

least I didn’t suffer any harm,” Klein said with

didn’t see Senor this time…”

lack of that Wraith Beyonder characteristic… They have other means or methods to acquire one? Klein

glanced at Ian. The staid teenager didn’t ask further as he

doll-like face didn’t show any emotion as she

arriving in Pritz Harbor. It is intimately tied to the

Highlands, Paz Valley, and Haagenti Plains. Among them is a mummy. It’s the 19th king of the ancient Haagenti

ancient Feysacian. It had its own structure. In the ancient highlander language, ‘King’ also has the special term, ‘Kadiev.’ It was translated by Emperor Roselle as Pharaoh. It’s a mystery what he was thinking. Also, ‘Mummy’ was named by him too. In short,

was once a High-Sequence Beyonder. However; after his death, the corresponding characteristic was taken away, leaving only his corpse behind to be made into a

a material filled with spirituality, an excellent choice for creating a zombie. But to us, it has another meaning, a very important meaning. Our goal this

corpse of a High-Sequence Beyonder without any Beyonder characteristic. Apart from using it as a material, there’s another meaning to it?

the evil spirit, it was evident that she didn’t possess the Puppet potion formula. Yes, everyone has their own circles. It’s not strange for her to be able to obtain it… Klein

Sherlock Moriarty and Maric intently, listening into

protection can’t be too high. Just the two of you shouldn’t find it difficult to

up any effective resistance if her target was solely a mummy. After all, there were too many items the Beyonder guards had to look out for. Furthermore, they might be scattered in different cabins due

turn to provide the explanation. She used her succinct manner of speech

Rose School of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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