After hearing Sherlock Moriarty’s plan, Sharron didn’t say anything apart from nod her head once in agreement.

Klein immediately took out a steel-gray metal mask and wore it, only revealing his eyes and nostrils.

Similarly, Sharron and Maric wore similar masks as well.

However, they had different reasons for the disguise. For the Wraith and Zombie, it was solely to prevent themselves from being recognized by the Loen military; thus, curtailing their ability to be active in Backlund. As for a Faceless, the act of wearing a mask hid his pathway’s trait of being able to change appearances. It was a form of misdirection for the Loen military’s and Rose School of Thought’s subsequent investigations. After all, they would follow normal logic. Since your face was fake to begin with, why would you do the unnecessary act of wearing a mask?

After waiting for a while, a dull whistle sounded as a ship cruised into the port in the darkness.

Klein returned to the vent, raised the telescope, and cast his gaze at the heavily guarded harbor.

He soon saw a hybrid sailboat with a chimney slowing down as it docked. Meanwhile, two squads of soldiers in red tops and white pants ran over in an orderly fashion with rifles in hand before standing on two sides of a path.

Before long, a gangway was lowered, and people from the ship began alighting.

First were sailors carrying wooden crates. Following that, it was a young man dressed in a major’s uniform. He held a small casket made of crystal with a heavy expression. Surrounding him were several members of the ship’s crew.

The crew were holding lanterns, illuminating the casket from various angles; thus, accentuating what was inside.

In it was a human skull without any flesh and blood left. It had a strange luster swirling under the light!

The group of people moved at a rather slow speed, as though they were constantly taking note of the angles of illumination to not leave any dark spots.

After they got off the ship, they followed the path to the nearest cargo rail where a steam locomotive was waiting there like a giant serpent. In the cabin behind, a man in a black formal suit walked out.

He was carrying a huge iron bucket, and diagonally above, one could see that it contained layers of ice blocks.

For a second, Klein nearly imagined that there was a bottle of wine inside the ice blocks, just like how alcohol was presented amongst high society and high-end restaurants. However, he soon saw what was embedded in the ice.

It was a hand made purely out of gold!

Unlike the group of people, the man carrying the bucket moved very quickly. Beads of perspiration kept dripping from his forehead as the contact between his palms and the metal surface produced mist.

He seemed to be worried that the ice would completely melt before he arrived at his destination.

The military managed to plunder quite a number of Sealed Artifacts at the Star Highlands, Paz Valley, and Haagenti Plains… Klein sighed poignantly as he patiently waited for Tutanssess II’s sarcophagus to appear.

Another ten plus minutes passed when, situated in the distance, Klein, Sharron, and Maric heard heavy footsteps.

It was like a giant walking over a hollow deck.

black full-body armor carried

surface was engraved with symbols like strange birds, serpents, feathers, and masks. It appeared ancient and mysterious, with the

lowering the steel cables and hook down. People began securing them against the corners of Tutanssess II’s

began operating as the heavy sarcophagus was hung up, moving towards

had the pressure on them relieved as they sat on the deck, letting out heavy

one of the “knights”

out in increasing amounts. Towards the end, tiny black armored worms began


flesh and a head whose eye sockets were

itself… Even when wearing armor with augmented blessings, it’s unable to completely avoid being cursed… Klein sighed silently as he cast his gaze to the golden sarcophagus

the carriage were four “knights” in the same outfits

approached the carriage in preparation to

wheels of the carriage suddenly begun spinning as it maintained its balance and began

moment, it seemed to

tensed up as his gaze

logs, and steps on an irregular path. The carriage without any horses dragged the golden

scene as described in a

with a chimney, cannon, and machine gun turned around as a deep voice was heard from the inside without any

“Possession is prohibited here.”

by itself lost its drive. After drawing out two

in midair. He had pale-yellow curled hair, with his eye sockets clearly recessed. His face was thin to

a middle-aged man with mixed heritage from the Southern and Northern Continent. His brown eyes had irrepressible maleficence and madness.

description of the characteristics and portrait, Klein instantly recognized him to be an important member of the Rose School of Thought, one of the leaders of the Highland’s rebel army, Mahmosi,

as Mahmosi appeared, he cast his gaze to the steel monster that had issued the command. He completely ignored the Tutanssess II sarcophagus that was

apparently to determine the location of the Loen

Mahmosi raised his right hand and pulled at the corner of his

golden nails that pierced through his lips shot out

Mahmosi opened his

steam chariot seemed to warp like it was

glazed eyes

sound, blood spewed out of the goat’s abdomen as a blob of flesh rolled out. Embedded in it

through all the chaos and evilness. The squirming flesh and blood began

a black-haired, golden-eyed

and cannons that were aiming at him to rise

took out

and specks of blood. Its eyes

the demigod from the Loen military. Its eye

the ring on his right hand emit a crystalline beam of

the doll’s transformation didn’t stop

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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