After some consideration, Klein, who already had such a plan, smoothly cleared up his thoughts and decided on his plan of action.

Pa! He flicked the piece of paper in his right hand, looking up from the soaring scarlet flames at Reinette Tinekerr. He planned on taking out a Loen gold coin to provide payment.

However, Miss Messenger had already left. There was no one in front of him.

Not collecting payment? Klein was first taken aback before he made the connection. He suspected that Reinette Tinekerr had proactively asked for payment after being used to collecting gold coins from non-contractees.

Perhaps Miss Messenger didn’t say anything, she just stared at Leonard with those eight eyes on the four heads of hers while waiting for him to pay the gold coin. Yet, this fellow didn’t realize it at all, trying to forcefully end the summon, only to have his neck snapped… Klein hissed in alarm as he used the gold coin he had just taken out to do the divination. He received the result that Leonard Miss Messenger was still alive and doing fine.

He breathed a sigh of relief, put away the gold coin, and called out, “Richardson.”

The half-opened room’s door opened without a sound as Richardson walked in and politely asked, “Sir, how may I be of service?”

“Please bring the butler here.” As Klein instructed, he sighed inwardly. He had really been spoiled by the luxurious life. Even when getting someone at home, he wouldn’t take even half a step. He had to do it through his valet.

Well, this is an acting requirement… he said silently to himself.

Minutes later, the white-gloved Walter came to the third floor and let his arms hang to his side. He stood in a standard posture to the side of Dwayne Dantès, awaiting his employer’s instructions.

Klein had already considered his words, so he unhurriedly said, “Go to Member of Parliament Macht’s place to inform him that I’ve prepared the first installment.

“Also, prepare a carriage. I will be heading to the bursary foundation in the morning and will return in the afternoon.

“If Member of Parliament Macht doesn’t have time for me in the afternoon, head over to Dr. Aaron’s place, saying that I’ll pay a visit in the afternoon.”

Klein had already taken out 10,000 pounds from above the gray fog and had stored it in a tiny leather briefcase. He was waiting for the opportune time to complete the preparation work of the arms deal transaction.

And to air the cash of the gray fog’s smell, he had deliberately Teleported to the sea, feeding Creeping Hunger in passing. He was afraid that Amon, who also knew of the gray fog’s existence, would detect the special smell while being in the same city; thus, seeking out the location of the treasure he was yearning for.

“Alright, Sir.” Walter didn’t ask his employer how he had gathered the first installment. If memory served him right, Dwayne Dantès hadn’t been to the bank recently.

Of course, this wasn’t something to be bothered with. Often, foreigners, especially tycoons from Desi or Midseashire, would prepare briefcases filled with large sums of money ahead of time.

22 Phelps Street, Loen Charity Bursary Foundation headquarters.

went straight to the second floor where he

director who occasionally participated in certain work, he didn’t have an office here, but he could use

and held it to his mouth, deliberately coughing before stepping

he stood up again and said to Richardson who was waiting beside him,

stepped out of the room and happened to meet Justice Audrey walking out of her

was wearing a rather simple dress today. It was white adorned with dark green. Her sleeves


morning, Miss Audrey.” Klein wore a look of pleasant

the good-looking Dwayne Dantès with gray sideburns and replied with a smile, “Good morning,

for not being to the bursary foundation ever since the opening ceremony. But considering how their relationship was that of

rubbed his temples and shook

very sorry that I’m only

busier in time to come. I might

lady could help him watch the bursary foundation and allow it to be operated smoothly. To Klein, he wished from the bottom of his

in Dwayne Dantès’s words

laughed and replied,

that instant, the first thought that came to Audrey’s mind was: Which Sequence

Klein added, “It’s a partnership with

military? Audrey was somewhat enlightened as she raised her right hand and gestured four times in a clockwise fashion. She said with a bright smile, “May the Goddess bless you so that everything goes

habitually saying that, she sensed that there was something discordant about that. She had wished that the Goddess would bless a Blessed of Mr.

right… Will Mr. Gehrman Sparrow be angry? No, he’s actually a kindhearted person deep down. And I did it without any malicious intent… The one who returns from the Southern Continent is probably another Blessed who’s playing Dwayne Dantès, right? Will

smile as he equally drew the crimson moon on his chest

the Goddess bless

“She” doesn’t smite us

he spoke as though it was a casual chat, “Have you been

this was mentioned, Audrey’s expression seemed to radiate. She was proud and happy that she had finally done

some strength, her

To save money, they bring their own

Dantès and said, somewhat embarrassed, “I know that they’re temporarily not bringing me along

I can imagine things just like those workers who can only live for a few years once they start

had once told her. It was the first time she knew of the real situation of the lower class of Backlund, but having not seen them with her own eyes, all she could do was rely on her

and said, “Perhaps it’s worse than you

showcase your ability and win their

Audrey nodded, as though in thought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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