In just a blink of an eye, Colin Iliad had transformed into a four-meter-tall giant. His skin was bluish-black and muscular. Every inch of his skin, pores, and flesh seemed to violate the normal confines of a human body. It was a unique combination that possessed an unimaginable shock factor.

This wasn’t something that could be described superficially or in dimensions, as apart from quantitative terms like length, breadth, height, there was information, strength, and spirituality as measurement quantities. They were directly presented and seemed to be rich with complicated mystical patterns, symbols, and labels. But in fact, there wasn’t any change. The former was just a partial image that humans received due to them lacking the ability to sense and discern him. But even so, to face such a creature directly, humans without any godhood would still be corrupted by the spirituality, having their minds thrashed. A common outcome would either be death on the spot or going completely mad.

And it was precisely due to this fact that this creature was known in mysticism as: Mythical Creature!

However, at that moment, Colin Iliad’s head didn’t experience any obvious changes. All it did was swell up significantly, and the area from his forehead to nose cracked open with a black vertical eye-like rift.

Before reaching Sequence 2, the Mythical Creature form of a demigod was incomplete!

Faced with a powerhouse of this level, the advantages and disadvantages of taking such a form was obvious. On the one hand, this enhanced one’s strength and level significantly. On the other hand, it would result in intense madness and provide strong inclinations towards losing control. It was a nontrivial test of one’s rationality. It wasn’t something those with insufficient willpower could withstand.

Therefore, most saints would consider transforming into an incomplete Mythical Creature only if they were forced into a corner. And it wouldn’t just be the transformation of a particular part of their bodies. To them, such an action was an attempt at dancing on the edge of a knife. It easily led to a loss of control; therefore, caution was imperative.

Most of the time, there were two extremes. One extreme was the minority who indulged in their desires and expressed their evil side fully. The other was the kind who had extremely strong willpower and a resilient mind. Once the former produced the Mythical Creature form, it was equivalent to them losing control with no way of transforming back. The latter could use their Mythical Creature form as a rather normal battle tactic, without the fear of losing control and the threat of madness. Of course, something rather normal wasn’t normal. It still wasn’t something that could be used frequently. This was because, for people who danced at the edge of the abyss, they would only deepen the erosion on them with each attempt. It wasn’t something that could be completely avoided just because they could handle the negative effects.

Among the City of Silver’s six-member council, Chief Colin Iliad was one of the few who could control his Mythical Creature form as a Demon Hunter.

He held the two swords that were slathered with different ointments. Just taking a step forward with his right foot sent the land shaking as he leaped up towards the top of the altar. He then pounced towards the former Chief whose body was covered in white feathers.

His giant-like body’s interior and exterior produced dawnlike light that scattered the surrounding darkness, purifying the harrowing creatures that were in the illusionary river behind them.

At the same time, Waite Chirmont kept drawing his Dragon Slaying Bow, strafing around the former Chief that had transformed into an unknown monster with blinding silver lightning arrows.

Lovia had already closed her eyes. The five-meter-tall silver-armored knight behind her had phased away. Dragging the illusory greatsword, it charged straight at the altar, producing cracks that overflowed with silver light.

In addition to that, at the Shepherd Elder’s feet, the shadows that curled into a bundle suddenly began squirming as though they had come to life.

It quickly left Lovia, and amidst the environment intermixing with darkness and the dawn, it followed the eeriness and quickly headed for the iron-black coffin above the altar.

However, its target didn’t seem to be the mutated former Chief, but the thin illusory black tubes that were stabbed into his body while extending into infinity!

heard the loud sounds of waves crashing. He heard the prostitutes on the streets screaming in horror without any

together as waves swarmed the area beyond Poto Harbor. A black hurricane extended from the surface of the sea to the

a door that led to

had turned translucent. Skulls with open mouths, vines with baby faces, bloody arms, and strange slimy tentacles with teeth were slamming at the

made many pirates tremble in the knees as they didn’t dare stay on the

from time to time. Coming close to the ears of different targets, they attempted

the hell known as the Underworld. It was eerie, dark, chaotic, and

frowned slightly, having had a

when he made a divination above the gray fog, it angered the object deep in the gloomy mausoleum. It then

then. Of course, this might not be at odds with the product of the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death Project. The two might be fused together… Klein retracted his gaze and

that was gradually

of the Berserk Sea. I

calmed down. The arms, vines, and tentacles that attempted to grab at something were either vaporized or had no choice but

in cracks. There were

wasn’t shorter than him onto the collapsed altar. Waite Chirmont’s Dragon Slaying Bow had already condensed a silver arrow of light that was filled with a wrathful aura, aiming it at the head of the former Chief which only had tiny pieces

shadow that Lovia had produced had successfully arrived at the altar under the silver knight’s cover. While the other two Elders

the shadow’s color darkened. The blackness seemed to embody the most corrupt

this moment, a deep voice resounded around the


of the shadow instantly darkened before realizing

his eyes

like the first sliver of light

of the City of Silver’s spire to produce an even

midair, they fell back down, landing upon Colin Iliad’s massive body. The

turned back to glance at Lovia without a word

remnant beam straight into the former Chief’s

with her eyes closed without showing any signs of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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