Glancing at Danitz’s expression, Anderson continued as though he didn’t notice a thing.

“However, their brains appear to have been eaten by zombies. They were fervent to the point of stupidity. They didn’t adhere to my sense of aesthetics. So after cheating them of their things, I quit.

“Eh, why’s your face a little pale. You’re even sweating. Did you get heatstroke? As a hunter, shouldn’t adapting to the environment be an intrinsic ability?”

Danitz lifted his right hand and wiped his sweat. Cursing inwardly, he forced a smile and said, “I’ve heard that once someone believes in an evil god, it’s almost impossible to escape the faith.”

As he spoke, he raised his chin slightly, wearing a look as though he was musing over the circumstances of his future death. It didn’t cross his mind that Gehrman Sparrow had just offended the Aurora Order and was being targeted by the True Creator’s believers. He also didn’t make the connection that he was believing in a suspected evil god, The Fool.

“Well said,” Anderson replied with a smile that didn’t have the slightest hint of gloom. “It’s not like I have any true faith. Back then, the incantations I said were lines I modified from the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Since they don’t really enjoy using their brains, no—they don’t even have that. As long as you superficially appear devout, any random excuse can be used to fool them.”

Without waiting for Danitz to develop the discussion further, he asked, “Why are you suddenly asking about the Aurora Order?”

Danitz bit down on his roasted meat and slowly chewed and swallowed. After a deliberate pause of twenty to thirty seconds, he said, “I just recalled something. For some reason, Gehrman Sparrow has been identified by the Aurora Order as a high-priority elimination target. Oh right, there’s also the Numinous Episcopate. And both you and me are known to have relations with him.”

“You want me to be careful against the Aurora Order and the Numinous Episcopate?” Anderson nodded in enlightenment as he chuckled. “You’ve recently mentioned something similar. Rose School of Thought, Church of Storms, Loen military… Man, at times, I even feel that Gehrman Sparrow is more suited to being a hunter than me.”

Danitz could hardly retort as he nodded heavily in agreement.

Anderson thought for a moment when he suddenly changed topics out of the blue:

“What do you plan on doing here in West Balam? Helping Gehrman Sparrow with something?”

Upon hearing this question, Danitz fell silent for a second. He put down the item in his hand and tidied his clothes in an unhurried manner.

“Investigate the faith of the different classes of West Balam.”

This was determined after his discussion with Vice Admiral Iceberg Edwina. In common parlance, it meant: Investigating the developments of the various secret organizations and factions in West Balam.

Of course, this included some preliminary contact with the local ruling forces, and to figure out if they had any desire to purchase firearms.

“Investigate the faith of the different classes of West Balam…” Anderson repeated Danitz’s words as he reflectively raised his right hand to rub his temples as though he had a headache.

the best choice being seeking the Moses Ascetic Order’s help, Klein busily

pipe as he read the papers. Then, he saw Miss Messenger walk out of the void to deliver

out to receive it and noticed that Reinette Tinekerr didn’t stay at all. She had rapidly returned to the

had already paid the mailing fee; hence, he took out his other hand and unfolded the

Zangwill has appeared in East Balam. He’s suspected to have met with Palenque Taciblius from the Numinous Episcopate’s

as he slowly leaned back

some investigations in secret to figure out Ince Zangwill’s

its directions without even realizing it… Under such

hoping to find more

Death… Palenque Taciblius… Why is Ince Zangwill looking for them for? Trying to

Artificial Death… Artificial Death…

suddenly recalled that there was a matter

had preliminary gained control of the Death pathway’s Uniqueness—in other words, Artificial

After the authority was fully transferred and seized, they were bound to suffer a purge before slowly merging with the Church of Evernight. Or they might continue their work, making contact with the other Numinous Episcopate factions and other secret factions while

anything of importance. What was important was, that in

to the Uniqueness daily, as though it was a true deity. It was

was only one part

possible that when Palenque Taciblius prayed to Artificial Death, he had mentioned Ince Zangwill’s motives and had

that Artificial Death has already been controlled by the Evernight Goddess. Although it hasn’t become part of “Her” manifestation, it has already lost its

the Goddess might allow one to obtain Ince Zangwill’s motives… That’s quite possible! The more Klein thought about it, the more


was because the enemy’s “leader” was

Klein slowly got up and paced about, considering if

Zangwill is a traitor of the Church. He’s an insult to all Nighthawks. If there’s a chance to wipe him out, the Goddess should be very

Death’s authority. “She” will not be able to provide answers for a long

Goddess… On second thoughts, directly praying to “Her” to obtain a revelation might not be too good. I hope

letting his thoughts wander in a bid to find a

a more ridiculous

pray to Artificial

danger. This was because Artificial Death wasn’t able to respond to prayers and rituals. If there was any feedback, it meant that it was essentially controlled by the Evernight Goddess. On the other hand, Klein had the feather produced and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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