Chapter 933 Evil Spirits’ Common Trait

After a while, Leonard cleared his throat and wore a smile without realizing it. He said with a suppressed voice, “Old Man, Klein’s… This suggestion seems pretty good. It’s very… very viable. The effects should be quite substantial. Why don’t you consider it?

“Didn’t you mention that you would do your best to help me exact revenge?

“Haha, I thought Worms of Time could only be used for avatars and act as support…”

He subconsciously droned on while Pallez Zoroast remained silent the entire time. Only after a while did he sigh lightly and say, “I can only give you a maximum of two Worms of Time.”

Without waiting for Leonard to say a word, he added, “To exact revenge on a demigod who wields a Grade o Sealed Artifact, the most important thing is still your own level and strength. Otherwise, you won’t have a chance of using it even if you have a high-level charm.”

Leonard wiped away his smile and nodded seriously.

“I’ll do my best digesting my potion.

“If you finish digesting it and fail to accumulate enough contribution points, I’ll help you seek out the Beyonder ingredients needed for Spirit Warlock.”

As for only having two Worms of Time, he wasn’t disappointed at all. It was already a bonus. Just getting one was a great boon. Having two meant that he and Klein could split it, each of them having one Fate Siphon charm.

After expressing his attitude, he asked in puzzlement, “Old Man, do you think Klein has already used the previous Worm of Time as a charm?”

He remembered very clearly that, back when they were figuring out who Emlyn White was supporting, Old Man had parasitized Tinder with a Worm of Time. Later, it lost contact and failed to be of any use. Now, on retrospection, just Emlyn White’s and Sherlock Moriarty’s close relationship made it easy for him to figure out the truth. The Worm of Time had been eliminated by the upper echelons of the secret organization or even The Fool “Himself.” Furthermore, there was a high chance that it had been bestowed to Klein. Otherwise, his former colleague wouldn’t have known of the existence of the Worm of Time.

Pallez Zoroast immediately scoffed.

“If he hasn’t already used it and seen its effects, why would he raise the issue and ask for more?

“Alright. I need to separate the Worms of Time. This will make me fall asleep for at least two weeks. If you have any questions, find someone to answer them by yourself.”

With that said, not giving Leonard a chance to raise further questions, “He” scattered his spirituality and created a blob of light that hung “high” inside Leonard’s mind as though “He” didn’t wish to speak.

chuckle dryly. He focused his attention back onto the letter from Klein Moretti

spirit… The origins and primary goals of

know much about evil spirits.

the room which the local Nighthawks had assigned him at the

eyeshadow and blush, opened the door and pricked

Sleepless have the courage to knock on a lady’s door at a time highly associated

questions I’d like to consult you about.” Leonard obviously didn’t dare respond to Daly’s comment as

sized him up

not responsible for counseling

and allowed Leonard to

he casually pulled a round

like to know more

the Death pathway. You have higher clearance than me. You should know quite a

me this?” Daly propped herself with her hands on the edge of the table behind

for him to reply, she continued, “Most evil spirits are the result of dead High-Sequence Beyonders. A small number of them are wraiths who break through

mutation. It would be a mutation at their core. This allows their Soul Body to remain even in death or when their powers are dispersed. There will be a certain level of divinity to it, making them rather terrifying.

with the passage of time until they completely dissipate. However, they can also assimilate into the region where they were born, making the spirit world and even the Underworld fuse with it.

It’s not that they do not wish to leave, but they can’t. The only exception is when they accumulate sufficient power, allowing

his left and pressed in thought, “Can evil spirits leave their

unable to last long.” As Daly spoke, she raised her hand to point at herself. “The best method is to rely on Beyonders of the Death pathway. Of course, it has to be at least a Sequence 5, because from Gatekeeper, we will have our own dead spirit prison in our bodies. It can be called a miniature Underworld. It can provide an evil spirit with an adequate environment for their existence. Once you become a Spirit Warlock, you will also have similar powers. However, it will be more about sealing and sleeping than an internal Underworld. Heh heh, those natural spirits and wraiths are truly troublesome when they

time. Or could it be that he failed at an attempt to enslave an evil spirit?

deliberated for a few seconds before asking, “What sort of needs does

Women? The Sea of Stars?” Daly returned with a

that his usage of words was problematic as

mean, what desires will an evil

it was alive. Typically speaking, the remnant spirit will inherit the original obsessions, without being able to balance it rationally. If it were you, that evil spirit might attempt to write poems, imprison a group of spectators, and seek acknowledgment. Or it

are they?” Leonard turned

glance at him and said, “First, it’s to feed on the souls of living creatures. This can pleasure them, an innate pleasure that stems from the need to maintain their existence. In addition, a large number of souls will allow them to escape the restrictions

from their pathway while they were alive. Through this, they could create another foundation. At a certain stage, the evil spirit would no longer need to draw on the powers of the spirit world and Underworld. They would no longer be restricted by their territories or active range.

realize something as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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