Chapter 938 Writing

Above the endless gray fog, in the magnificent and ancient palace.

The warped picture of the Lord of Storms, one that’s suspected to be left behind by a Rose Redemption member… Hmm, Red Angel Medici is one of the founders of Rose Redemption… Klein sat in the high-back chair belonging to The Fool as he silently looked at the crimson star representing The Hanged Man.

Using his feedback, he had basically confirmed that the one possessing Ince Zangwill was the Red Angel evil spirit!

In the eternal silence, Klein silently sat at the seat of honor of the mottled table as though he had become a deity’s statue.

After an unknown period of time, he nodded indiscernibly and slowly exhaled.

His figure vanished and returned to the real world. He continued his nap without thinking of any plans or considering anything related to Ince Zangwill.

He slept till the next morning and got out of bed. He repeated his habits over the past few days, walking to the window barefooted and drawing the windows.

On the streets outside the hotel, Danitz, who had dressed up like a West Balam native with an extra hooded cloak, held his iron-black boxing glove close to his chest before rushing to the square on his right. Based on his previous report, Klein knew that he was meeting one of the local ruling factions today to understand their stance on the arms deal.

Anderson didn’t follow. He had ruffled his parted short blond hair in a mess as he leisurely strolled around the perimeter of the square, sat down, and wore a funny-looking puppet over his left black-gloved hand and began putting on a ventriloquist act for the people who walked by.

The man and puppet each had different voices as they mocked each other with witty remarks. It was quite good at attracting attention.

The only problem was that it was done in the Intis language and not Dutanese. Few people understood it, so after standing around to watch for a moment, they walked off.

Klein focused on the Fog Sea’s Strongest Hunter with the same expression as before. His eyes betrayed how deep in thought he was.

East Balam, in the temporary office for Soest’s Red Gloves.

Cindy, who had long, wine-red hair, walked in with a few telegrams as she said excitedly, “New clues!”

“What clues?” Soest put down the white porcelain coffee mug in his hand as Leonard and Daly cast their gazes to the door.

As Cindy handed the telegram to her captain, she said, “Emperor Roselle’s quote ‘wherever he steps, whatever he touches, whatever he leaves, even unconsciously, will serve as a silent witness against him,’ really makes sense. We’ve found people witnessing Ince Zangwill in several places, forming a complete trajectory. “From this, we’ve realized that Ince Zangwill’s thoughts seem to be contradictory. He often approaches the colonies of Intis, staying for a short moment, before leaving it. He then approaches it once again and leaves it repeatedly as though-as though…”

what Klein mentioned? That his actions are inconsistent? Leonard was delighted as

“As though he’s oscillating.”

addition, Ince Zangwill has killed a few Intis military spies and has purchased several Beyonder

pathway’s Beyonder ingredients are being bought by

the Warrior, Hunter, and Bard pathways.” Cindy

the Hunter pathway… Having failed to find an excuse to get his teammates to take notice of Hunter-related clues, Leonard exhaled silently and no longer had

deep thought. He waited until Soest finished reading the telegram and handed it to the other teammates before

Medium’s attire, this lady lowered her hand slightly, indicating

time, that I should wait for a better opportunity? Amidst his hesitation, he saw Daly flick the

“I have an idea.”


Daly smiled.

suspect that Ince Zangwill is possessed by

just said it like that… She will be suspected! Leonard

Gatekeeper, and now, he’s a Nightwatcher. His body can accommodate evil spirits and use their powers. Furthermore, he also has 0-08’s help. If I were him, I’d definitely try to seek out stronger evil spirits and raise my strength as much

complete control over the evil spirit, there will be backlashes. Ince Zangwill will take

and we had come up with various theories? Perhaps getting them to help him exorcise,

for a moment

be ruled out, but this is fundamentally a subjective theory of yours… How did you come up with this? Which details gave you the


just like how I know your thoughts, as well as those of the rest of you at

all the possibilities. We should then eliminate the possibilities based on the actual investigations. This will aid

feedback, I believe my theory

is good with words. At least, she has convinced me… She raised the theory of an evil spirit’s possession to protect me and direct the risk towards herself? On this matter regarding Ince Zangwill, she seems willing to take on everything…

Daly’s reply, Soest nodded

this is a discussion, we shouldn’t limit

Excellency Goddess’s Eye. I’ll leave it to the

from the feedback from various telegrams. Daly Simone used this opportunity to mention the assumption of an evil spirit’s possession and had

has a Parasite, and Leonard Mitchell’s information source came from a letter sent by Reinette Tinekerr. Who could be the

already suspected that the evil spirit possessing Ince Zangwill belongs

an ordinary notebook as though it was held by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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