With Klein’s spirituality making contact, the points of light suddenly expanded into a scene before his eyes.

With his Shadow Cloak up, Danitz was praying with his head bowed in the corner of the square, chanting The Fool’s honorific name with ancient Hermes.

Thanks to this, Klein could see an expanded area around him, and he began searching for Ince Zangwill.

Through the gray fog, everything he saw was clearly different from what he had previously seen. In the middle of the square, a pitch-black corpse-embedded cathedral had appeared at some point in time. It was dark inside, but there wasn’t any signs of activity inside.

Using this opportunity, Klein replied Danitz’s prayer, “Leave the area. Find a hidden spot to hide in.”

As he spoke slowly, dressed in the papal tiara and dark robes, Klein raised his left hand and made the blue gems at the tip of the bone scepter light up.

Sharp, jarring sounds immediately resounded in Revival Square in the real world as a sudden gale swept the area. It made the people who were spending their leisure time there or the pedestrians to leave quickly to head for shelter from the wind. Even Anderson, who had a frozen expression, recovered his usual insouciant attitude. Holding his abdomen, he quickly rushed out of the dangerous area.

In a few seconds, Revival Square became extremely silent. Even the pedestrians who walked slowly without running had experienced the feeling of flying with the nudging of the wind.

The empty area entered a brief silence. Then, a flame appeared from the corpse cathedral’s window. It grew in size and became increasingly blinding.

Silently, the colored glass windows shattered as blinding white light that bordered on blue shot out like a meteor.

This flaming light instantly crumbled, materializing into Ince Zangwill, who wore a black clergyman’s robe and had one dark blue eye and one eye covered with blood vessels.

The moment this Nightwatcher appeared, he couldn’t help but open his mouth and scoff at the classic quill in his hand.

“If a fool like you didn’t listen to my suggestion, how could something like this happen!

“I’m not even sure what you’re afraid of. If you had allowed me to pray to the Lord, allowing me to secretly return to the Rose Redemption and join forces with the ‘Serpent,’ our preparations would allow us to set up a trap. Today, we will be the ones hunting Adam, and not the other way round!”

The seemingly dark and damaged quill immediately flew up and wrote on an empty spot of Ince Zangwill’s clothes:

“Due to a rage stemming from embarrassment, Sauron Einhorn Medici pushed the blame of this development to the Quill of Alzuhod, but in fact, it was ‘He’ who was stopping himself from praying to the True Creator. Be it Sauron or Einhorn, neither one of them trusted this evil god.

“Today’s development made this evil spirit’s psychological dissociation to worsen! This is extremely reasonable. This is the diagnosis by the best, most professional psychiatrist!”

“Ince Zangwill” immediately frowned as he raised his left hand and pressed it to his head.

His dark blue eye rapidly recovered its luster as the classically sculpted face turned extremely stern.

having escaped the corpse cathedral, he was no longer facing the square. Instead, it was flights of ancient stone stairs. They were leading to the peak of a towering mountain.

an exaggerated bolt of silver lightning tore through the overcast

fountain and


Zangwill’s figure immediately vanished, leaving behind a blurry transparent spirit. The latter was

dangers there were. He took

matter what lay ahead of him, nothing was more terrifying and difficult to deal with than the Son of the Creator, King of Angels

rise up from the square, allowing Ince Zangwill to escape the restraints of the illusory world and returning to his appearance with dark blond hair and pale hands, Klein

just before his previous death, Dunn Smith smiling at him with a wink of his left eye, and the Blackthorn

curled upwards as he

muttered using ancient Hermes,

charm on his right palm suddenly burst into

misfortune domain Klein made using Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin’s blood and

was a present he had prepared for

was an arrow

was a deity’s

his right arm, fusing the gloomy black light with the little powers he could stir from above the gray fog as he threw

dark black beam appear out of nowhere. It blanketed the entire

restored to normal in an instant. Nothing seemed amiss, but as a Nightwatcher who could give others a certain level of bad luck, Ince Zangwill acutely “smelled” the aura of danger. Without any hesitation, he

and dark black tiles had their colors saturate, much

Zangwill’s Spirit World Traversal

the reason. It was because the evil spirit in him

be fine if



still end up the same as us, being made into a potion by

you are nervous at all? Didn’t you notice that the curse clearly came with a deity’s aura? That power was fundamentally very powerful. Our present condition doesn’t allow us to avoid it at all. Haha, continue arguing. Go on! I’ll wait to die with all


veins on Ince Zangwill’s forehead throbbed when he heard that. He was furious that Sauron Einhorn Medici would suddenly engage in an internal strife at such a critical moment. They didn’t seem to notice the

judgment become clouded because of his rage. He instinctively believed that the gloomy black beam had something to do with the Evernight Goddess’s authority over misfortune. He believed that Sauron Einhorn Medici’s sudden fallout was clearly a result of this influence. Otherwise, it was impossible for the Red Angel evil spirit to break

attempt to communicate with other spirits. He wished to borrow their powers to escape; however, there wasn’t a single spirit

of the open square. He was a mixed-blood with parents coming from Loen and Balam. He had a fleshy face and

Admiral Hell


plan, returned to the real world, and made use of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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