Almost instantly, Alger discovered that Mr. Fool was somewhat different than before.

In the past, although Mr. Fool was distant and profound, making “Him” appear unfathomable, as though “He” was looking down upon everything from above, that was all. It wasn’t like “He” was now. Even though “He” wasn’t doing anything, he seemed to have fused with the entire space, a clear expression of “Him” being the ruler at the pinnacle level.

Sweeping his gaze, Alger saw the third Card of Blasphemy as he felt more certain of his guess.

Indeed, Mr. Fool and the Angel of Imagination Adam had cooperated to machinate Ince Zangwill’s demise. One of “Them” obtained 0-08, making “Him” take one step closer to being a god, while the other obtained the various benefits in a Card of Blasphemy and regained a substantial amount of “His” strength!

The times will change as a result! At that instant, Alger had a deeper understanding of what Mr. Fool had just said.

The other members undoubtedly noticed him turning his head, and they realized that he was looking at Mr. Fool.

After a brief moment of surprise, they made a certain realization at different speeds.

Mr. Fool was aware of Angel of Imagination Adam’s plot against Ince Zangwill from the very beginning and had sent “His” Blessed to cooperate. “He” had even provided a certain level of help!

If that weren’t the case, how could a recently advanced demigod participate in a matter that involved a King of Angels and Grade o Sealed Artifact?

If this weren’t the case, The World wouldn’t have been able to understand the situation that well, even if he had been embroiled due to all kinds of coincidences.

The obtaining of the Card of Blasphemy, Mr. World’s advancement, Ince Zangwill’s death, the meeting of Angel of Imagination Adam’s goal, these all happened in one week… This means that the relationship between them is tightly intertwined… My previous intuition was right. The obtaining of a new Card of Blasphemy and the appearance of an abnormality in Mr. World’s mental state were the different outcomes of the same matter… Audrey nodded very slightly as she confirmed her theory.

Leonard was increasingly convinced that Ince Zangwill’s matter was more complicated than he had imagined. Apart from King of Angels Adam, there were likely other important figures of similar levels appearing back then. Otherwise, Amon’s brother, the son of the ancient sun god, had no need to seek out Mr. Fool’s help. After all, no matter how powerful or terrifying 0-08 was, it was incapable of comparing with the Blasphemer as described by Old Man, as Adam and Amon were likely on par with each other.

The evil spirit that Klein pulled into the Underworld probably isn’t simple. It’s definitely not something that “being from the Hunter pathway” would be enough to describe it with… Hmm, Klein’s participation in the matter regarding Ince Zangwill isn’t solely for revenge, but is also due to Mr. Fool’s orders… As Leonard sighed, he didn’t generate any negative feelings. Instead, he was secretly relieved.

From his point of view, this was a very ordinary situation. Mr. Fool’s agreement in convening such a gathering to establish a corresponding organization while hosting it as a deity was definitely not because “He” solely wished to make the area more lively or being done out of goodwill. “He” definitely had “His” goals and needs that “He” wished Blessed like Klein or members like him could complete.

mission wasn’t in conflict. The latter didn’t reduce the

why he was relieved, it was because Leonard believed that Mr. Fool’s clear expression of “His” goals had made

had intense wariness for Pallez Zoroast precisely because he

this moment, The Fool Klein didn’t say a word. He didn’t confirm or deny the members’ guesses and theories. Controlling The World, he

members of this organization.

to think about such matters, because ‘He’ has the trait of ‘any mention of it will be known.’ The more you know about ‘Him,’ the more ‘He’ might know about you.

Audrey instantly recalled learning of

made her quickly come up with a corresponding

the leader of

a member of the Spectator pathway. Likewise for 0-08. Therefore, “any mention of it will be known” was a

forward to it with envy while also

Duke Negan, the one backer behind Qilangos was established by King

suspect that the primitive island that he had previously explored was related to this secret organization. This was because Qilangos had once ventured deep into it and discovered several items. Furthermore, the

help but come up with such a theory as he made a deeper realization that Mr. Fool’s cooperation with the Angel of Imagination had started when he and Gehrman Sparrow stepped into that primitive

the existence in that island’s ruin “awakened,” the only

truly well-concealed. I didn’t notice it at all back then… The games between gods

Fool had mentioned previously. Only when she heard “any

concerned about this

the general situation of the Tarot Club and

mention will be known”? This… Xio and I are known by “Him”? Fors instantly felt horrified as she couldn’t help but turn

Furthermore, she had never emphasized to not mention the King of Angels’s name in the outside

mentioned Adam in the real world,” Fors said with a clear stammer. Xio’s nerves were taut as though a venomous snake had crawled into her clothes and was sliding

Cattleya tersely acknowledged.

them. I’ve mentioned ‘His’ name on several occasions. As long as the words you mention doesn’t involve any secrets, I believe ‘He’

rather certain when saying that because, in the Moses Ascetic Order that had been pursued by knowledge, Adam’s existence wasn’t a secret. People often

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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