On the top floor of a small building, a black-haired, brown-eyed man donning dark-colored clothes was looking down at the arms deal not far away. This man who looked about twenty-eight couldn’t help but say, “He actually got Maysanchez? Oh, Holy Lord of Storms, Alfred, if I had known it would turn out this way, we might as well have done the mission ourselves. Even if all the expenses are deducted, we should still earn at least 20,000 pounds!”

The man beside him was a young man in a black trench coat. He looked about twenty four and had a head of resplendent blond hair and blue eyes that resembled a lake. He had pretty good looks.

Being addressed as Alfred, he shook his head and said, “No, that would be too noticeable. Maysanchez’s allegiance has always been unclear. Before figuring out his take on matters, rashly discussing an arms deal with him is extremely dangerous. Dwayne Dantès is able to earn twenty thousand pounds because he dares to take the risk.”

The black-haired and brown-eyed man immediately scoffed.

“To think that Alfred Hall, who has led a few dozen men to assault a battalion with over a thousand troops, would claim that he doesn’t dare take risks!”

Alfred shot a glance at him and said, “Pagani, this isn’t the same thing. That happened because I was confident of wiping out their command center. And once there’s a lack of leadership, a thousand scattered troops might not be as formidable as a thousand pigs.

“In addition, the transaction this time is solely a test. It’s to establish communications and to set up a channel. If it’s done by us, who are we to seek out the next time? And the subsequent ones? If we keep at it, we will ultimately expose ourselves. Once that happens, it will be a diplomatic matter. Furthermore, with the deals deepening and broadening, who knows if this would incur the notice of the demigods of other factions. That would spell danger.”

“Haha,” Pagani said with a smile. “How can demigods be that free to pay notice to such small-scale arm deals? Every faction has a limited number of demigods. There are too many matters awaiting them.”

“I know. I’m only raising an example,” Alfred replied in a staid manner.

Pagani didn’t harp on the matter and turned his gaze back to Dwayne Dantès who stood outside the warehouse.

“This gentleman is said to be very generous. He donated stocks worth more than ten thousand pounds to the Church of Evernight shortly after he arrived in Backlund. Is this the early-stage investments that you often speak of?

“Also, he seems to be working at the same charity foundation with your sister. Tsk, such men are very welcome with the young ladies. He’s good-looking and has an outstanding demeanor. He’s smart, experienced, and has the artifice. He has seen all kinds of women, and he’s at the age to settle down. Alfred, you have to warn Audrey that a playboy will always be one and that one’s moral character is a flaw that can never be corrected. You can’t let the most dazzling jewel of Backlund be taken by this fellow.”

Alfred turned his head to glare at Pagani.

“There’s no need for you to show any concern about such matters. Audrey isn’t a young and clueless lady. Her knowledge of the world is far more mature than you imagine. Besides, my father and mother are in Backlund. They have the ability to prevent any nasty things from happening.”

Upon saying that, Alfred looked at the nearby arms warehouse and paused.

“Maysanchez actually sent Haggis. I’ll go greet him.”

This isn’t the best time to meet, right… Just as Pagani was about to say a word, Alfred had already turned to walk down the stairs.

Klein, in the form of Dwayne Dantès, didn’t bring any servants. He held his gold-inlaid cane and stood with Maysanchez’s representative, Haggis, outside the warehouse. They watched as crates of munitions were carried out and loaded onto carriages.

At this moment, he half-turned his body upon sensing something and looked elsewhere.

The person that was reflected in his eyes was a young man wearing a trench coat without a hat. His blond hair was combed into a slick back, and his blue eyes looked like a lake under a bright clear sky. He was tall with a good build. His every move exuded an indescribable sense of dignity. Even without any troops surrounding him, the authority he wielded was obvious.

the man as well when he cried out

of the Arbiter pathway… Klein raised his right hand and took off

Alfred Hall greeted Haggis, he

Even I’ve heard

character at making arms deals? Klein

I believe need to be

Alfred nodded.

any self-introductions?

with a smile. “I only learned that Miss Audrey has another brother here in the Southern Continent after I arrived—that he served in the military and

cast his gaze on Dwayne Dantès’s face

the opportunity to work at the Loen Charity Bursary Foundation, but you surprised

maintained his

truly enter a preexisting circle is quite impossible just by

answered, “Very

asked Haggis, “Did something happen in Cookawa?

Haggis squeezed a smile.

underground bunker at the general’s residence. I later heard that

storm?” Alfred’s gaze turned

said, “Indeed. The hotel I was staying at isn’t too far from Revival Square. I did see continuous bolts of lightning


to the scene in

in shambles. There were marks of lightning strikes.” Haggis didn’t hide

saying to Haggis and Dwayne Dantès, “I still have other matters to tend to. We can chat again when the opportunity

made them appear to be at a social gathering instead

leave when his body trembled. His head

West Balam, a

fleshy face with slightly brown skin. His clothes were baggy, and

to his sides, this figure straightened his body. He was none

of blood-red flames were burning

a sigh that seemed

his gaze in a different direction, muttering, “The owner of

pathway item on him. It’s perfect for

left cheek of Ludwell’s face. It opened and closed as it said, “Medici, what we need to deal with first is our survival! After this marionette loses its connection to its owner, it’s no

find another Gatekeeper.”

Angel Medici immediately

arrangements several times, implying that he’s definitely not simple. With a chance to lock onto him, how can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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