Chapter 967 “Revelation”

Cold winds blew across the platform at night, causing the hanging gas lamps to sway.

The light of dusk stretched and shortened from time to time in this scene, allowing the steam locomotive that was silently parked on the tracks to oscillate between being cloaked in shadows or escaping the darkness. It had an indescribable sense of gloom and death.

At this moment, a squad of black-and-white checkered policemen entered the platform. Under the lead of the railway company’s duty manager, they walked to the huge train that appeared old.

“For some reason, after the passengers disembarked, all the train staff, including the train driver, returned to the carriage and never came out again. I s-sent people to look for them and get them out to have some rest, b-but they quickly ran out looking like that had been inflicted with a disease. All they could do was hysterically shout, ‘they’re all dead,’ ‘they’re all dead’!” The railway duty manager in a blue coat held a lamp, walking as he briefed the police about the situation.

From his stammering and trembling body, the police could easily tell the extreme horror in him. It was as though a sudden tap on his shoulder would literally cause him to jump and abandon everything to rush for the exit.

His emotions infected the police. All of them held their hands to their waists as they pressed onto their holsters.

Tap. Tap. Tap. The leather shoes hitting the solid, hard ground left reverberating echoes. The police followed the duty manager and warily entered the front carriage.

Inside the carriage, there were two people sitting in each row. They were distributed to the left and right, and they stood away from the windows. At that moment, they were leaning against the backs of their seats, motionless.

Through the illumination of the gas lamps outside and lanterns in their hands, the inspectors leading them very quickly recognized the scene before him. Here were the staff of the steam locomotive. They were wearing blue uniforms that differed for men and women, and they were sitting in different seats in silence. Their faces were pale and their eyes wide open. Although there wasn’t any sounds of breathing, the corners of their lips were curved up, revealing eight teeth.

Everyone present felt their hair stand up upon seeing the uniform smiles as they subconsciously held their breaths.

This was an extremely bizarre and terrifying scene. All they wished was to turn around and leave, beginning investigations only when it was bright!

The leading inspector drew two deep gasps before he instructed the constables beside him:

confirm if

he glanced at the

if there’s

manager said with

the carriage, the other policemen drew their

constables stopped at the end of the carriage, turned around, and shouted, “It’s confirmed. All

are two missing. The

all this time. he thought and said to all the

scene for clues and relevant information. Once the sun rises, we will begin investigations starting with the train personnel and the passengers who were previously on board. We

passengers didn’t present their identification documents when purchasing tickets, the inspector believed that it was possible to find people who had registered themselves and learn from

as he said that, a biting cold wind

inspector was about to emphasize his orders when he suddenly

their seats still had their eyes open with their whites showing and their faces pale. However, their mouths had closed at some point in time and were no longer showing their

lamps shone

on a single-seater. He had his left leg crossed over

was Enzo who looked like a native. In front of

on the steam locomotive—the man with

streets donning different looks to gather

sacrifice?” Klein asked in

the thoughts of his

the marionette, the poorer the effects

brief silence, the conductor who was clearly Loen with rather thick body hair

Klein received the porcelain teacup

conductor replied in a daze, “God is God. There are

cup and asked, “How did ‘He’ reveal ‘His’ revelation? What was said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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