Dressed in pajamas, Klein didn’t move. In his spiritual perception, the intruder’s Spirit Body Threads appeared.

This also meant that if he so wished, he could turn everyone in 160 Böklund Street into his marionette without leaving the bed. Of course, to a demigod-a Bizarro Sorcerer—the neighbors a few buildings away were within range.

There are many Spirit Bodies around. One of them is helping him fly. He has landed on the opposite balcony… Is it a Beyonder from the Death pathway, or the Evernight pathway? To be able to do this, he must at least be a Sequence 6… He’s here for Richardson? No, he’s walking towards my bedroom. He has paused and has reached out his right hand to knock gently on my door… He’s certain that I’ve detected him? Klein sat up with a slightly heavy expression.

He had made the initial judgment via the Spirit Body Threads, but subsequently, he did it via direct “sight”-a scene that formed in his mind.

After Klein reached Sequence 4, not only was his danger premonition as a Clown enhanced, the amount of power he could stir and use from the mysterious space above the gray fog had experienced a qualitative boost. With the two combined, it wasn’t difficult for him to use his intuition to have a projection of the intruder’s figure and actions, despite the distance.

In addition, due to his deepened control over the mysterious space, Klein could converge the augmentation effects the gray fog had on him in the real world. This prevented Beyonders of certain pathways from seeing anything. Based on his judgment, by being above the gray fog, augmenting himself with a Card of Blasphemy, and using the Sea God Scepter, the strength that The Fool could direct at the real world was asymptotically closer to that of an angel.

If that weren’t the case, even if the gray fog and the Paper Figurine Substitutes could allow others to maintain their lucidity in dreamlike states, Klein wouldn’t have dared to allow Miss Justice to face a Sequence 4 or even Sequence 3 of the Spectator pathway.

Amidst his thoughts, he left his bed, wore his slippers, and straightened his pajamas. He walked to the reclining chair and leisurely sat down.

“Please come in.”

The door to the master bedroom opened silently, but no cold wind blew in. All it did was spiral in the corridor.

The visitor was a man about Dwayne Dantès’s age, and of similar height. He had black hair and brown eyes. He had cut facial features, a classic example of a Loenese man.

He wore a silk top hat and had a rather thin face. His demeanor was cold but wasn’t one that left others feeling uncomfortable. Instead, it was a manifestation of the night view at a suburban cemetery.

At this instant, Klein saw countless Spirit Bodies hugging a middle-aged gentleman. It made his surroundings dark and stacked, as though a world was hidden within.

Klein’s spiritual intuition told him that this was a demigod.

archbishop, nothing has been exposed in regards to this identity as Dwayne Dantès… Having a headache, Klein looked at the door without an expression. It was unknown whether he was feeling


extremely reverent. Meanwhile, a cold wind

was nearly taken aback, feeling at a loss. His mind whirred as he came to

said in a deep voice, “In response to a revelation, I, Patrick Bryan of the

muscles. Together with his previous guess, he had a rough understanding of

other words, the Death pathway’s Uniqueness! “She” was able to give revelations to the

He pressed his right hand to his chest, but

“What is God’s revelation?”

looked at the gentleman with the white sideburns sitting at the reclining chair. He replied with some level of fervor, “We succeeded. God has finally awakened. ‘He’ has requested me to listen to your

his face burn,

of Artificial Death, so as to silently lead the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death faction… Is this a bestowment of fate, or a price that had been exacted? Since the Goddess didn’t get the Church’s archbishops or high-ranking deacons to handle this matter, it means that “She” wishes it to be kept confidential… Klein instantly stood up

“As God’s revelation commands.

is my

expressing his devotion, he looked at the demigod standing straight in front of him and pointed to the sofa opposite

Oh, do introduce yourself. That’s the most basic form of politeness,

the reason why the Goddess had handed him leadership over the Numinous


would realize that it had something to do with Gehrman Sparrow and be enlightened. They would believe that they had grasped the truth as to why Artificial Death

Klein deliberately made Dantès use Gehrman

on the sofa and said after some thought, “I’m Loenese. I once did business in East Balam and nearly died because of a disease. I was rescued by

believe that we’re engaging in sacrilege, that we’re in a bid to create a new Death. But that’s not the case. We firmly believe that God didn’t perish at the end of the Fourth Epoch. ‘He’ is merely asleep and requires certain things to be done in order to awaken. The facts have proven

of the Balam royal family and Death’s Church, with copious amounts of knowledge and powerhouses, there’s no way they will let a demigod go to waste… Even the seven orthodox Churches wouldn’t do such a thing… Klein was extremely puzzled hearing this as he asked, “What about the other high-ranking members of your faction?” Patrick Bryan said with a reverent look, “When I joined

we have a total of three saints and an angel. They are in East Balam while I’m in charge

only make contact with a specific person in the Southern Continent. There’s no overall person-in-charge… Klein’s first reaction was that Patrick Bryan was lying, but he immediately dismissed it. This was because it was something easily verifiable for a Blessed who had been the focus of a

before he asked, “What’s that angel’s name? Where is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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