On a night with clear moonlight, in the garden of 160 Böklund Street.

A gray rat crawled out of its hole, running straight for the master bedroom’s bed.

As a tiny, black, glue-like blob object floated down, the rat held it over its head like an acrobatic act.

It quickly turned around, ran out of 160 Böklund Street, and headed for the sewer entrance.

At this moment, the gray rat raised its torso up and reached out with two of its paws.

They magically extended as blobs of flesh appeared on its forelimbs!

Then, using its mutated front paws, it moved the manhole cover away without causing a sound!

Without stopping at all, the gray rat headed straight down the sewers, going all the way to the spot where Demoness Trissy previously hid.

It kept digging in a corner until it excavated a mirror fragment from the soil.

Having done that, the gray rat threw the black, sticky object over its head to the side where it was relatively clean. It then retreated to a corner, allowing its body to stretch and turn into a middle-aged man wearing a dark red coat and a triangular hat. He was none other than Admiral of Blood, who had previously been active at sea.

However, this Senor, along with his clothes and body, was just a thin layer, akin to a figurine cut from paper.

“This rat is quite fat…” Admiral of Blood stroked his chin, but his paper figurine-like body nearly flew up as a result of the cold draft in the sewers.

The person who spoke was none other than Klein. He was inside his master bedroom, turning a rat into his marionette by controlling its Spirit Body Threads. He then made it carry the ritual materials and head down the sewers to contact Demoness Trissy.

Senor, whose arms were flailing about due to the draft, bent down and picked up the sticky blob. This was the remains of Trissy’s lock of hair after she burned it with black flames. It could be used for a communication ritual.

Right on the heels of that, he wiped the mirror fragment clean and smeared the material onto it.

After this step, Klein made his marionette take two steps back from the “mirror.” With a smacking sound, Senor was plastered to the mossy wall like an oil painting

East Borough. In a room with thick curtains that left it almost dark.

Raven-black, slimy “tentacles” coiled together, forming a huge sphere.

And at the end of these “tentacles,” there were either eyes with clear blacks and whites embedded in them, or there were venomous snake heads attached there. The latter opened their mouths slightly as they shot out their tongues in a rather strange fashion. It was quite a harrowing scene.

retracted as the

looks, but her brows were tightly furrowed. Her expression looked slightly warped due to the pain, a look that stirred up

turning back into their original form -strands of raven-black

expression of the girl with soft, long hair soothed as she slowly got up and walked to the side of a tiny bed she had partitioned

black hair and came in front of the full-body mirror. Reaching

burned quietly in the air before being extinguished. It left behind a

slush. Thinly plastered to the wall was a middle-aged man with an old triangular hat and dark red coat.

the round face and

her smile bloomed, the dark room seemed to instantly

her mouth and said in jest, “Mr. Gehrman Sparrow, is this your craziness and cruelty as the strongest

is it the case where I’m only acquainted with a

Gehrman Sparrow. After all, he had previously met her in the image of Admiral of Blood Senor, and this pirate admiral had long been hunted by

preventing her from being kept abreast of the news at sea. It was rather unsurprising for her to be unaware of Admiral of Blood’s demise, but things were different after she finished recuperating and left the area. She would’ve been a terrible Assassin and Instigator if she hadn’t investigated her partner. Clearly, Trissy’s past actions indicated that, despite

as he controlled the paper figurine-like Senor to smile and simply reply, “Why can’t clowns

said, “Any progress on your investigations into the captain

expression turned slightly gloomy as she said, “It will need another month at the very least for any results. It

help, you can seek

“In Backlund, in this game, strength isn’t able to resolve

wasted the opportunity to

identity, can you give me

I’m being asked to give my cellphone number… Klein thought about it for a moment before informing her of the incantation to summoning Miss Messenger, as well as

Reaching out her right hand, she tapped on the

disappearing, restoring the full-body

mirror fragment back into the soil and made his body shrink rapidly, turning back into a gray rat. It then ran deep into the sewers, allowing itself to

in 160 Böklund Street, Klein drew his curtains and returned to the reclining

frank, he

she was burdened by some will of the Primordial Demoness and was reckless for revenge. She was like

create a terrifying disaster… I shouldn’t have spared her back then… Klein sighed and began setting up a ritual. He

seconds later, he was

because such an outcome implied that Trissy had become a

Klein, who had had breakfast, began instructing Butler Walter and the newly-appointed butler assistant, Richardson, to deliver

luggage bag, of which included Fermo coffee beans, East Balam tobacco, River Valley’s grape wine, and

as a sign of goodwill

or his wife that this bottle of River Valley grape wine is suitable for making cocktails. It’s best matched with lemon juice,” Klein

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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