In the grand palace above the gray fog.

Through Enuni’s prayer point of light, Klein saw the scene inside his valet’s room.

As his vision pulled out and slowly extended out, he began taking in all of Böklund Street. Among buildings covered in fresh flowers and grass, Intis parasol trees that shielded the sunlight slowly swept past. There were slow-moving carriages that were elegantly or beautifully adorned, and youths dashing quickly on bikes.

Finally, Klein locked onto Unit 39– Member of Parliament Macht’s residence. He then lowered his field of view and began observing every animal and human to see if there was any black-haired, black-eyed, monocle-wearing man.

Phew… There’s no switching or grafting of fate… Nearly ten minutes later, Klein heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a carriage drove into Macht’s residence and stopped at their doorstep.

A young lady with curly black-green hair and bright, dark-brown eyes alighted from a carriage. It was none other than Hazel who had returned


She was wearing a dark green dress that didn’t expose her shoulders. Her lips were slightly pursed, and she wore a relaxed look with a hint of joy.

Upon seeing Hazel in such a state, Klein’s heart skipped a beat.

This was definitely abnormal!

From Klein’s point of view, the rat demigod had only two outcomes after meeting Amon’s avatar. She either had a trump card and managed to escape successfully at the cost of being heavily injured, or she had turned into a Beyonder characteristic to strengthen Amon’s avatar. And regardless of the outcome, there was no way Hazel could find her teacher. She would definitely be in grief and pain, feeling dispirited and sad. So how could she be relaxed and happy?

With her taking the risk to head to the manor in the suburbs to inform her teacher, she’s not a cold and selfish person… Her present state indicates that she has confirmed that her teacher, that rat demigod, is fine. She has even been rewarded, perhaps obtaining all kinds of knowledge about the supernatural world… This is in conflict with my theory of the rat demigod’s outcome. No, it’s not in conflict. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth… Klein leaned back into his seat and came to a conclusion:

Amon had not only obtained the rat demigod’s Beyonder characteristic, but he had also stolen her fate and had replaced her identity!

Therefore, to Hazel, her teacher hadn’t encountered any mishaps and would only need a period of time to lie low… After making the confirmation, Klein silently exhaled and felt a little relaxed.

To him, the most terrifying aspect of Amon was that no one knew what form or identity “He” would use to appear. It could be possible that Member of Parliament Macht would one day wear a monocle, or that insects in the garden would turn around with monocles on their faces. Therefore, after grasping the identity Amon might use to appear, Klein couldn’t help but feel more assured.

As for Amon’s performance being problematic in front of Hazel, Klein believed that it was impossible. After all, Amon was a King of Angels that was fundamentally good at deceit. Even if “He” mentioned something that differed from what the rat demigod had said, “He” could easily use the excuse of it being a test with what “He” now said being part of her formal education to fool her.

Of course, based on Pallez Zoroast’s depiction, Amon definitely wouldn’t appear as a rat demigod, so I shouldn’t be careless… Klein did some observations before retracting his gaze and leaving the gray fog.

drank some black tea with a lemon slice. He half-closed his eyes

unknown period of time, Klein suddenly opened his eyes and activated

level, he could already activate it at

four blonde, red-eyed heads in hand. One

is it?” Klein asked as he reached out his right


She should be making her final preparations for the advancement. Why would she suddenly write to me? Klein was slightly puzzled as he received the

he found very little content.

White is seeking out the

seeking out the Rose School of Thought? Klein pricked up

was a Sanguine who was afraid of trouble. Unless necessary, he didn’t even

This is a new mission that the Sanguine gave him? It’s very possible! However, why didn’t he mention it in the Tarot Club? Oh, it was focused on the punishment operation,

Emlyn’s clues, because

mutual friend, Detective Sherlock Moriarty, about this matter, it meant that this Sanguine had likely asked the help of the

previous commissions, he must’ve noticed Sharron or Maric; otherwise, it was impossible for

enough about the Apothecary pathway. I can’t determine how Emlyn discovered a Wraith or Zombie… Klein crossed his right leg as he placed the letter on his

Sanguine’s upper echelons gave Emlyn. They hate the Rose School of Thought members who believe in the

but I’m unsure why the Primordial Moon believers would join the Rose

and folding the letter, Klein looked at Miss Messenger who had been waiting. He asked

Reinette Tinekerr’s heads succinctly

blonde, red-eyed heads spoke one after another, “You…” “Seem a…” Little

expression…” “Has also…” “Become much….”

pocket watch, he took out a gold coin from it and said with a self-deprecating smile,

he needed to disguise or hide his

as the heads bit on the

Messenger leave, Klein leaned back

Maric will use the Sanguine to

her advancement. She might not involve herself, but I can’t be sure about

of Earth Mother priest robes, and then wore a red coat and a silk hat before walking out the Harvest Church. He

he casually cast his

as he abruptly moved his body, leaving shadowy afterimages

saw a figure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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