Saint Hierländ Square, in the northwestern corner, at the third story of a restaurant.

When the wolf specter with the rose appeared in front of Ernes Boyar, the silver-haired, scarlet-eyed Mistral retracted his gaze from Ernes Boyar. Darkness suffused from behind him as countless tiny bats flew within.

Bribe… Just as this Sanguine Earl silently muttered this single word, he “saw” the toppled carriage, “heard” the neighing of the horse, and “smelled” all kinds of smells. However, he wasn’t able to instantly find the origin of the disturbance and accident.

At this moment, his “vision” darkened as his “eyes” seemed to lose the ability to take in light. The din in his “ears” also halted!

Earl Mistral chortled inwardly as he immediately fused with the bats behind him, re-materializing beside Ernes Boyar.

Suddenly, in his black “vision,” a point of light appeared.

This point of light rapidly expanded as it grew brighter and brighter. A golden figure with twelve pairs of pitch-black wings walked out of it!

The pairs of wings spread out, blanketing Mistral’s “vision,” causing light and darkness to mix. This created mysterious and complicated symbols that didn’t differentiate themselves within the golden figure. It was both holy and corrupted, both light and dark.

Angel! Mistral’s pupils widened slightly as he couldn’t help but take a step back, terminating his previous thoughts.

In confusion, Ernes Boyar rapidly snapped awake when he saw a pair of limpid eyes that resembled crystalline gems or a lake. He felt a copy of the newspapers being stuffed into his hand.

In those emerald-green eyes were ripples. Deep within the emanating ripples were twirls of a vortex that seemed to suck in the soul of anyone who lay their eyes on them.

Ernes Boyar instantly became engrossed in it as he couldn’t move his eyes away.

Then, he heard a gentle and ethereal female voice in his ears:

“Take this newspaper and follow Emlyn White…

“Take this newspaper and follow Emlyn White…”

This voice was layered as it resounded within Ernes Boyar’s ears. It drilled into his brain, sinking deep into his heart.

Ernes Boyar nodded in a daze, sensing that there was more, but he couldn’t hear it clearly.

The paperboy with a sling bag diagonally across his shoulders swiftly turned around and agilely passed through the bicycles, mixing into the crowd that came and went.

This “boy” had a pretty face as “his” messy hair drooped down and hid “his” brows. As “he” walked, “he” took off a black fishnet glove that “he” had worn at some point in time, stuffing it into “his” sling bag filled with newspapers.

“his” clothes shrank as a

few seconds later, Ernes Boyar suddenly jumped back from where he stood, doing so as though he had been

footing, his pupils dilated as he looked around his

how easily he was pulled into a dream, he knew that it wasn’t time to consider the details. What


him as they used their bells to warn the gentleman in the middle of the road

his eyes as he glared at him, his muscles under his clothes


few bicycles circled around him as the pedestrians came and went,

Gong! Gong! Gong!

the white steam spewed out from the chimneys of Saint Hierländ Cathedral. The holy hymns of

were listening silently, regardless of whether they were believers of the God of Steam and Machinery or not. Only the pigeons that were being fed flew

Gong Gong! Gong!

no one moved. Even Earl Mistral, who was inside a private room at the restaurant, stood there motionless with a heavy

clothes and bicycles of the same make. Apart from that, he discovered nothing. Furthermore, Ernes Boyar hadn’t been injured at

from the newspaper in the Sanguine Viscount’s hand. However,

or Mid-Sequence Beyonder. This also meant that Emlyn White’s faction

where his opponents were hiding, Mistral

a demigod, they could detain that powerhouse thanks to Ernes Boyar’s protective measures. And through Oath of Rose, Mistral could confirm the attacker’s identity. They had never thought of escalating the matter into an intense conflict. In their plans, it only involved Earl Mistral stopping the other party to

highly likely result in a demigods’ battle. And in Backlund,

since the other demigod hadn’t personally taken action and had only provided auxiliary help, to personally take

twitched as he rotated the ghostly-blue ring on

fountain and arrived at

saw Ernes Boyar, who had his back hunched slightly, afraid to even move half a step. He saw the toppled carriage, the horse that was flicking its tail, and the carriage driver who wore a look of

over, took out a wallet, and pulled out 100 pounds. He handed it

The carriage driver wore a blank but pleasantly

rental carriage wasn’t his. He was only an ordinary employee. After the carriage was damaged because of the horse being startled, he experienced a brief moment of feeling the

on the so-called contract and other similar accidents he had seen over the years, he was responsible for all of this. This meant compensation from him and, with his

the factories at a young age. Another option was to immediately bring the horse to a gangster and sell it. Then, he would return home and leave Backlund with his wife and

his mind groggy. He was at a loss

enough to buy a brand new rental

ignored the carriage driver

“Everything’s fine now.”

you here? Ernes lampooned as he rotated the ring

he felt that he should believe Emlyn White and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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