Minutes later, Klein—with the face of Gehrman Sparrow—walked out of 39 Böklund Street with Miss Justice Audrey and headed for places where the other Parasite victims were.

After a few silent steps, Klein suddenly looked ahead and said, “It’s not rare to see such matters happen among unaffiliated Beyonders. Without any suitable guidance, it often implies that they’re constantly dancing at the edge of a cliff with the possibility of falling at any time.”

Audrey tersely acknowledged and said after a few seconds, “I know. Compared to before, I’m not as… not as…”

She deliberated for a moment before breaking into a grimacing smile, as though she had found a suitable adjective she required to mock herself.


Phew… She then exhaled without hiding it as she looked ahead. “If I had known that the mysterious world was so cruel and terrifying last June, I might not have raised the request of becoming a Beyonder.”

Klein turned his head slightly and took a look at the noble lady’s face. He asked in a seemingly casual manner, “If I were to give you the chance now to completely leave the mysterious world, would you accept it?”

Audrey was taken aback as she slowly pursed her lips and said, “No…”

After giving such a response, she seemed to relax a little as she smiled and continued, “Under the premise of knowing how cruel and terrifying the mysterious world is, the me from last June would’ve given up being a Beyonder. But the me of this year wouldn’t.

“This might be the price of growing up.”

“I understand what you’re getting at.” Klein continued forward at the same pace as he said, “After those victims are completely purified, a number of them will spit out Worms of Time. They can be used to create Fate Siphon charms. It’s a demigod-level item that can switch the fate between two parties for a short period of time. When the time comes, I’ll give you one as payment for today’s treatment.”

Audrey was about to decline it before she fell silent again. She then nodded gently and said, “Okay.”

Just as she said that, she suddenly paused. She turned her head to glance at Gehrman Sparrow and smilingly said with a mixed expression, “I know why you just asked me that question.”

Klein chuckled without giving a direct answer.

Audrey retracted her gaze and immediately felt a lot better. She asked as though they were having a chat, “I participated in the punishment operation at noon, and I dealt with the Amon aftermath in the afternoon. Today is really a ‘Tarot Day’…”

Her words were a double entendre as she said with utmost wistfulness.

From her point of view, noon was a cooperative operation that involved five members—The Moon, The Star, Judgment, Justice, and The Magician—with different levels of involvement. In the afternoon, the Tarot Club’s The World and Justice had involved themselves in the elimination of Amon’s avatars in different ways. This was indeed a day to remember, and in a sense, it could be considered a “Tarot Day.”

Klein nodded in agreement at Miss Justice’s words, but he didn’t tell her that The Star Leonard had also been involved in the afternoon operation. Furthermore, he was the main force in the operation.

“Amon’s avatar must’ve been difficult to deal with, right?” Audrey finally found an opportunity to raise the question.

at Gehrman Sparrow, making no attempt to hide the curiosity

Klein smiled.

alone, you wouldn’t be seeing Gehrman Sparrow,

your destiny and identity stolen?” Audrey asked

Klein tersely acknowledged.

In short, to eliminate all of the Amon

never believe that you have the means to handle ‘Him’ alone. Immediately find an opportunity to

was that Death Consul or the angel from the Fate domain, or… Audrey

teacher, she seriously nodded and

occasionally breaking out into a conversation until they entered 160 Böklund

minutes, inside the activity room of

strong urge to sit in their seats, raise their hands, and place their clasped hands before their mouth. They

coughed in unison until their tears and

Cough! Cough! Cough!

coughed out worms with twelve

fell to the ground, they vanished without garnering any

quickly restored to normal. And the darkness had faded away at some point in time as the

regained consciousness. She was puzzled as to how she fell

but she just couldn’t bring herself to smile. She felt as though there was

concerned gaze landing on her, not only wasn’t she touched, she even felt a little fearful. She trembled like an introvert who wasn’t accustomed to making contact with

wasn’t her personality, but she couldn’t

didn’t find it weird or puzzling as she

They had a nagging feeling that there was something hazy about their memories, but they

Böklund Street. In the master bedroom which had its

across the coffee table. It was the barefooted Ariannaleader of the ascetics, matron of the Evernight Cloister, head of the thirteen archbishops of the Church

Dwayne Dantès was about to leave the sofa. On the coffee table in front of

Ma’am Arianna,” Klein said with a solemn bow. “Thanks to your help, Amon’s avatars in Backlund

Parasitized, and he

hearing him, Arianna tapped her chest four times in a clockwise fashion and replied in a pious manner, “Praise the

right hand, and two

future,” Arianna said simply before her figure vanished inch by inch as though she had

this archbishop leave, Klein sat down and picked

to ask what other effects the Worms

would be too monotonous. It made it easy to be countered, and it prevented

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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