1018 Unexpected

Empress Borough, by the side of Viscount Stratford’s mansion.

Fors and Xio, who were dressed in black dresses, hid in a dark corner. They stared intently at the tightly closed metal gates as they patiently waited for their target to appear.

It wasn’t raining tonight, so they didn’t have to face harsh weather conditions. The carriage that remained parked by the side of the street lamps made it clear to them that their patience would be rewarded. It was only a matter of time.

After an unknown period of time, the gates produced a heavy metal groan as they slowly opened.

A figure in a black cloak appeared with its head bowed. The figure walked to the side of the carriage and nimbly boarded the carriage.

“Is that her?” Fors lowered her voice and asked Xio.

She didn’t have Beyonder powers that could restore a target’s characteristics from a mere description, and she had never seen her before. Therefore, she couldn’t rely on her spiritual intuition or astromancy to make a judgment.

Xio nodded in affirmation and said, “Yes!”

As they quietly conversed, the rental carriage sped up and left the side gates.

Xio immediately left her hiding spot, prepared to use her Sheriffs Beyonder powers and the physical enhancement that being an Interrogator gave her to lock onto her target while jogging.

“What are you doing?” At that moment, Fors pressed down on her shoulder, foiling her plans.

“Track her!” Xio looked back at her friend in puzzlement.

Fors looked at the rental carriage that hadn’t completely pulled away from them and asked thoughtfully,

“Why are you tracking her for?

“Also, didn’t you say that the target has a rather powerful Beyonder protecting her once you enter the Backlund Bridge area?”

“That’s right.” Xio first answered the second question before saying, “Your question is very odd. The reason you track someone is to determine the target’s appearance, identity, and motives.”

Fors retracted her left hand from Xio’s shoulder and revealed a smile.

“Since the target is protected by a rather powerful Beyonder, it will be difficult for us to complete the tracking in the Backlund Bridge area. We won’t be able to find her residence and figure out her true identity. Do you wish to directly fight her guardian? Although you have me to help, are you certain about that person’s strength? How certain are you? Will it be very dangerous?

“Besides, once the battle begins, it will definitely alarm the target. This is the same as stopping the carriage midway and confronting her directly. It will foil your primary objective. It will alarm Viscount Stratford and prevent him from falling into a predicament that will offer you a chance to take action.”

“If we do it, then there’s a possibility of failure, but failure is certain if we do nothing,” Xio emphasized that she knew the situation well. All she wanted was to make an attempt and find an opportunity midway.

At this moment, the rental carriage had already turned into another street at the end of the road. Fors watched the back of it gradually disappear as she shook her head and smiled.

“No, no, no. We need to change our way of thinking!

use her appearance to perform normal investigations in the


course. I’ve written detective novels before!” Fors answered without any

target looks like without alerting her?”

said with a smile, “Elementary. Using the Psychological Invisibility Miss

of curiosity. She studied the

true identity, Xio and Fors were increasingly certain of it, but they didn’t directly ask or do any further investigations. That was the most basic form of respect towards other Tarot

Xio came to

see you even if you were to jump around in front of them. That way, you can directly board the carriage and stand in front of the target, openly taking in her appearance and remember

end up being squashed to death by huge creatures that

noise later. Don’t speak to any nearby creatures, or else you will garner attention. Let

Xio nodded, then she raised another issue: “How do I prevent the target from discovering the sudden opening of the carriage door while

Fors’s reply, she immediately pressed, “Did you record the Door Opening Beyonder

as she handed Leymano’s Travels to her friend, telling her which pages

in mind, Xio immediately ran amidst

saw her target. Her right hand immediately trembled as she made the bronze-green notebook

rippling light appear on

she sped up and rushed to the side of

ensure nothing went wrong, Xio didn’t immediately take action. With a

as though she was crossing the road. However, the carriage driver didn’t notice her, nor did he shout out to

confirming the effects of Psychological Invisibility, she sped up and dodged the horse’s galloping and came to the side

observation, she flipped through Leymano’s Travels and revealed a white page covered with strange patterns and symbols. Then, she reached out her

instantly turned transparent as she

as if she was in thought, staring at the glass window where Xio stood. However, she didn’t notice the bounty hunter who had suddenly

even with her cloak lowered, Xio was able to see her face clearly. Furthermore, the woman wasn’t as careful

a face that still had some male characteristics. This

she couldn’t help but shout,

foresee that the woman who often entered Viscount Stratford’s residence was rather beautiful, but she never expected the woman

androgynous now looked beautiful.

size up Sherman. She couldn’t associate her figure with

Sheriff Beyonder powers that allowed her to confirm that the person opposite her was Sherman, Xio definitely would’ve imagined that she had made a mistake. And even so, she still suspected whether the person

surprised question, Sherman realized that there was another person in the carriage

Bounty hunter, Xio Derecha!

name to Shermane, she was first alarmed, but the words Trissy

meet people you

beloved to know of your former

can you be reborn, doing so in order to

quickly flashed across Shermane’s mind as a terrifying

“Kill her!”

seemed to come from a demon in the abyss as it constantly whispered in Shermane’s

“Kill her!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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