The full-body mirror’s silver words seemed to have a life of their own as they vanished and reformed:

“The Concerto of Light and Shadow is a pocket watch. It can restrict certain actions in a particular area, and it can also strip certain Beyonder powers from the target. When the two are put together, the limitations that are created far exceed the two types.

The Concerto of Light and Shadow is also able to ‘gift’ certain negative side effects to the target, making him sluggish; eager; avaricious; or lose their fighting spirit, only capable of focusing his attention on money.

“Apart from these effects, the Sealed Artifact’s wielder would have the ability to distort the target’s speech, actions, intentions, and attacks. It can reduce a lethal blow into a serious injury, or it could repel an attack, turning progression into retrogression, escaping into leading a charge.

“The negative effects of Concerto of Light and Shadow are rather serious. Amongst them, the main negative effect to take note of is that once it’s brought into combat, all the Beyonder effects produced in a certain region would intermittently experience random anomalies. It wouldn’t distinguish between friend or foe, making it hard to control and unpredictable. That also means that Lightning Strike might still create a bolt of lightning, but it might splash the target with a blast of cold water or summon unknown spirit world creatures.

“Due to this reason, Qonas Kilgor has deliberately sought out a mystical item that can make him sufficiently lucky at critical moments, hoping that the random intermittent effects will benefit himself. It’s definitely useful to a certain extent, but it’s not that great.

“Qonas Kilgor also has a strange revolver. It originated from an anomaly during an evil god’s sacrifice. It’s called ‘Rever’s Shout of Despair’… It can shoot without bullets, and each shot possesses immense strength… It can shoot at a rapid pace like a miniature machine gun… Targets who are hit by it will suffer Rever’s shout of despair before he died. They will suffer different levels of pain, dizziness, and confusion…

“The biggest problem with the revolver is that the wielder will also hear the shout of despair. It just won’t be too frequent.

“As an Earl of The Fallen, Qonas Kilgor no doubt has a qualitative change when it comes to ‘Distortion’ and the unreasonable ‘Bestowment.’ In addition, he can also ‘Exploit’ laws and ‘Magnify’ effects, and use ‘Disorder’ to disrupt order.

“Exploit can extend certain states for longer periods of time or end it ahead of time. It will make the rules more beneficial to himself. For example, after jumping into midair, the state of being away from the ground can be extended, achieving the effect of floating.

“Magnify can boost the effects or influence of his actions. It can make an ordinary attack become an execution. It can turn a hug from a distance away into a restriction.

“Disorder will influence the structure of objects, the standards of measurement, and the accuracy of attacks. It will make a seemingly massive building collapse, causing what seems like a huge distance to be shortened to that of a few paces, as well as allowing attacks that are aimed at him to miss their mark.

“Through Magnify, Exploit, and Distortion, Beyonders of the Lawyer pathway can achieve certain things that only Beyonders of the Arbiter pathway can accomplish.

“Of course, Low- and Mid-Sequence Beyonder powers of the Lawyer pathway like Bribe are equally possessed by an Earl of The Fallen and are even stronger.

“Great Master, I’ve finished answering your question. Is that okay?”

Your answer is like a guidebook. You must’ve been gathering information from the spirit world while delivering it… Also, must you seek praise even for matters such as this? Klein lampooned and nodded slightly.

“That’s right.”

question, he quickly got into the zone as he analyzed the powers and traits of

4 demigod existence. There are qualitative changes in various aspects. Be it “Bestowment,””Distortion,””Exploit,” and “Magnify,” none of them are easy to deal with. I

basically an enhanced version of the Sequence 5 Mentor of

effects… To a Beyonder of the Seer pathway, my combat style is definitely closer to one of preparation, precision, and control.

stemmed from the Sealed Artifact named Concerto of

the item would summon a rabbit just as he was using the Fate Siphon

the effects by raising his luck, but I can’t do it. Fortune or Misfortune that’s not at the angel level won’t be effective on me… However, I have the marionette,

intermittent random anomalies of that Sealed Artifact

words appeared out of the ripples of the deep mirror, forming a


unlucky, and for this,

Qonas Kilgor is more unlucky than me, I’ll be the lucky one. Ma’am Arianna said that “She” can provide me with assistance… To “Her,” secretly slipping some misfortune

good. That’s it for today. I’ll summon you again if there’s

On the full-body mirror’s surface was a

gaze and quickly simulated the battle

up with an idea, and grabbing onto that flash of

a few tentative plans, Klein walked to the balcony and looked at the garden

a calm and


fine on my side,”

returned to

seconds. Then, he pressed down on his silk

on the heels of that, he flicked his thumb

crimson moon occasionally tore through the clouds. Maygur Manor

from the Tussock River’s south bank, taking two to three

MI9, Qonas Kilgor, who wore a white

surveyed the area and didn’t notice any abnormalities. He gradually revealed a smile and walked to the bar counter in the guest room. Getting a cup, he picked up a bottle of Maygur red wine. He prepared to pour some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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