1028 Saving Himself

No good… My Spirit Body Threads… have been controlled by him… Having met Faceless Beyonders, Marionettists, or Bizarro Sorcerers, and even fighting senior Beyonders and demigods, Qonas Kilgor wasn’t unfamiliar with the predicament he was in. He was even rather familiar with it and knew quite a bit.

Therefore, he knew very well that he had fallen into a lethal trap. The time he had left to save himself didn’t exceed fifteen seconds!

And in these fifteen seconds, his thoughts would turn more and more sluggish, and the speed at which he could come up with solutions would slow down. Towards the end, just the thought of a solution would take him several seconds. Yet, his stiff and dull body would require plenty of time to actualize his thoughts. This also meant that he had about ten seconds to save himself!

Of course, he had considered the corresponding response for the last few seconds. It was to abandon his body’s control and reveal his Mythical Creature form. Through this, he could delay the time it took to become a marionette and then use his existence to disrupt the enemy, dealing a blow to them to a certain extent.

However, by doing so, even if he escaped the fate of becoming a marionette and even manage to defeat his enemy, Qonas Kilgor didn’t have much confidence in continuing to live.

He wasn’t a demigod who could freely switch between his human form and Mythical Creature form. He didn’t have the confidence that he could maintain his rationale in a Mythical Creature form.

In order words, the outcome of escaping the fate of becoming a marionette by releasing his Mythical Creature form likely meant that the human, Qonas Kilgor, would die, while a monster of the same name would occupy his body.

Because of that outcome, Qonas Kilgor wouldn’t make such an attempt unless it was necessary.

While his thoughts weren’t too sluggish, and with how he could hear Rever’s Shout of Despair in his ears, this demigod of the military quickly came up with his first plan to save himself.

He moved his right thumb at a speed that couldn’t be considered slow.

Earl of The Fallen—Magnify!

Qonas Kilgor didn’t wish to “Magnify” a particular state of his or the attack of a particular Sealed Artifact; instead, it was used to “Magnify” Rever’s Shout of Despair’s side effects!

This special revolver allowed the wielder to hear the roar of despair from time to time, a rather serious blow to creatures without godhood, easily pushing them to the brink of losing control, to madness, to a mental breakdown, or mind blanking. And at Sequence 4, the effects of the roar was greatly mitigated once his body possessed the characteristics of a Mythical Creature.

To Qonas Kilgor, this roar was enough to turn his mind adrift and generate irascible mood swings. It didn’t have much of an effect on him, and he had already gotten used to it.

And at that moment, he wanted to “Magnify” the “roar of despair” to a state where even a demigod wouldn’t be able to tolerate it. He wanted to use the pain that came from this psychic piercing in his mind to escape the state of having his Spirit Body Threads being controlled!

As “Magnify” didn’t need any obvious actions, it was quick to show its effects. Opposite him, Gehrman Sparrow, who held Death Knell and wore a half top hat, was floating in midair with strong gusts of wind swirling around him. He didn’t make it in time to stop the Earl of The Fallen from successfully using this Beyonder power.

But in the next second, what Qonas Kilgor met in response wasn’t a terrifying roar but silence.

The ordinary roar that was originally present had vanished!

This was a random anomaly brought about by the Concerto of Light and Shadow!

Seriously… How unlucky… Qonas Kilgor’s thoughts slowly flashed past his mind. He didn’t have the luxury of time to feel disheartened as he immediately made a second attempt.

He raised his right hand in an unsteady manner, aiming Rever’s Shout of Despair at Gehrman Sparrow who stood 150 meters from him and was about to pull the trigger.

his right hand suddenly disintegrated

Earl of The Fallen—Disorder!

used this to withstand Gehrman

of thumping sounds. Like a machine gun, Rever’s


flew into the distance, shattering the windows and walls, causing one

Bang! Bang!

bullet storm continued their barrage, and finally, Gehrman Sparrow was

and shaking in the strong gust of winds like a paper

Bang! Bang! The strange revolver finally stopped its “roar.” And apart from

that only the dead had. However, Gehrman Sparrow continued controlling the Spirit

his body slowly but

the effect of Flower of


because he had released all his accumulated luck. It was also because Qonas Kilgor

bullets brought forth

time he had left to

watch left his palm and dropped to the

Light and Shadow and made it stay far away from the

have one or two chances to save himself. If another

to the ground. Qonas Kilgor moved

himself, an action that only required a mere thought. The

he didn’t expect “Gehrman Sparrow” to not die after suffering so many gunshots, even his control over the Spirit Body Threads wasn’t affected. There was

had no way of thinking


gusts of winds that held him up suddenly intensified and sent him


winds, Gehrman Sparrow raced to the pitch-black sky under

Earl of The Fallen—Magnify!

strong winds that helped Gehrman Sparrow fly had been “Magnified” into a

him and Qonas Kilgor would stretch beyond 150

his goal achieved, Qonas Kilgor, who had yet to regain his freedom, had his expression

swept over to him, engulfing him and throwing him high into the sky. It made it

He was truly unlucky.

the night sky, amidst the

normal as their

this opportunity, Qonas Kilgor.s nearly frozen mind had


stopped maintaining his power of flight and used gravity to plummet down like a meteor, doing so in order to rapidly open up a

wind and pursue him. He slowly pulled his left arm in front of his body like it was filled with

action of “closing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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