Scrutinizing the bronze cross in hand, Klein was certain that it was at least a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact.

Apart from its purifying effects, this mystical item also possessed Flaring Sun and other demigod-level spells of the Sun domain. As for its negative effects, they weren’t a problem to resolve if one used it properly. For example, helping people who stumbled into the Beyonder world and hoped to escape this madness to become normal humans again. It could also be used for people who consumed additional potions to secrete the Beyonder characteristic—though this required precise timing; otherwise, it easily caused one’s Sequence to drop.

Of course, the body and soul that had been reconstructed by potions would definitely suffer from frequent conflicts with an ordinary human’s essence. Beyonders who relied on this bronze cross to retreat from this “circle” would undoubtedly suffer residual effects, and the exact circumstances would be different depending on their pathways and Sequences.

This made Klein sigh. This was the most useful and valuable negative effect he had ever seen.

To him, the only problem was that this bronze cross couldn’t be carried with him for extended periods of time. He couldn’t hand it to his marionette either, as it would expel the marionette’s Beyonder characteristic and drop its Sequence. And a marionette could no longer consume potions for advancements, as their Spirit Bodies were essentially dead.

As for letting ordinary creatures turn into marionettes, they would “praise the Sun” by wearing this cross for extended periods of time and escape his control.

I can only leave it above the gray fog and take it out when I need it… To a Bizarro Sorcerer, this side effect isn’t much. After all, I don’t perform unprepared… I’ll later confirm if it corresponds to an Unshadowed. If it does, I’ll sell it to Little Sun after he finishes digesting the Priest of Light potion. I believe that the City of Silver’s six-member council’s Chief wouldn’t be miserly to not exchange it with a Sealed Artifact of equal value. The Sun pathway is clearly more suitable for the Forsaken Land of the Gods than the other pathways… Klein thought in a good mood as he placed the bronze cross back on the long mottled table.

He didn’t immediately make a confirmation and planned on leaving it until he returned to 160 Boklund Street. When that happens, he would also use dream divination to figure out the origins of the Sealed Artifact. As Maygur Manor was too close to the underground ruins, he was afraid that the royal family’s angel or maybe even Adam was observing the area. If his experiments were to trigger some change and create a stirring in the gray fog, his biggest secret might be exposed.

Even if this Sealed Artifact doesn’t correspond to an Unshadowed, it’s definitely from the Sun pathway. At most, it’s mixed with other Beyonder characteristics. No, it will be expelled, and the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun’s trademark is a Sacred Emblem made of gold, an abstract sun, having nothing to do with a cross. Hmm, after eliminating this possibility, the only one related to the Sun domain is the City of Silver’s Creator, the ancient sun god, Adam and Amon’s dad, the suspected transmigrator…

It appeared in the hands of Viscount Stratford, so does this mean that, in a particular sense, it’s the Twilight Hermit Order who’s cooperating with the royal family, and the Psychology Alchemists is just a ruse? Of course, there are too many other possibilities. It might’ve been found by the Augustus family since they’re quite a famous angel family in the Fourth Epoch and have a long history. Finding certain items of the ancient sun god is rather normal…

If this Sealed Artifact really was provided by Adam, could it be part of “His” arrangements?

Faced with Demoness Trissy, who is clearly involved with an evil god, and her partner, Viscount Stratford, who chose to use this purifying cross and gave up using other items. That arrangement is very reasonable. Upon deciding to eliminate Shermane, since he wasn’t sure if she had been corrupted by an evil god and was afraid of accidents happening, he didn’t use any direct offensive means and instead wasted time activating this Sealed Artifact. That too is also very reasonable… Yes, it’s all very reasonable. I’m just not sure if there are signs of this outcome being arranged…

With this in mind, my phobia for 0-08 has reared its head again… Yes, Miss Magician and Miss Judgment had privately discussed Adam before. It involved matters regarding the Forsaken Land of the Gods, the Giant King’s Court, and King of Angels…

was arranged by Adam, why does “He” want to give

about it. Composing himself, he decided to do further experiments after

didn’t hesitate and immediately returned to the

relied solely on his divination powers without the

of Evernight ascetic leader, Arianna, had taken,

sweep. It could spew out large numbers of bullets in one to two seconds. These two modes came with the shout of despair, having a certain level of influence on demigods at the saint level, but it wasn’t too effective. Of course,

into a protective charm. Its power was to accumulate one’s chance of success after

was to change its name

were of little value to Klein.

demigod marionette

guide and convince the target; Barbarian provided strength and a constitution that broke the rules; Briber had “Bribe”; Baron of Corruption had “Distortion”; Mentor of Disorder had “Disorder”; and Earl of The Fallen had “Bestowment,””Magnify,” and “Exploit.” They were all pretty good powers. If he hadn’t obtained detailed information from Arrodes and made sufficient preparations and formulated a plan, together with the help from an angel of Concealment, Klein believed that he had no way

discovered. But if that’s the case, I can only use three of the Earl of The Fallen’s

while sweat dripped down his forehead. Hazel was standing a short distance away, her eyes looking on brightly. She no longer had the arrogance from before and had a few black marks across her face—a result of the smoke. Portland Moment was holding a cup of wine, smilingly watching the relatively “young lad” being busy. From time to time, he would raise a metal skewer with chunks of meat and

scene, Klein’s heart

went to the

dinner, Klein headed above the gray fog once again

first confirmed that the cross corresponded to the Sun pathway’s Sequence 4 Unshadowed and had, rather uncreatively, named it Unshadowed Crucifix. Following that,

origins of

it might point to Adam and place “Him” in a state of vigilance. He planned on investigating the situation by figuring out the Sealed Artifact’s origins. If the Unshadowed Crucifix’s owner

down the pen, Klein looked down at the

“I’m courting death again…”

from the City of Silver’s Creator, the ancient sun god, a powerful deity that was stronger than the ancient gods

withstand as well as the amount of power of the mysterious space above the gray fog that

spending a few seconds to calm his emotions, he leaned back in his chair, holding the Unshadowed Crucifix

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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