1042 Plan From a Different Angle

After a few seconds, Sharron calmly replied to Klein, “It’s not bait, but a ploy to lure them out.”

Just as Klein was about to ask what the difference was, Marie explained in detail, “Back when we were pursued by the Rose School of Thought, we discovered that they had quite a number of members in Backlund. However, due to our lack of strength and our fear of traps, as well as to not attract the attention of the Church, we didn’t take any action against them.

“This time, we plan on attacking one of the more important ones. We’ll deliberately miss some out, allowing the hidden ones to secretly escape and pass the information to the Rose School of Thought’s person-in-charge in Backlund.

“In secret, the Sanguine’s demigod will be watching them. Through the message chain, they will find the person in charge. That person must be a key member of the Rose School of Thought.

“Once he’s killed or even captured, we’ll take the next step in our operation based on the information we manage to obtain.”

That’s more reasonable. The main point is to use your own understanding of the Rose School of Thought to create a plan instead of using yourself as bait. That’s a way to effectively control the situation and not destroy Backlund… Klein nodded gently and said, “If that’s the case, I can participate.”

He didn’t say that he needed to think about it or return to confirm the level of danger. This was because this matter wasn’t something that needed to be done anytime soon for Sharron and the Sanguine. When he divined problems, he could always call it off as a participant.

“What kind of payment do you need?” Marie’s standing posture relaxed as he asked.

Klein smiled.

“If there aren’t any accidents the entire time, I wish to receive one instance of free assistance from Ma’am Reinette Tinekerr. If I have to involve myself in the operation, I can always add the condition of having priority on the spoils of war.

You can discuss this with Ma’am Reinette Tinekerr before writing to tell me the answer.”

In fact, he was still a little puzzled. He believed that with such a plan, there was no need to seek him out. With Miss Messenger hiding in the shadows, it was enough to prevent any accidents that Sherlock Moriarty could deal with!

“There’s no need.” Sharron, with her exquisite looks and pale face, shook her head gently like a doll. “I can agree to it now.”

Has she already discussed it with Miss Messenger? Klein thought for a few seconds and honestly asked, “Then why don’t you directly ask Miss Reinette Tinekerr for help to prevent any accidents from happening?”

Sharron’s hair remained motionless as though bound tightly by the petite bonnet. She replied in an ethereal and fleeting voice, ‘”She* doesn’t wish for the Sanguine to discover ‘Her’ existence.”

Is that so… Klein deliberated for a moment and raised another question:

are you seeking out the key

revenge not within

said, “In recent decades, the Rose School of Thought has been trying its best to let the Mother Tree of Desire descend

addition, Teacher also desires ‘Her’ body to be

of Miss Messenger’s body? Her—”Her” body was once torn apart and is being held by different key members of the Rose School of Thought? Or can the bodies High-Sequence Beyonders of the same Sequence and their characteristics be made into a part of

Sequence 2 and

before, but he

She didn’t speak too fast, but

too sure about it in the past. Now I can confirm that Sequence 1 is Abomination, Sequence 2 is Ancient Bane, Sequence 3 is Cursed Artifact but is

that you weren’t certain when I asked you the last time? That is to say, when you summoned Miss Messenger and reunited with “Her,” you managed to learn more secrets?

questions. After confirming the time

you.” Sharron once again

hand to his

Klein stood up from the high stool

without a smacking sound, scarlet

sky, countless lights silently lit up in Backlund, as though they were stars that were covered in

Klein returned to the rental apartment at

changing his clothes and preparing to return to North Borough’s Boklund Street,

was from

nodding in thought, Klein immediately took four steps counterclockwise and arrived above the

this corresponded to The

I wish to apply for a minigathering that includes me, Mr. Hanged Man, Ma’am Hermit, Miss

Tarot Club’s representatives in intelligence, experience, and knowledge… Poor Leonard… Klein chuckled silently as

fog, inside the

of light appeared on both sides of the long bronze table, forming

been finalized?”

detailed plan is this. Through two temperance faction members who escaped from the Rose School of

World Gehrman Sparrow and company. When he was done, he said, “If we can obtain effective information, we Sanguine plan on seizing the opportunity to launch

important item?”

an item that could spur an ancient faction into an attempt on attacking a secret organization’s headquarters.

even exceed that of an ordinary angel, stronger than

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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