He raised his glass and took a gulp.

“Don’t you know that the higher the Sequence, the greater the inclination is towards being cold and crazy? Which major aristocratic family in the Solomon Empire doesn’t have an angel? That’s why they’re definitely different from normal people.

“As for the degree of coldness and evilness, it has to do with the choice of their ‘anchor’ and the traits of their Beyonder pathway. I don’t know what my great-grandfather’s situation is. I only know that he’s very kind and amiable, and the way he speaks and acts is rather casual.

“In addition, the rules set by His Majesty have a key point-disharmony. If all the aristocratic families have the same style, ‘He definitely wouldn’t be satisfied.”

The first reason given was something I expected, but the second reason is a little unexpected, but it’s quite funny… Was the Black Emperor of the Solomon Empire trying to get ‘Himself’ diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Disharmony is actually a requirement… Without wearing too thick a mask, the corners of Klein’s lips curled up slightly.

At this moment, Audrey turned her head to look at him and asked the same question that she had as Mr. Star, “Anchor?”

All of them knew that the aesthetic taste of the Fourth Epoch was disharmony and asymmetry and had considered it common sense, so they didn’t think too deeply about why there was such an aesthetic style.

“To the deities, believers and faith are an anchor,” Klein simply explained.

So that’s the case… Mr. Fool also said that it’s to stabilize one’s condition… Audrey felt her sights broaden, allowing her to consider the relationship between the deities and believers.

At the same time, she thought in puzzlement, In the early stages of Mr. Fool’s reawakening, “He” shouldn’t have many believers. Back then, what was “His” anchor?

Leonard listened attentively as he couldn’t help his expression from turning solemn. It was as though he had suddenly thought of many things.

He quickly focused his attention on Mobet. After some deliberation, he said, “What kind of an angel is Pallez Zoroast? What kind of habits does ‘He’ have?”

Hmm, Leonard is still very cautious. He still hasn’t fully believed that the grandpa in his body is Pallez Zoroast. Yes, we can’t rule out the possibility that the real Pallez has fallen, and that the one still alive is an imposter. To an angel of the Marauder pathway, such an action is rather normal… And to a secret existence, replacing a particular identity is equivalent to possessing that identity, so “He” wouldn’t deliberately expose the truth…

Heh heh, on more important matters, matters that he’s interested in, and those that involve his safety, Leonard is more reliable than I expected. If not for that, he wouldn’t have realized that I was still alive back then… As for other matters, he’s just too, too half-hearted. He’s too used to using his past experience. It’s not that he isn’t intelligent, but rather that he can’t be bothered to use it… Klein couldn’t help but sigh.

Mobet was taken aback for two seconds before he drank a mouthful of hard liquor and said, “Old Man appears to be an ordinary elder at home. He’s a bit naggy and likes to throw blows at his descendants, and enjoys life. If one didn’t know it ahead of time, no one would’ve guessed that ‘He’ is a Sequence 1 angel. “‘His’ aesthetic style is different from His Majesty. ‘He’ is absorbed over categories and emphasizes cleanliness and tidiness… When facing enemies, ‘He’ is good at trickery and often likes to finish off ‘His’ enemies by making them break down…”

This is quite similar to how Old Man has acted to date… Leonard nodded and asked, “Do you have ‘His’ portrait?”

“How could I be carrying a portrait with me? It’s not like I’m looking for anyone!” Mobet shook his head in amusement.

point, Leonard suddenly pointed to

“Isn’t that it!”

that an oil painting had appeared in his

content on it gradually became clearer, revealing an old man with dark

was already completely white. It wasn’t very sparse, and it was neatly combed to the back of his head. His forehead, the corners

quite good when he was young. He looked quite similar to Mobet, but he exuded a rather solemn

angel… Is this also because “He” didn’t reveal “His” Mythical

the portrait, he mentioned a few relevant questions related to the Zoroast family and received a satisfactory answer. The only exception was the name of the potion names of Sequence 3 to 0. Mobet wasn’t too sure either; all he knew was that

ending this topic, Leonard asked about

major aristocratic families are there in

family, the Abraham family, the Zaratul family. In addition, although the Medici family and Lord Ouroboros

he spoke, he would curl his finger, finally curling

were the most loyal angels under His Majesty, they were still ranked beneath us. They

actually be traced to the era of the Solomon Empire…

that era, what was

Majesty. Even deities acknowledged His Majesty’s rule in order to fight against opposing factions.” Mobet chuckled. “They’ all have countries that belong to ‘Them’ in poorer places. In short, Evernight, God of Combat, and Death were at odds. The three deities of Storm, Blazing Sun, and Wisdom had a great conflict with each other. Earth’s attitude was vague and unclear, but ‘She’ was more inclined towards the God of Combat. This made ‘Them’ unable to cooperate in a stable fashion, thus being unable

the sake of balance, His Majesty didn’t attack the Southern Continent, and allowed Death to unite the plains and the ancient forest

ultimately, the six deities came to an agreement. Hence, the Black Emperor perished, establishing the Tudor-Trunsoest United Empire… Leonard recalled Pallez Zoroast’s mention of this particular phase of

his head

“Do you have cigarettes?

little devils that came out from the True Creator’s

dream and conjured a cigarette before handing it

right hand and snaked out a ball of fire

of his nostrils, Leonard asked curiously, “The True

right. Even Lord Medici would occasionally smoke a few sticks. Although

asked, “Which deity do

Lords Medici and Ouroboros. They believe in the True Creator. Also, Duke Bethel Abraham might just be faking it. According to

Abraham… A thought came to Klein. He was about to signal Leonard to ask further when

the completely different behavior compared to the other aristocratic families in the Empire made this ancestor of the Abraham

puffed out smoke rings. “In the warring era, ‘He’


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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