This…The Second Epoch’s subsidiary gods truly are hidden powers. There was Dragon of Wisdom, Herabergen,and there’s God of the Dead, Salinger. They were all powerful figures that even reached the throne of Sequence 0. Of course, I can’t be sure about the Dragon of Wisdom. It’s just quite possible…

Yes, and there’s the God of Dawn, Badheil, and the Goddess of Harvest, Omebella. I can’t rule out the possibility that “They” have lived quite well all the way to the Fifth Epoch… I wonder if the God of Spiritual Creatures Tolzna and the Goddess of Misfortune Amanises managed to evade the authority retrieval operation by the City of Silver Creator at the end of the Second Epoch. If “They” managed to escape that fate, what roles did “They” play in the Third and Fourth Epoch? After a moment of shock, Klein began thinking poignantly.

Thinking back to the betrayal of the Kings of Angels in the Third Epoch, he couldn’t help but lampoon:

You have to be careful of fire, theft, and subsidiary gods!

At that moment, Audrey, who didn’t know much about the subsidiary gods’ true names or authorities, didn’t show any perturbations in her emotions. She acted as different female elves in Siatas’s memories, and she constantly talked to her about her experiences and things she knew about the Second Epoch.

According to Siatas, in the history of the elves, there was no concept of the First Epoch or Second Epoch. In the beginning years that were unknown to her, it was chaotic, dark, and crazy, and it didn’t leave behind any texts. After the supernatural races obtained a certain level of intelligence and had their own languages, creatures finally had some knowledge of history.

In that era, ancient gods appeared one after another. The sky, the land, the sea, and the underground world slowly changed from disorderliness to orderliness. However, other than the tyrannical and crazy ancient gods, no one knew how many years this stage lasted. She just knew that, very, very long ago, it was referred to by the major supernatural races as the “Sprouting Era.”

After the “Sprouting Era” was the “Early Era of Fire” in which the eight ancient gods fought against each other in different camps. This was also a long time before Siatas’s birth, so she could only understand this from the elven historical records that it was a time when quasi-humans fought non-humans, resisting the corruption and intrusion from the devils and demonic wolves. Amongst them, the humanoids were the giants, elves, Sanguine, as well as their slaves.

The “Early Era of Fire” lasted different periods of time according to the different records. However, a common point was that it lasted less than a thousand years, as the essence of the ancient gods was madness, tyranny, cruel, and cold. They were often driven by their instinct.

After the Sanguine Ancestor Lilith, Mutant King Kvastir, and Annihilation Demonic Wolf Flegrea perished during the betrayal, the “E3rly Elm of Fire” ended, and the war broke out “The world was damaged, and it didiVt stop for centuries.

Due to the fact that the giants and dragons were relatively strong in this period of time, they were known as the “Dual Era.”

By the time the five races formed a new balance of powers, the Northern Continent, the Southern Continent, the East Continent, and the Five Seas had recovered some level of peace. This was when Siatas was born and had grown up in until she entered Groselle’s Travels.

In the history that she described, there were two important points. First of all, it proved the existence of the East Continent, a place where the Giant King’s Court was. Second, after the “Sprouting Era,” the supernatural races had their own kind of civilization. They weren’t completely irrational as their descendants believed them to be. Of course, the inclination towards tyranny, cruelty, coldness, and slaughtering still existed, as though they were all in a half-state of losing control. It was only after the “Dual Era” that the new generation of elves and giants gained some level of rationality. They had feelings just like Siatas and Groselle.

The East Continent seems to be the Forsaken Land of the Gods… It was abandoned during the Cataclysm? Similar thoughts surfaced in Klein’s, Leonard’s, and Audrey’s minds.

They were very interested in this, but it was a pity that Siatas had always lived in the Elf King’s court. Their occasional forays outside were limited to parades at sea. She had never been to the East Continent, and she lacked the required knowledge.

Under Audrey’s influence, Siatas’s dream began to show the traditions and language of the elves.

the legends that the Queen’s attendant had heard of, Elvish was created by the king in the “Sprouting Era.” Every word

unified. They relied heavily on their surroundings—the elves in the forests and the sea were undoubtedly different

in the king, who was an ancient god, and “His” queen. They liked to make food with the blood of their prey. Many of them had culinary methods such as roasting. Even sea elves often came up to the reefs for a bonfire party. They were close to

fake… Their traditions have destroyed my previous theories… Klein listened

matters, Audrey circled around the keyword of the West Continent and made Siatas’s dream change. It reflected some of

followed behind Queen of Calamity Cohinem and walked to

dress, and she stole a glance at the “deity” who controlled calamities. She asked curiously, “Your Highness,

the pressure of violence, they would ask

so?” Cohinem didn’t turn back as

Siatas replied. “Your Highness, does the Western Continent really exist? Is that really where the first-generation elves were

as she said with a slightly ethereal voice, “The Western Continent may exist, but it may not exist either. Every race needs to give themselves

is your home to

home?” Siatas repeated the question as she replied blankly, “It’s where His Majesty and Your Highness are. It’s this palace that can

Siatas’s emotions gradually turned

obvious that she was influenced by her

Groselle’s Travels and had been away from home

the Western Continent doesn’t exist, but to some

because she suddenly remembered that the Queen wasn’t a

increasingly confused and puzzled. Thankfully, from the Second Epoch to the Fifth Epoch, the Western Continent had zero presence, so it didn’t have any important secrets related to him. He was just trying

it was almost noon, without any other nearby dreams that they could leap into, Audrey left with Klein and Leonard, and they appeared in

Fourth Epoch viscount whose body had been tightly bound by the elf, Audrey’s expression suddenly

being with her…” Leonard, who didn’t have a poet’s talent but had the liberal inclinations of a poet,

contrary, it’s true that an experienced thief needs a woman like Siatas to rein him in. Hmm… I wonder what kind of members of the opposite sex Old Man’s other family members

they live together. Emperor Roselle once

It was only when they died that

couple’s house, the trio headed to Groselle’s

street, Klein saw Frunziar, who was known as a philosopher, and Audrey recognized him

hundred years ago?” Audrey slowed

the ashes he had placed


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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