Chapter 1080 The Line of Thinking for Acting

After watching Butler Walter leave the second floor, Klein entered the dining hall. As he looked around, he realized that the servants were much more energetic than usual. They even felt a little agitated.

Indeed, Life’s Cane also affects humans, but it’s not that ridiculous. It’s at a rather normal level and still within acceptable levels… According to this logic, the servants’ reproduction abilities would definitely increase. The only problem is that they don’t have spouses, so there’s no way to show that…

Eh… Will Mr. Butler’s act of returning home today result in him having another child in nine to ten months… His wife is almost 40 years old. It’s a little dangerous for her to have children at this age. Of course, as the other party in the copulation process, the effects of Life’s Cane would pass over to them. There shouldn’t be any problems…

Man, I wonder if the potential effect will result in an increase in conceiving a child. If Dwayne Dantes’s moving into Boklund Street causes one to have an increased chance of having children, my reputation will practically be doomed… Klein’s thoughts drifted without end. Finally, he concluded in his mind:

Life’s Cane truly is very sinister!

In the future, he would only bring it into the real world for some time each day and try his best not to affect the humans around him!

After breakfast, Klein brought his valet, Enuni, to the first floor and prepared to take a stroll.

At that moment, two chambermaids were cleaning in the main hall.

“Good morning, sir.” Upon seeing Dwayne Dantes approach, the two chambermaids immediately stood up, made way for him, and greeted him.

Of course, if they were in a more remote comer, they would try their best not to make a sound, just in case they disturbed their employer. This was something they learned from Butler Walter’s teachings.

Klein nodded and gave a simple response as he slowly approached the door.

At that moment, the two maids suddenly saw a wheat head embedded in Enuni’s head. It was full of golden particles and was extremely attractive.

Before they could even take a closer look, the valet seemed to have sensed something amiss. He raised his right hand and yanked off the piece of wheat using plenty of force.

The two maids looked at each other in surprise and amusement.

They imagined that Enuni had accidentally gotten some wheat on his body when he followed Mr. Dantes over to Maygur Manor, bringing it all the way back to 160 Boklund Street, where they scattered in places that weren’t easy to clean. For example, under the pillow he slept last night. In his dreams, he pushed the pillow away and ended up lodging a piece of wheat into his hair without realizing it when washing up in the morning and during breakfast.

Although this process was complicated and not easily achieved, it was still possible.

It can’t be that Enuni grew a single wheat head, right… The two maids mumbled to themselves as they continued with their work.

and Enuni slowly walked with one behind the

a number of neighbors

Last year, the smog was very serious, and the air was quite pungent. No one was willing to waste their time in the streets, braving the

there was no doubt that they would greet each other. When they walked past each other, one of the lawyers glanced at Dwayne Dantes’s valet from

right hand, the

seems to be

too much about such matters, causing me

my nose was

At the same time, he saw two

returned to the activity room on the third floor and sent Life’s Cane above

to create shocking scenes to scare people, as well as use a strange method to

the surrounding humans don’t notice them at all. They only occasionally made the connection, and when they think about it, they would feel a sense of fear from certain possibilities, to the point of not daring to turn off the lights and ending up having nightmares. That’s also a horror film archetype…

this, he had many ideas

have to deal with enemies, but he also had to turn his enemies into the

on pulling some tricks… Well, there’s no need to find a demigod target. There’s no restriction for acting like this. I can “Teleport” to the sea, and find some lucky pirates to “participate,” creating some

my “works” spread! It seems like I have to let some of the actors escape successfully every time and spread the nightmare that they experienced, creating a

legends of the people in the Northern Continent and the sea, how many of them were deliberately

consider the consequences… In truth, while looking for pirates to “film the horror movie,” I can find an opportunity to scare other demigods. I don’t have to fight them to the death. Once my goal is accomplished, I can escape… With this thought in mind, Klein came up with a plan

carefully considered his

will make me the leading character of a horror movie on the spot. Those who are familiar

about their whereabouts. Frightening the archbishops will easily cause unnecessary chain reactions, causing the world situation

target is the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death faction’s demigod, Patrick Biyan, as well as the councilors of Will

over the next two days to visit Dr. Aaron Ceres. He wanted to bring some ice-cream for a certain baby to ask where the

subordinates, he had to get

thoughts. He went out again and went to Saint Samuel Cathedral to pray and

saw a few businessmen and professional lawyers and accountants who were seeking investments, behaving

Aaron Ceres’s house directly tomorrow, or invite their family to have a nice dinner at the Srenzo Restaurant which served excellent ice-cream, his

any surprise, saw Miss Messenger walk out of the void with

the heads bit on

Klein habitually and

the letter, Reinette Tinekerr could only answer with

“King…” “Of…” “Idiots…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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