1085 Scrutinizing the Situation

“Extra! Extra! The kingdom declares war on Feysac!”

On the way from Maygur Manor to Backlund, Klein heard the paperboy shouting on the streets with brisk steps while on a horse carriage.

Although he had already made preparations, he still sighed after confirming that the war had truly erupted. He couldn’t help but feel depressed again.

The grudge from having Sonia Island, a key territory, taken away… The conflict over the rights of the colonies… The defeat from the previous war… The political corruption leading to a recession… Ever since the repeal of the Grain Act, many farmers of the kingdom have gone bankrupt due to the importing of foreign food products… The lower-class live in abject conditions… The rich-poor divide only grew deeper…

The middle class’s blind confidence in the Loen Kingdom’s might, and the eager desire to raise their own positions… The intensifying conflict between different political factions in high society leading to a fracture… The king and his faction wish for a large-scale war… With all these factors combined, just from an objective standpoint, and considering this from the angle of materialism, it’s almost inevitable for Loen to start a war… Reality is the best author… Jumping out from his experience from the past, Klein scrutinized the Loen Kingdom’s situation from a fresh point of view. He realized that the tides of the times had already formed and were surging over. Without a true deity’s descent, it was completely unstoppable.

In comparison, what puzzled him more was why the Feysac Empire would be willing to initiate a war.

Even if the members of an ancient secret organization were indeed members of the upper echelons of Feysac or the Church of the God of Combat—key figures who had the right to make the decision—there was no way they could be alone in deciding such an important matter. How could the others agree to a world war?

Could it be that the conflict between the various classes in the Feysac Empire has also completely escalated to the point that it urgently needs a war? With his lack of understanding of the empire of the north, it was difficult for Klein to make an accurate judgment. But they just won the East Balam war and reaped more of the rights to the colonies. There’s no reason for its situation to be more serious than Loen’s… Yes, the royal family—the Einhorn family—is in control of the Red Priest pathway. It’s understandable that they crave war, but the Church of the God of Combat has no reason not to stop it. As a member of the orthodox deity alliance, they lacked the motivation to help Amon’s brother advance to Sequence 0.

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly came up with a theory.

Did that brother of Amon realize that the Goddess has already acquired the Uniqueness of the Death pathway and is in a critical stage, so “He” revealed this information to the Church of the God of Combat? And the God of Combat is in a neighboring pathway with the Goddess, so there’s no way “He” can ignore this matter; “He” will definitely make an intense response…

Of course, it might not be done by the brother of Amon. It might also be because of the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death faction’s angel, Haiter. After being warned by Einhom Sauron Medici, this Conspirer expert, “He” discovered the abnormalities ahead of time. On the one hand, “He” pretends not to notice anything and continues to set up a probe. On the other hand, “He” pulled in the Church of the God of Combat to worsen the situation and make it more chaotic… The Red Angel evil spirit is truly a symbol of war…

If this is really the case, then it’s inevitable for Feysac to wage this war. Furthermore, the matter regarding the Uniqueness of the Death pathway has no room for compromise. At the critical moment, the God of Combat might descend, causing a battle of gods that hasn’t happened since the end of the Fourth Epoch to happen…

This time, for the airship fleet from Feysac could stealthily to travel from the coast for nearly a hundred kilometers without being detected, it would definitely have a Weather Warlock providing protection. Otherwise, even if they were to take a detour across places with few people, they’ll still be seen ahead of time and definitely be stopped by the Loen airships… A Weather Warlock is an angel. Since the Fifth Epoch, the number of wars that have Beyonders at this level are few and far between… After Emperor Roselle’s death, most soldiers don’t even know of Beyonders, even in the colonial wars… To have a Weather Warlock be involved in this means…

This is really a battle that will sweep through the entire world. It involves battles at all levels. Is this what Amon’s brother wants?

When the time comes, the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Earth Mother, the God of Steam and Machinery, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom will have to take their respective stances. Would the conflicts that “They” have temporarily suppressed for almost two thousand years be escalated…

to be unified, and they might form an alliance with Feysac. From the south to the north, they will attack Loen and Intis. Of course, countries like Lenburg and the Church of Knowledge, who are in the crossfire, will definitely try to stop it. Uh… As for Desi

the Northern Continent would become

he were a Sequence 4 demigod, under the tide of the times, there was no way for him to cause any major impact in this battle of gods, or exert any key influence. It would be pretty good if he

the first thing he did was arrange for Butler Walter and company to hide in the underground area that was used as a wine cellar. Then, he “Teleported” to Backlund University of Technology. At that time, a bomb had already hit the ground. Some had died, and others were injured. The only thing he was thankful

long and quickly retreated from

turned his head to look out the window and saw that, after hearing that the kingdom was declaring war on Feysac, a small number of pedestrians on the street wore a look of horror as though they

but they instinctively felt that peace had been broken. The future was a chaotic

at his valet, Enuni, who was sitting opposite him. From his eyes, he realized that

his depressed and

of Loen collapses, it’s nearly impossible for Feysac to invade Backlund again. It

aren’t anywhere close to coming into contact with someone important who is a target for assassination, so they won’t be implicated. Fortunately, Portland Moment’s research laboratory has just been established, and there are no results from it yet. It

It’s always the front line of every war. Ma’am Arianna might’ve returned to help the military. Oh, “She” might also be sent elsewhere to protect the coast. After all, the defenses of Backlund are sufficient. The royal family definitely has Grade 0 Sealed Artifacts and also angels. The three Churches most likely have hidden tricks up their sleeves… In that case, my

spirit’s return

revealed this information, hoping that it would direct the points of suspicion to Mr. Azik, the Death

but “His” actual standard shouldn’t have recovered to the level of an angel. There’s no irreconcilable feud between “Him” and me, nor do I have what “He” wants. Even if “He” knows that Dantes is equivalent to Gehrman Sparrow, it would

will it bring after “He” grasps

he using this to set up a conspiracy or sell the intelligence to someone

conspiracy… Who would

by him. This included Amon’s brother and the Angel of Fate Ouroboros. From the Red Angel evil spirit’s past actions, for the time being, “He”

appeared in


the Secret Order, the Sequence 1 Seer pathway angel, Zaratul, who had returned to normalcy

had already left “His” original location, and “His” whereabouts


Zaratul and Zoroast families were serving under the Solomon Empire. Even if they weren’t friendly with each other, they must be very familiar with each other… In the foggy town, Zaratul had met Gehrman Sparrow. If he really wants to pursue something, he would definitely chase after the crazy adventurer… With a thought in his mind, Klein instinctively began

he thought of something, Klein recalled the failure of the joint operation between Sharron

for Gehrman Sparrow, so would Zaratul,

of Thought’s person-in-charge in Backlund had left in a hurry. Clearly, he had only noticed the problem at the last moment. With the Sanguine preparing the corresponding Sealed Artifact, it’s rather impossible for such a failure to happen. Even the Sanguine Duke was puzzled and confused, but what if—what if it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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