1119 Tacit Cooperation

Upon hearing the Chiefs words, Shepherd Lovia immediately raised her question:

“Just like the two Silver Knights at the front gate of the King’s Court. It won’t take the initiative to attack targets outside a certain range?”

Colin Iliad nodded slightly and said, “At least that’s how it seems to be at the moment.”

They were already near the exit, but the guard outside had no reaction.

This meant that the other party didn’t possess real intelligence or spirituality. It was very likely that they were objects that came to life.

Without waiting for the other members to speak, Demon Hunter Colin continued, “Huge, heavy…”

After obtaining the corresponding information, the City of Silver’s group formed a tacit understanding. A team opened up a distance from the exit, but they faced towards the door. It was protected by Shepherd Elder Lovia. As the bait to attract the guards, a team took the corresponding holy oil from the Chief and smeared it across the ground at the exit. Haim, who held the Unshadowed Crucifix, and Demon Hunter Colin stood by the side of the door and used the stone columns to hide.

Then, Colin Iliad sheathed one of his swords onto his back and took out a small metal bottle, gulping down the liquid inside.

His aura rapidly faded away and wasn’t obvious anymore. If one didn’t look closely, they wouldn’t be able to discover his existence.

This was another set up. Haim was in the open, while the Demon Hunter was hidden.

After another ten seconds, Shepherd Lovia stretched out her right hand and grabbed at thin air.

Her silver-gray hair was dyed a deep blue color.

The wind howled as the grayish-blue door opened.

Right on the heels of that, heavy footsteps could be heard, causing the entire hall to shake.

A “giant” covered in iron-colored armor rushed into the hall with a halberd in hand.

Its exposed parts didn’t show any flesh or blood, as though they were made of metal. Behind the black mask was a dark red glow.

If it didn’t move and stood there, it wouldn’t be any different from a statue.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

in the hall became more and more obvious. The giant statue suddenly threw out the halberd in its hand, stirring up a hurricane that tore towards Derrick and company at the


struck an invisible barrier as the

armor had appeared at some point in time. It stabbed its greatsword into

Tap! Tap! Tap!

didn’t stop as it ran into

sound was heard under its

the spot that

and held it up. Suddenly, a blinding white light shot out from the Unshadowed

same sword with both hands, plunging it down like an eagle

on the straight sword, making it exceptionally huge. It even exceeded

the bright sword pierced through the gap in the giant statue’s armor,

flood of light from the dawn

As the giant statue fell to the ground, he pulled out his sword and

statue lay at the door as its body emitted cracking

at it again, Colin turned to look outside the door. After a few seconds, he said, “There are no other guards for now. We can handle

and company quickly surrounded the giant statue and

the entire battle from the sidelines and was deeply impressed by the City

statue was made of. Its surface was covered with armor that had shocking defensive strength. It

such as Spirit Body Threads control, Hypnotism, Frenzy, and Nightmare. It was like a walking fortress that made one suspect that it was

their shoes, with the core powers of a Bizarro Sorcerer being useless, he could only rely on his two marionettes’ powers to deal with the giant

of Beyonders with a tacit understanding would be able to produce the

might not be able to help but send a gift as

was a high chance that it

away the most valuable item on the giant statue, the City of Silver’s expedition team proceeded

corridors, in an attempt to find more clues, as well as the entrance to the

King’s Court. On the other side of the sea, there were kingdoms where humans flourished. There, there were no monsters hidden in the darkness. The sun rose and

enemies. Most of them were statues that had come to life. A small number of them were evil spirits formed by the combination of remnant emotions and the power of dusk. The latter was unable to put up any resistance against the Unshadowed

above the gray fog nodded slightly, expressing his acceptance of the current situation. After the Giant King perished, this place already belonged to the ancient sun god. It’s unlikely that there will be a large number of giant powerhouses and mystical items left behind… When the Kings of Angels were conspiring, they definitely eliminated any unnecessary troubles ahead of time… Once the ancient sun god was eaten up, the ownership of

be very troublesome. The City of Silver’s expedition team might not be able to advance

to Derrick, the City of Silver’s expedition team was already very close to the tallest

was extremely dense, as though it came

wing of the Giant King’s residence.” Demon Hunter

Elder Lovia nodded. Finally, there was some

he could no longer control

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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