East Borough, in a two-bedroom rental apartment.

After receiving the reply from Demoness Trissy from Miss Messenger Reinette Tinekerr, he pulled a chair to sit down and began reading.

This means she knows of Mr. Door’s existence, and she has a way to use the bloodline of the Abraham family to communicate with that entity… Trissy can already withstand Mr. Door’s cry for help. Isn’t she afraid of losing control because of this? Besides, she seems to be very sure of Mr. Door’s identity… She really has obtained more knowledge and secrets from the Primordial Demoness… But in such a situation, why would the Demoness of White Katarina be pursuing her? Questions arose in Katarina’s mind as he read the short letter.

As Trissy’s vague mention of the matter was within his understanding, he believed that she wasn’t lying in this aspect. Furthermore, she had provided a very feasible solution.

Of course, the prerequisite for this method to succeed was to obtain the correct ritual and have a descendant of the Abraham family be willing to take a huge risk, as they used something related to their bloodline as a medium.

Of these three points, he was missing the first point. He still had some doubts about the third point. He attempted to find a safer and more concealed method, but Demoness Trissy seemed to only lack the second point.

To me, it’s easy to find the descendants of the Abraham family. I can directly contact them through Miss Magician. However, once I hand over their hair, blood, flesh, and bones to Demoness Trissy, this will put them at risk of being hexed… Klein understood the Demoness pathway rather well and knew that they were very good at hexes.

As his thoughts raced, he gradually came up with a countermeasure. It was to use the hair, flesh, or bones of the deceased.

He remembered that Miss Magician had mentioned to The Fool that she had once buried an old man named Lawrence. He was undoubtedly a descendant of the Abraham family.

I hope it wasn’t a cremation… Although this is somewhat sacrilegious to a corpse, speaking to Mr. Door is a necessary procedure to dispel the Abraham family’s ancient curse. It’s better to use the dead rather than implicate the living… When the time comes, I’ll add this in Trissy’s reply. I’ll claim that this is a requirement stipulated by the descendant of the Abraham family for the ritual’s medium…

Also, I have to first confirm that Trissy is going to speak to Mr. Door, and not attempt to pull “Him” back to the real world… They are either of a high-level or are involved in high-level situations. It will be difficult to obtain any effective revelations using divination, but Emperor Roselle said that the ritual required to facilitate Mr. Door’s return is very complicated. It definitely can’t be set up by a small number of descendants. I can get Queen Mystic and Miss Sharron to monitor Backlund’s underground market and see if there are any abnormal trades of materials and personnel… Klein nodded slightly and decided to find Miss Magician in a while. He could also rush her writing.

North Borough, Phelps Street.

On a bench, a young man in a black trench coat and silk top hat was sitting there with a thin face and a broad forehead. He looked at the withered and yellow Intis parasol trees in a daze.

He wore a crystal-carved monocle on his right eye, looking rather refined.

At that moment, an elder who was heading to Saint Samuel Cathedral stopped in his tracks when he saw that something was amiss. He asked gently, “Young man, what are you worried about? You lost something in this war?”

He suspected that the young man’s relatives, lover, or friends had died in the air raid or during intense battles at the front lines. That was why he was sitting alone by the side of the street, looking lost.

The young man raised his hand and pinched his monocle. He sighed and shook his head.

“I’m just thinking about some rather complicated questions.”

you a philosopher?” The old man was taken aback as he blurted

just like who I am, where I am, and what’s my future.” The young man smiled calmly as he continued to ponder. From time to time, he

understand him and could only shake his head. Under the gaze of the stray dogs, sparrows, ants, and microbes in the air, he

that were floating down as he muttered to himself, “To Parasite …”To not

“Devour the bait…” “See the bait…” “Devour the

Lawrence’s remains from Fors, and seeing the horror stories of Backlund hospitals being serialized in the Tussock Times, Klein entered a patient state. He also promised to send Miss Magician to a new

new week had arrived. After having his lunch, he planned to take a short nap to prepare for the three o’clock

this moment, Reinette Tinekerr, who was holding four blonde, red-eyed heads, walked out from the depths of the void. One of them had a linen bag in

suddenly had an inexplicable feeling. He had a complicated premonition as he didn’t

Tinekerr’s three free heads spoke one after

“The…” “Real…” “Mutated…”

“King…” “Of…” “Mushrooms…”

Klein controlled his expression of not baring his teeth as he slowly took

bag, he wasn’t surprised to see copious amounts of

of them were white and full, as though they would spurt out milk with a single poke. Some of them were black at the bottom and were embedded with thin blood-colored lines and markings.

mushrooms were still squirming slightly, as though they wanted to

his saliva, he picked up a letter that was surrounded by mushrooms, and he started

“My dear friend, Gehrman,

I’ve invented mushrooms that can be planted in dark and harsh environments. They can grow by devouring

accumulate various kinds of poisons that cannot be eaten. However, they can be used as a source of poison. The other type can be used for food after being cooked at high temperatures through boiling, stewing, and frying.

of flavors, I’ve invented eleven kinds of mushrooms—some are rich in milk. This can be directly drunk. Some are like beef. Heh heh, when frying them, there’s no need to provide any extra oil. Some are as delicate as fish meat but without the bones. My suggestion is

wouldn’t have been possible without your help. If I hadn’t already advanced and become a Druid, I might’ve taken a few years, or even more than a

any other ideas that are suitable for me, please share them with

Your friend forever,

Frank Lee.”

long time. He looked up and realized that

out a piece of

very happy that you’ve succeeded. These mushrooms will help me greatly. They will effectively reduce famine in

so I

“…Your friend,

Gehrman Sparrow…”

at Miss Messenger

Reinette Tinekerr had previously failed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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