Chapter 1136 Rumors from Ancient

Putting down the Classical Metallurgist potion formula, Klein cast his gaze towards the two tubes of blood Little Sun had sacrificed.

Then, he beckoned for a ceramic jar wrapped in layers of paper figurines.

This was the Beyonder blood from different pathways that he had previously gathered. It had been placed above the gray fog and sealed with the Paper Angel in order to slowly integrate it into this mysterious space’s aura, removing the connection between the blood and the individual. This was to prevent any accidents from happening to the provider when the door of the symbols was opened.

To him, it was fine if he suffered backlash. After all, there was at least one more chance of him reviving. If it would affect those who trusted him and gave their blood, he would rather not do it.

After peeling off the paper figurines at the mouth of the jar and pouring the two tubes of blood into it, he conjured a glass stick and reached in to stir it.

Right on the heels of that, he used Paper Angel and sealed it again.

I’m just short of Prisoner, Devil, and Demoness… After I complete the ritual, I’ll personally pay Miss Sharron a visit. It’s better to make a request in person regarding such matters. It’s too rude to do it by writing letters… Only Miss Magician is a little special. Clearly, she would prefer it if I wrote a letter rather than meet Gehrman Sparrow in person. Heh, she actually used the excuse that the ink had frozen due to the low temperatures to delay her writing. Heh, are her magic tricks just for show? Thankfully, my potion has already digested, so there’s no need for me to push her anymore… Klein mumbled inwardly as he threw the ceramic jar covered in paper figurine back into the junk pile.

After leaving the world above the gray fog, he didn’t immediately prepare to advance to Scholar of Yore. Instead, he took out a pen and paper and drew the symbol that was a mixture of concealment and mystery prying.

This was something he had planned to do before he consumed the potion—to ask Arrodes about Sefirah Castle.

As the symbol took form, the light in the originally badly-lit room became darker, as if clouds were drifting past, blocking out the sun.

After more than ten seconds, the full-body mirror with cracks suddenly rippled with aqueous light and silver words quickly appeared:

“Exalted Great Master, your devoted, loyal and humble servant, Arrodes, is here to answer your summoning.

“I-I am still the servant that you trust the most, the closest and most favorite, right?”

This question… I seem to be able to read the panic and anxiety of this magic mirror… Does it feel a sense of danger? After some thought, he nodded in amusement.


been the case… I’m just comforting you… After

the mirror lit up and the


you have

tensed up. “What do you know about Sefirah

a few seconds before the pale golden

know much about this. I’ve only heard some rumors. In the early days of the Second Epoch, the ancient gods believed that the original Creator left some things behind. That might be a ‘kingdom’ formed from a certain part of ‘His’ body or something created by ‘Him.’ And Sefirah

Flegrea, gave. ‘He’ calls the Hounds of Fulgrim as Sefirah Castle Keepers. However, ‘He’ failed to enter Sefirah Castle even to ‘His’ death. Therefore, many powerful creatures suspect that Sefirah Castle doesn’t actually exist, but is just an

pondering for a while, he said,

of words appeared one after another. However, the pale gold color faded away, becoming silver once again. “The ancient gods suspect that the source of the underground corruption comes from a place similar to Sefirah Castle. They call it the Chaos Sea. Also, there are

of Eternal Darkness, Knowledge Moor, Tenebrous World, and Brood Hive… Brood Hive is related to the moon; it sounds very dangerous… I wonder if it has anything to do with the Mother Tree of Desire… Klein silently repeated the key information in Arrodes’s response. He had a nagging feeling that he should be able to grasp something, but he didn’t gain much from it. He even lacked the ability

didn’t have any actual understanding of them, he organized his thoughts and said with a smile, “From the looks

What’s important is that I’m your loyal, lowly, and


surface of the mirror, silver words formed one after

the ancient sun god was born, ‘He’ was light and darkness combined. After all,

the darkness in his body and used it to create

personally fabricated and spread this myth… Amon’s brother, your wife has become the Dark Angel! Klein was first alarmed before many strange ideas arose in

thoughts settled, he began to analyze the

god. They would worship “Him” in the same way as the Lord. No one objected or

summarized as the dark side of the ancient sun god colluding with foreign enemies,

Medici joined Rose Redemption. “They”

position of Dark Angel Sasrir, in the ancient sun god’s divine kingdom, equivalent to

He doesn’t have

suddenly felt drenched with sweat. He was glad that he was a Seer and not some other

reason why

it has something to do with the fall

the brother of Amon, the Dragon of Wisdom, and the True Creator wish to confirm the state of Dark Angel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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