Chapter 1144 Narrowly

Due to the fact that they had arrived early, the seats that Melissa and Benson could choose from weren’t too bad. They could directly see something strange on the grayish-white stone pillars in the middle of the square. Its two heads dramatically differed in size and were painted with dark blue paint. It was connected to some cables.

At the foot of the object was a troop of soldiers in red shirts and white pants. They were carrying grayish-white metal backpacks, as well as complicated structures and small-caliber rifles. They were watching their surroundings in high alert.

As more and more citizens gathered, the square began bustling with activity.

At nine o’clock sharp, the strange object on the stone pillar suddenly produced sizzling sounds. Finally, it changed into a deep and thick voice:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m your emperor, ruler of Loen, East Balam, and Rorsted Archipelago, George Augustus III.”

…That thing can talk? It’s using the principles behind the telegram? Melissa’s eyes widened as her attention shifted from the speech to the strange thing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m your emperor, ruler of Loen, East Balam, and Rorsted Archipelago, George Augustus III.”

At Memorial Square in West Borough, Audrey accompanied her father, mother, and elder brother near the platform. She looked at the king in his formal attire as she attentively listened to his speech.

As she knew in advance what George III would be focusing on today, and the mood that would be created, Audrey didn’t wear anything that she was fond of. Be it the colors or style, they were nothing a girl would wear. It was the same as the Earl’s wife, Caitlyn. The dress was simple and conservative. It was black in color without any traces of accessories.

“…I’m very happy but also feel heavy-hearted to tell everyone that we’ve finally stopped the first stage of the Feysacian attacks. We’ve foiled their plans of annihilating Loen within three months…

“…But many outstanding young people have already died at the front lines and died in this war. They had a better future ahead of them. They should’ve accompanied their parents in growing up, aging together with their spouses, and allowing their children to grow up in a loving environment and have a good childhood…

“…The Feysacians have destroyed everything…”

Knowing why this war had started, Audrey wasn’t incited by the King’s speech. She only felt that he definitely had talent in inciting drama.

She heard slight sobbing sounds coming from the crowd around her. She could feel the sadness rising bit by bit as they intertwined and brewed.

Her eyes reddened uncontrollably.

the people was real. In particular, Audrey had seen many family members

was unable to make use of

deep breath and controlled her emotions. She shifted her gaze away from King George III and let her thoughts

today’s speech. I wonder how he’s going

it won’t lead to

factions at sea have already put such technology to use… Compared to the sea which is constantly affected

George III finished the first part of his speech and solemnly said, “Let us mourn for our heroes here. Ladies and gentlemen, recite this together with me in

wish for the dead heroes to be at peace. I hope they will become eternal in the

indescribable sense of dignity, making everyone, including Audrey, involuntarily lower their heads, clasp their hands, and silently recite, In the name of Emperor George

a black coat and an ordinary face, stood and prayed

the roof of a nearby building to carefully observe George III’s every move in an attempt to find a

the entire Black Emperor ritual. If one were to consume the potion, it would definitely happen at this moment, or within two to three minutes after the collective mourning.

III is also silently mourning. He isn’t doing anything else… Klein held back his impatience and puzzlement as he patiently

end. Everyone opened their eyes one after another. At this moment, George III didn’t do anything. He spoke again and

of justice. This is the power of every soldier at the front lines. This

of becoming a god today. He’s just trying to “bait” any enemies who want to destroy his ritual. In any case, he can still give many more speeches like this in

solemn as

with Enuni, who was hiding in the sewers. The latter was dressed the

counterclockwise and went above the gray fog. With the help of the crimson star representing Miss Justice, he used his

3 Beyonder, so there was no need for him to use the Sea God Scepter to widen his field of view. Of course, compared to a Scholar

moment his gaze landed on the stage where King George III was giving his speech, his gaze froze.

was an “imagined” George III

confirmed that it was the real George III. Who knew

is consuming a potion in an attempt to advance! With a thought, he quickly checked the

surface of the long bronze table and tried sensing it. Using the law of convergence of Beyonder characteristics, he confirmed that the power belonged

using a speech to “bait” the enemy, he disguised himself as a fake person and secretly left to consume the potion… There’s not much time left… Klein’s

“The mysterious world’s lighthouse;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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