Chapter 1152 “Error“

Upon hearing Klein’s reply, Amon smiled and shook his head. As “He” reached out to open the door, “He” casually asked, “How did you think of such an honorific name?”

“It needs to have a certain connection with myself, but also be able to avoid others from using the prayer’s automatic response to lock onto me. There aren’t many such honorific names.” Seeing that his identity had been exposed, there was no need for Klein to hide it any further. Furthermore, he hoped to use such a conversation to grasp an opportunity.

At the same time, his mind raced as he began thinking about how to save himself.

I’ve been deeply parasitized. If I have any thoughts that aren’t beneficial to Amon, it will be easily sensed and detected by “Him”…

Today is Saturday, and it’s almost Monday again. If The Fool suddenly stops the Tarot Gathering without any warning, the other members will definitely be terrified, nervous, and confused. Here, those who have the means to contact The World will definitely attempt to summon the messenger to ask for the reason. And once Miss Messenger approaches me, “She” will be able to discover the existence of Amon. Then, “She” can use the Yesterday Once again charm to recover to “Her” peak condition. With the complete strength of an angel, “She” has a sizable chance of rescuing me from Amon’s avatar…

The most important thing for me now is to persist and “live” for two days!

Yes, since Amon can’t steal my fate right now, why did “He” try to trade peacefully? Even if I agreed to it, “He” wouldn’t dare to let me go above the gray fog to grant “Him” permission. That would mean that I’m free from “His” control and able to Sefirah Castle to effectively purify and make a counterattack against the “Parasite”…

Is the “agreement” itself a switch, and there’s no need to follow up on it?

Amon deliberately didn’t mention this…

As expected, it was a scam!

Having grasped a sliver of hope, Klein decided to stall for time as long as possible for the next two days. The focus of Amon was still on the honorific name that no human and angel could think of.

As he walked out of the room, he scratched his chin and said, “Have you provided any protection to Backlund’s magic and drama performers?”

I’ve protected a Trickmaster before… Having made plans, Klein was much more cooperative than before. He answered simply, “I’m a Magician myself. I’ve ‘performed’ many times in Backlund.”

The monocled Amon nodded.

“Barely counts.”

He then walked out of the hotel room and went down the stairs to the street. Like a servant, he followed behind without any abnormalities.

Looking to his left and right, Amon pinched his monocle and sighed with a smile.

“How regretful.”

“What’s there to regret?” Klein asked in puzzlement.

I’ve already been caught by you. What else do you have to regret?

Amon pressed down on “His” silk top hat and maintained “His” smile.

“You can make a guess. If you can guess correctly, I can give you a better ending.”

promise at all. In order to not be tricked into revealing more secrets, he shook his head and said,

“He” clenched “His” right hand into a fist and lightly tapped on

the trees by the side of the street, the sparrows on the rooftops, the rats in the muddy corners, and

status instantly rose to the level

for Klein, he raised his left hand, and the

the activation process of

him which was real was Creeping Hunger. The rest were made by using the

about to begin, Klein was taken aback as he blurted out, “Why didn’t you teleport

be wary of. However, he couldn’t understand why “He” would open the

eye behind the monocle swept across Klein as the corner

pity that you didn’t seek help

“His” face, but there was no emotion in “His” black

happened the last time? No, stop it! Klein attempted to Cogitate, trying his

street in an impassive manner before looking up at the gray sky and saying, “I can only wait for the next opportunity. The most important thing now is to bring you to

spoke, both of them turned transparent at the same time and vanished from the hotel’s entrance. None of the people who came

overlapping layers of different saturated

a huge fissure. The blue seawater had been cut off as they plummeted deep into the bottomless

entrance to the ruins of

Klein asked, “You’re taking me to the

slightly and casually replied, “That’s right. When we get there, even your messenger won’t

Forsaken Land of the Gods was clearly separated from the spirit world. Only

I’m planning to do… The flame of hope that was ignited in him was extinguished by the

to save himself for

levitating Amon muttered to “Himself,” “If my mausoleum in Backlund hadn’t been destroyed by the Church of Steam, we could’ve used the Abyss as a springboard to head there directly. We wouldn’t have to go through

guiltily changed the

to the Forsaken Land of

said with a relaxed expression, “But I

were some nasty changes in the Abyss.”

and glanced at him without concealing

“You’re actually aware.”

further, afraid that the King of Angels of the Marauder pathway would discover

this moment, Amon

want to

had happened to the Abyss to begin with; thus, he took the opportunity to cooperate

as he finished speaking, he suddenly had a

he could grasp more historical secrets to speed up his digestion of the Scholar of Yore potion. That way, he could

thought flashed through his mind as he quickly restrained himself and stopped

question, Amon chuckled and said, “Your visiting of the Abyss is like offering yourself as a beautifully packaged gift to

of the Universe?” Klein was first alarmed before he

Amon nodded.

only surviving ancient god, the

leaped and jumped into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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