Chapter 1169 Klein“s Plan

The flashing dark red glow slightly warmed Klein’s heart. He felt that he wasn’t that lonely, and that someone still remembered him.

As the illusory, overlapping sounds of prayers became clearer and clearer, turning increasingly real, noisy, and chaotic, he realized that Sefirah Castle was summoning him, and the resonance between the two was growing stronger.

After all the members of the Tarot Club had completed their prayers, Klein had a vague feeling that he could enter Sefirah Castle at any time, allowing his consciousness to manifest there instantly. However, he was still obstructed by that one last obstacle.

This problem was finally resolved after he completely digested the Scholar of Yore potion.

It was also because of this that he had the opportunity to return to Sefirah Castle before Amon broke past the obstruction from the God of Glory, Bladel.

In just two short days, all the members of the Tarot Club have prayed. Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be a coincidence like this… Some aren’t problematic, but there are some that seem to have been affected by the Goddess and Will… I was lucky enough, so I naturally had a good “development”… After careful thought, he realized how unreasonable certain parts were, but this was something that could be explained, and there was no need to pay too much attention to it.

After changing his seating posture slightly, Klein’s gaze gradually darkened.

Although he felt that he might not be able to return “home” the moment he saw the door of light and cocoons, he still felt that his hopes were completely destroyed upon confirming that this world was his former hometown. The light of dawn was swallowed by the darkness.

Back then, using “The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era” as an honorific name might be a revelation given to me by my spiritual intuition… In the deepest part of my heart, I might’ve sensed something… Yes, I remember that I transmigrated while I was sleeping. But why was I wearing a T-shirt and loose pants while hanging in the cocoon? Klein frowned slightly as he cast his gaze at the grayish-white fog under Sefirah Castle.

As he searched for the reason for the fragments of light in the fog of history, he tried hard to recall every detail of that fateful night.

Finally, he found the corresponding historical segment:

Zhou Mingrui, who was wearing a t-shirt and loose pants, set up the luck enhancement ritual before dinner. He took four steps counterclockwise and recited incantations like “The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings.”

In his memories, nothing had happened back then, but the scene in history wasn’t like this!

After Zhou Mingrui finished his four steps and completed the ritual, his face turned pale and his eyes glazed over.

Following that, he ate his meal in a daze. He read books, watched dramas, and fiddled with his phone as if he was completing a predetermined program.

Finally, Zhou Mingrui came to the sink and looked at his lifeless eyes in the mirror. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went to bed.

and loose pants. He covered himself with the

intense light and violent shaking ended the corresponding historical

raise his hand and rub his temples. He

normal after the luck enhancement ceremony was

horrified and scared about the truth of the matter. However, after suffering from shock so many times, with his world view nearly collapsing just moments ago, such a “trivial matter” was unable to

plate—as well as one of the hanging Spirit Bodies in the transparent cocoons actually having a cell phone on

other things. Anyone that obtains them and performs some required procedure would end up being pulled above the gray fog at some point, hanging by the door of

a specific

randomly made up by the influenced humans, or was it really passed down from the

“He” was like that in ancient times, a time that was far more ancient than ancient times. As for Sefirah Castle, it’s said that it was a manifestation of parts of “His” body… This isn’t a sanctuary or

the Oldest One was, on the one hand, waiting to awaken and destroy the world. On the other hand, “He” was trying to influence reality with a tiny amount of

the humans that were influenced by

of the long mottled table,

a sentence

That statement was:

converge, and whatever

Those things were:

Amon and Adam’s father deliberately separated “His” negative

encountered some corruption would gradually form a brand

reaching the moon, Emperor Roselle’s personality had changed

twenty-two Beyonder pathways were conflicting, just like Demoness

Creator—the Oldest One—was an amalgamation of contradictions, and “He” could only relieve this problem by sleeping… Klein had

right, as spoken of in mythical legend in “his previous life,” was

confirm. He couldn’t just rely on

cast his gaze upwards. It was almost comprised solely of gray nothingness there, with

“Chernobyl” a sanctuary created by humans after the awakening of the Oldest One? Or did the Beyonder characteristics of the twenty-two Beyonder pathways really originate from the Oldest One? Another would be the positions of the constellations. Is it actually normal, or is it abnormal now? Does the 1368 apocalypse correspond to the moment when the stars are right? And finally, the origins of the

hometown of the Elves, the legendary Western Continent, whether it exists or not, and why can’t anyone

period of silence. He slowly leaned back and rested his arms on the

eyes and

the Forsaken Land of

as Emperor Roselle had said, many of the answers were in the Forsaken Land of the Gods. Blasphemer Amon had wandered here for more than a thousand years to

Gods, he might reach the legendary Western Continent… Klein cast his gaze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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