Chapter 1194 A Lion“s Hunt of a Rabbi

Finally, Dorian stopped beside the letter.

He bent down and reached out his right hand. His fingers trembled as he grabbed the edge of the paper and picked it up.

This time, Dorian was very careful. He began reading each word, one after another from the very beginning. Sometimes he was enlightened, sometimes confused, sometimes puzzled, and sometimes in pain.

The letter Fors had sent wasn’t long. He only used three minutes to read it twice before he fell into a long silence.

The sunlight shined through the window and landed on the toppled table.

Dorian Gray Abraham’s lips suddenly quivered, but he ultimately didn’t make a sound.

Separated by a piece of paper, his right thumb and index finger quickly rubbed against each other and ignited the letter with a scarlet flame.

After doing all of this, Dorian packed his belongings, put on his disguise, changed his clothes, and left the rented apartment. Using the identity he had previously prepared, he went to another place.

After settling down, he sat beside the desk and stared at the brass ornament, seemingly deep in thought.

The area became darker and darker as the sunlight weakened. Dorian’s eyelids twitched as he slowly sighed.

He then unfolded the piece of paper and picked up the fountain pen. As he pondered, he wrote:

“…I’m very happy to see you digesting the Scribe potion in a few months. This means that you might really become a demigod…

“…These are the key points to take note of while acting as a Traveler, at least the ones that I know of. However, you have to remember that everyone’s personality is different. There will always be some differences in acting in real life, so you can’t copy blindly… This doesn’t mean that the acting principles of others are wrong, but that it might lead to a huge conflict in your heart, affecting your mental state… Sometimes, you can make appropriate adjustments to slow down the speed at which the potion is being digested, but it will only be beneficial to you. You have to remember: acting is a tool, not something to lord over you…

“I look forward to the day you completely digest the Traveler potion, I will prepare the corresponding ingredients and a present for you.

“…I’m very interested in the matter of the Abraham family’s curse mentioned by that gentleman… I think you should have noticed long ago that I have done a certain degree of research on such matters. Otherwise, you wouldn’t always ask me about such matters…

“I hope you can continue to learn about this matter at a deeper level…”

After writing the reply, Dorian Gray Abraham closed his eyes and quickly folded the paper.

January 1351, Backlund’s new year was much bleaker than before.

In a basement in West Borough, there were a few candles flickering with yellow flames, illuminating the surrounding altars, chairs, and round tables.

At the edge of the light, in a place that was extremely dark, a figure appeared indistinct. At times, it would sway, sometimes stretching into a thin entity that didn’t have any thickness. It was like a shadow that came alive.

a deep voice, “You arrived earlier than

in the spot illuminated the greatest

robe. His brown hair was slightly curled, and his dark,

was none other than one of the five saints of the Aurora Order, the Saint of

me, distance

long and narrow

the shadows answered in

question, Botis instinctively

Kisma, slowly shook his head and said, “The target is very

purchase an ancient wraith’s cursed item, we wouldn’t have been able to sense that she might be related to the Abraham

Abraham family does have a spare Asmann’s brain… Heh, they aren’t willing to directly provide a Scribe Beyonder characteristic, hoping to carry out some tests. It’s indeed the style of the Abraham family. To

Kisma didn’t echo Botis’s words as he continued, “Even if she was seeking to purchase the main ingredients of the Scribe potion, we wouldn’t have noticed any problems. After all, not every believer knows the corresponding mysticism knowledge,

asked questions weren’t the same. Different matters were left to


nodded slightly and asked, “Why didn’t you just take action?

more tense. The Nighthawks, the Mandated Punishers, and the Machinery Hivemind are carpet sweeping the area, one spot after another. We’re being watched

this matter, it would be fine if there weren’t any accidents. However, if an accident were to happen, I might not be able to escape due to

is most interested in the Abraham

and said, “I’m not interested in them at all. I

own safety, the most important thing is to nip revenge in the bud. This is the philosophy I

Saint of Secrets took out a

crystal ball was neither clear nor translucent, as if it had been injected

it with his palm, his lips quivered. This strange crystal ball suffused a

stars that slowly spun,

at the crystal

looked at the “ghostly

“Give me the details.”

gathering in a particular circle tonight, with the target possibly appearing, the Saint of Secrets Botis stood up

soon as he finished speaking, his right hand opened and with a

in immediately warped and

round table, and chairs that were originally located

the shadows moved and everything returned

of Secrets Botis, but Saint Tenebrous’s figure

said in a deep voice, “Your caution has exceeded

“You can follow me. You can hide in the shadows as my support. You will not directly appear, and you will leave immediately once you

Tenebrous Kisma slowly walked

handsome with outstanding facial features, but his face seemed to be covered with

nowhere. The chewing sounds and the sound of digesting could be heard, as well as undisguised evil and

the demigod

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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