1206 Sly Old Foxes, Everyone of Them

Too late? After Klein’s heart sank, he suddenly felt the Box of the Great Old Ones in his hand shake violently.

He hurriedly looked down and saw that the surface of the corpse cathedral’s door, which had shrunken into a toy, emitted rays of light. Every twisted face on the white skull seemed to come alive.

Adam’s corpse cathedral has such a high level? It can withstand the first level of 0-61 with just one door? Without any hesitation, Klein used the crimson star representing Leonard and locked onto a gas lamp on 7 Pinster Street.

Suddenly, the door with white bones protruding out with a distorted face returned to the real world. And on the first level of the Box of the Great Old Ones, there was an additional toy street lamp.

Right on the heels of that, Klein aimed at the Amon inside the corpse cathedral as he swiped his right hand, opening the second level of 0-61.

At that moment, Pallez Zoroast was no longer present on the battlefield. Without any qualms, Klein could move Amon elsewhere.

He had designated the destination to be the astral world, hoping that the seven deities would show “Him” “Their” love, but it was unknown if there would be a random anomaly.

At this moment, the door returned to the corpse cathedral. Then, the majestic building that overlapped with 7 Pinster Street quickly disintegrated.

The process of the collapse was very organized. First, it began from the dome, followed by the arches and the walls. It finally ended with the pitch-black stone pillars.

The item that fell didn’t hit the ground and instead disappeared in midair.

Standing in front of the cross, Amon also began to dissipate along with the collapse of the entire corpse cathedral. It was as though “He” had also been “envisioned,” an entity that could be removed at any time.

Of course, Klein knew very well that this was only Amon exploiting a loophole to use the expiration of the “imagined” corpse cathedral, so as to also become a figment of imagination to leave Backlund.


At some point in time, a thick dark cloud appeared in midair. A ball of lightning the size of a house dragged a silvery-white stream of light as it ruthlessly smashed onto the corpse cathedral and Amon’s body that had not completely disintegrated.

A fine crack appeared on Amon’s crystal monocle as the pointed hat on “His” head collapsed.

However, this Angel of Time didn’t panic. When “His” face twitched uncontrollably, “He” maintained “His” smile and held the crystal pillar formed from light and shadows. Like an illusion, “He” completely disintegrated as the sea of light that filled the corpse cathedral vanished.

In the next second, the pitch-black and bone-embedded towering cathedral returned to the realm of fantasy.

house on 7 Pinster Street remained, but there were exaggerated marks on the living room’s

person lying there, having

by the countless avatars of Amon after they were smitten apart. However, Klein knew

a ritual to reach the divine throne and become the embodiment of all that

of Storms… The Goddess really has no way of performing a divine descent. “She” can only use various mediums to interfere with reality, making it difficult for “Her” to affect “Him” when

had repeatedly avoided “Him” and didn’t fall into “His” traps, but in

to Backlund? Hmm, it should be after I deceived the laws to resurrect elsewhere. “He” caught a hint of Pallez Zoroast, as well as the fact that there’s a connection between him and me. He

was a problem with the treasure trove of the Jacob family… For a Sequence 1 angel who’s so familiar with Amon

grown in my battle of wits with Amon and completed a transformation, I’m still far from being a top swindler like “Him.” I’m still too

0 Error and can even traverse the land, it will be tough

out the Marauder pathway’s ritual to become a god. I need to think of a way

will deliberately hold a ritual and wait for me to knock on “His” doorstep? As his thoughts raced, Klein let out

message to Leonard in the tone


had just emerged from the soil in the garden. He was

pray… Leonard slowed down as he repeated the sentence in

down and finally stopped beside a stone pillar. He lowered his head and raised his hands to cover

voice suddenly

are you sad about? I

and said in a daze and

were already

Zoroast’s voice was clearly weak. “Ahem, to put it simply, I’ve died once, but not entirely

around. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he lowered his

I should do if Amon’s true body finds me. After repeated experiments, I’ve also ‘created’ a technique. After my true body dies, I can revive in my avatar. However, I will lose the Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristic and

words, Amon killed you once and obtained your Sequence 1 characteristic while you resurrected at the Sequence 2 level?” Leonard had a rough idea of what

that. Actually, it’s not like Amon didn’t notice it. ‘He’ didn’t do anything to stop it when I pushed you out of the corpse cathedral. ‘He’ just wanted to leave some hope for me, and make me lose my will to fight to

“Old Man, you pushed me out of

Pallez immediately scoffed.

Do you really think I’m treating you

you have other avatars?” Leonard

Pallez grunted and sighed.

actually lied to ‘His’ avatar. I must admit that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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