Chapter 1210 Moon City

In the Forsaken Land of the Gods, at night when the frequency of lightning was very low.

A few humanoid creatures cautiously approached a meatball with six legs and more than ten eyes.

They were wrapped in animal skins or clothes with materials that couldn’t be identified. With the help of a few lanterns, they passed through the endless darkness with heavy expressions.

On their faces, there were about ten to twenty tumors. Some of their eyes were nearly squeezed together, while others didn’t have a nose, with only a black hole in that place.

After a series of intense battles, they managed to successfully finish off the monster and split into two groups. One group guarded the surroundings. and another group reaped the spoils of war.

During this process, the man with many meat tumors on his face dissected the monster’s corpse. When he was searching for edible parts, he suddenly stopped.

“A’dal, what’s the matter?” the woman without a nose asked curiously.

The man named A’dal slowly retracted his right hand and revealed an item he had found from the monster.

It was a stone-carved amulet covered with marks of corrosion.

“This is…” The man, whose eyes were nearly squeezed together, seemed to understand the reason and hesitated to finish his sentence.

A’dal surveyed the area and said, “Xin, Rus, this was given to my father when I was young.

“On the day I became an adult, he felt that he could no longer control himself. He chose to leave the city and enter the depths of the darkness…”

When Xin and Rus heard that, they fell silent for a moment. They could understand A’dal’s feelings.

This was a common occurrence in Moon City.

As there was no safe edible food, they could only pick the mutated plant fruits and collect the flesh of monsters to maintain their survival.

This resulted in the accumulation of toxins and madness in the body. After a decline in their physical conditions, they would either die quickly or gradually lose control.

In order to not cause any damage to the surroundings and city, those who were part of the latter would often arrange everything after sensing that their conditions weren’t right. With a torch and a small amount of food, they would leave the defensive perimeter and wander into the eternal darkness alone, never to return.

The residents of Moon City could imagine what would happen to them. They would either be killed by monsters or become monsters. There was no other possibility.

After seven to eight seconds of silence, the woman without a nose hesitantly said, “Perhaps, this is the monster that killed your father.”

“It has a belt made of animal skin wrapped around it…” A’dal’s voice gradually lowered. He picked up the dagger made of bone and forcefully inserted it, cutting out a relatively normal piece of flesh.

the members of the hunting team completed their harvest skillfully until Rus, whose eyes were nearly squeezed together, suddenly said in a deep voice, “There are more and more deformities amongst

price of accumulating toxins and madness for generations wasn’t as simple as reducing their average life expectancy. The people who still had normal physical conditions were gradually experiencing some mutations, just like A’dal who had

to their descendants, causing mutations to appear. Rus and Xin from the hunting team

even shorter, making it easier for

very well that it might not take more than two to three generations before the residents of

quickly be destroyed, leaving behind only stone buildings and murals to

the others can find a new direction…” A’dal stood up with a lantern in hand as he

predicament. They had sent out teams of exploration teams that headed deep into the darkness. Some returned after suffering serious setbacks, with nothing to show for their efforts. Some disappeared into the boundless darkness, and nothing was heard from them ever

of Moon City, was

blocked one’s vision, but also prevented any living beings from passing

of Moon City once believed that this was a place of hope. They believed that the area covered by the grayish-white fog was a normal country. They believed that the other side of the gray fog was a land that

fog again and

barrier by going underground.

barrier at high altitudes,

the past two to three thousand years, the cumulative attacks they performed failed to disperse

felt hopeless and sad. It was as though they were sliding

were people who found it difficult to control their emotions. At that moment, they more or

deformed person wasn’t allowed to become a Beyonder or join the hunting teams two to three hundred years ago. They could only do harvesting work. However, as their manpower dwindled, the High Priest and the rest of the higher-ups relaxed the

isn’t enough.” A’dal looked around, carrying lanterns as he walked deeper

fire, causing monsters to surge out in the darkness, as they might not be able

environment, the members of the Moon City’s hunting team couldn’t help but have the feeling that they were

regarding the present situation of Moon City, and the amount of time the lanterns

light dissipated, they would be silently

walked, a faint yellow light

that didn’t belong to

shone into the eyes of

and company couldn’t help but widen their eyes as they felt a deep sense

there had never been any fires that came from external

Sun domain, but before

fiery glow appeared

thought for a

the hunting arrangements and confirmed that it was impossible for residents of Moon City

glow didn’t belong to Moon City, where did

entire hunting team slowed down. They were shocked, surprised,

destroyed cities and knew that any abnormalities in the darkness could be

of his daze and gave the

hunting team immediately took up a battle formation, waiting

moment. Every second was slow. Finally, after the fiery glow grew

There’s only one person… The members of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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