Chapter 1212 Spreading Radiance

Just now, as Klein was thinking of a solution, an image naturally came to mind.

The clouds in the two mountains began to “boil” rapidly as they spread out to the left and right, revealing a crack whose bottom couldn’t be seen. The orange-red rays of the sunset filled it and formed a corporeal path.

This was a scene created when Blasphemer Amon entered the projection of the Giant King’s Court.

And just as he felt that he didn’t know enough about the corresponding powers and planned on switching to another method. The red, green, blue, and transparent gems on the Staff of the Stars had already begun to emit a faint glow as they automatically activated.

The solidified grayish-white fog was similarly “boiling,” but it wasn’t that intense.

They were churning backward as they parted, but the area right in front of him remained an endless grayish-white mass. There was no end to it.

Klein sighed in his heart. As he focused on controlling his thoughts, he made other attempts.

In the past three minutes, he had tried hard at least ten times. Seven times were of his own will, while three times were him venting out, but he was ultimately unable to open the invisible barrier.

…Indeed, normal methods don’t work… With a flick of his wrist, he allowed the historical projection of 0-62, which was close to its limit, to disappear from the real world.

He stared at the silent grayish-white fog and didn’t move for about a minute. It was as if he had turned into a statue.

Finally, Klein closed his eyes and looked away. Holding the lantern in his hand, he walked towards the nearby humans who were watching.

He didn’t plan on making blind attempts, because there was a high chance that he wouldn’t succeed. He planned on asking the people who had stood guard in the vicinity for two to three thousand years. It was obvious that these ancient survivors had explored the grayish-white fog. He wanted to see if he could find inspiration from their years of experience.

Based on Klein’s assumption, the humans would definitely react excessively towards him, so he had already prepared the corresponding powers to allow them to speak to him calmly. However, when he looked at the light of dusk on both sides of the lantern, he realized that the ugly or deformed humans were staring at him with their mouths agape. They looked confused and shocked, as if they had temporarily lost their ability to think.

Klein frowned slightly. In the darkness, he walked unhurriedly to the ancient survivors and stopped about two to three meters away.

“What do you know about this fog?” Klein asked in Jotun with a deep voice.

of nature didn’t have any differences because of geography. There was only a slight difference in the

Sparrow raised the question that A’dal seemed to snap out of his daze. His lips quivered as he answered in an

now, Gehrman Sparrow had caused the fog to boil like water and part to the sides. This

to three thousand years of hard work from numerous generations of Moon City inhabitants were inferior to a person holding a staff with an attempt that didn’t last more than

reason why they had given up on resisting when Gehrman

matter how they avoided him, it

seconds of silence, Klein continued asking, “Do you

A’dal understood what Gehrman Sparrow meant.

Priest and

black trench coat and half top hat, Klein thought for a

in bronze, with several sharp spikes protruding out

the historical image of the ancient

hand, Klein raised it a little higher and aimed it at the

bright, and warm light bloomed, dispersing the darkness around them and

to defend themselves,

wasn’t something a

remaining members of the Moon City hunting team recall the deities described by the ancient books and the High Priest. “They” were deities who emitted boundless light and brought

light, a distorted, struggling illusionary black gas that seemed to have a life of its own began to boil from the bodies of A’dal, Xin,

felt their bodies become

corruption and ailments of their bodies, Klein shook his wrist slightly,

the heels of that, he grabbed another cane

was the former City of Silver’s Sealed Artifact,

the Evernight Goddess, as long as it was once owned by a Scholar of Yore, it would only

Life’s Cane in hand, Klein took a few steps forward and used the end of the cane to tap the leader of

face began to crack

team members, A’dal knew that he had undergone a change. He hesitantly raised his right hand

an unprecedented healthy state, one that

and used Life’s Cane to treat the

A’dal as an example, Xin and the others were on their guard and alert as they accepted contact

deformed beings who were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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