Chapter 1221 Leaving a Message

If the Dark Demonic Wolf really is preparing the Attendant of Mysteries ritual, then “His” whereabouts won’t lack traces… Klein nodded slowly. He already had some vague ideas on his mind, but he was still unable to truly sort them out.

He instinctively wanted to divine the location of the “curtain” by using the soil that had been tainted by the “curtain,” so as to lock onto the location of the Dark Demonic Wolf. However, considering how the latter was an angel, such a method would most likely alarm “Him,” alerting “Him” and causing “Him” to take precautionary measures. Therefore, Klein rationally gave up on this idea and returned to the real world. He thought hard about formulating a plan.

The next day, when there was a high frequency of lightning, another batch of Moon City residents came to Gehrman Sparrow’s bonfire under the leadership of a priest named Duke. They listened to his teachings, enjoyed the mushrooms, and waited to be cleansed.

After the residents of Moon City experienced the cleansing, with tears streaming down their faces, Klein looked around and casually asked, “The sun god told you to guard this land and to take note of anyone walking out of the fog?”

Duke, who had been cured of his bloated ailment, knew that the High Priest had mentioned this matter to the oracle before him. He answered rather calmly, “Yes.”

Klein nodded slightly and continued on the topic.

“If you really discover someone walking out of the fog, what will you need to do?”

Duke said without hesitation, “Recite the honorific name of the great sun god immediately and… report this matter to ‘Him’…”

As he spoke, his tone became very depressed. In the end, he was unable to formulate his words. This was because the sun god—the Creator—hadn’t given any response for more than two thousand years. Even though Moon City had held the most complete rituals and repeatedly chanted the honorific name, there had been no response.

“Anything else?” Klein pressed as he sharply noticed something.

This was a revelation from his spiritual intuition, and also a result of a certain degree of deduction. It was obvious that the ancient sun god and the City of Silver Creator would have considered this problem. One possibility was that the person who walked out of the grayish-white fog was extremely careful. He was very cautious and didn’t enjoy being watched or monitored. After discovering the patrol team in Moon City, he would be inclined to use his Beyonder powers to affect their minds, making them forget that they had seen him or reciting the honorific name.

In this situation, the ancient sun god should’ve made certain arrangements.

Of course, this wasn’t absolute. If Amon’s father could accurately predict that the person walking out of the grayish-white fog was a rookie, then there was no need to say too much in the revelation.

However, considering how the ancient sun god—the City of Silver’s Creator—had made an error in predicting where he would come out from the grayish-white fog, Klein was doubtful of the aforementioned possibility.

Duke thought for a moment and hesitated before saying, “To welcome that person and tell him a single word.”

Klein’s spirits were immediately lifted as he asked without batting an eyelid, “What word?”

Duke’s lips quivered as though he was mimicking the pronunciation. Then, he said in a strange tone, “Chernobyl.”

Klein’s mind froze for a second before he let out


strange mushrooms that

the high taxes, these factors made it so that the farmers could no longer care about breaking

small portion was reserved for consumption. Most of them were prepared to be sold to

overboard. Other than the mushrooms, they only took a portion of the fruits on the trees. They left behind

three hours, the farmers sold large amounts of mushrooms and fruits. With the gold pounds in hand, they returned to their hamlets with beaming

what they wanted to do and they had also achieved their

full beard was equally happy because this was

move large amounts of mushrooms and fruits to the processing point outside the city. After

away. After confirming

thick wad of cash

grain merchant bent

counted, he suddenly recalled the origins

from selling the mushroom

businessman sighed in satisfaction and turned

a light blue dress, removed her Psychological Invisibility

Bag that she had rented from

the blonde, simple-looking Audrey easily threw bags of food into the

a hard-covered bronze notebook and flipped to a page

was from Fors—Leymano’s

what had conspired here was secretly

animals in the woods. With their help, she “planted” them at suitable spots. Following that, she “influenced” the farmers in the surrounding hamlets, strengthening their inner desires, and making them overcome their fear of the law. And that grain merchant “happened” to pass by and

master of all


the type that Little Sun said could absorb the flesh and blood of monsters to flourish. They needed sufficient nutrients to rapidly grow. Therefore, there was no way to plant a second batch of mushrooms in

at the empty cloth bags that had been emptied out, Audrey’s green eyes flashed. She couldn’t help but think, A large amount of food is concentrated at the Church, the royal

are also some from Feysac, Intis, and Feynapotter, but who knows how many times I’ll have to move them with

businessmen, and military personnel is very dangerous. I might be discovered if I’m

have never

and circumstances are different, the masks that everyone wears are different. I have to take note of this in

Audrey, who lacked experience in handling such matters, decided to seek Mr. World’s advice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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