Without waiting for The World Gehrman Sparrow to respond, Audrey, who was maintaining her posture, slowly said a few words:




Klein listened silently without commenting on what Miss Justice said. Instead, he asked in a gentle tone that was closer to the image of Dwayne Dantès, “Why do you suddenly want to do such a test?”

“It’s not a test.” Audrey shook her head. “It’s just to reveal the details that I usually hide and avoid. I want to see what I really look like in the eyes of others.”

After pausing for a moment, she moved her lips without a smile.

“After our previous conversation, I really am trying to come up with a plan. I plan to secretly do some manipulating, so that the nobles, businessmen, royal family, and the Church can release enough food from their stockpiles.

“Theoretically, this is a simple matter, but when actually trying to put it into action, I realize that I can’t be as determined and decisive as I thought.

“Some of them are my uncles and aunts, some of them are my cousins. Some of them are friends I’ve known since I was young, while others are elders who have been very protective of me. Some of them I often meet with during various charity events and are rather friendly. They formed my childhood and gave me too much. It was a part of my growth, a part of the beautiful memories of my past…

“Besides, the food they accumulated wasn’t stolen. Their explanation is actually reasonable.

“I really can’t do it—to make them my target in an attempt to rob them of a portion of their wealth. At least, it’s like this now.”

As she spoke, Audrey’s voice unknowingly escalated into a crescendo, as if she was arguing with someone.

She then realized that she had lost her composure, and remained silent for two seconds before continuing, “That’s why I want to know more about myself. I want to strip away the false image from our past relationships. Under different circumstances, I want to ask myself what I really want, whether my thoughts in the past were impulsive, hypocritical, and naive, or strong beliefs from my heart.”

At this point, Audrey suddenly smiled.

“Although I haven’t come to any conclusions, the attempt has already brought some added benefits.

“I used to think that I had strictly abided by the principle of ‘you’re only acting,’ but now I realize that I’m almost addicted to acting.

“Other pathways require different identities and occupations. The Spectator pathway’s acting is completely consistent with one’s daily life. Sometimes, it’s hard to clearly differentiate between them.

“The simplest example: Who wouldn’t want to be loved by everyone? Hence, when facing different people, I would wear a different mask and use the powers of the Spectator pathway to create an image that suits the other party’s expectations the best. When there are more and more of such things, when you face everyone, you would actually be obsessed with ‘acting.’ You would almost lose yourself.”

Klein nodded slightly and said, “That’s a good lesson.”

He didn’t comment on Miss Justice’s prior words.

After a moment of silence, Audrey slowly said, “During this period of time, I’ve read the East Borough investigation report that my father hired someone to do. I’ve experienced many different things.

been in constant hunger and pain. The changes to the Poor Law, and the strict laws about the working hours and environment, has indeed brought about some improvement to the management of the pollution

the war ends, and if—if we overcome the apocalypse, will such things happen

Audrey pursed her lips tightly and

Justice’s confusion and perplexity. After some deliberation, he didn’t say the answer in his heart. He said in a deep voice, “These questions of yours, including what you said about your true thoughts, require you to find

look at the diligent workers. Go to the East district and experience them. Go to the


“I will try.”

long, mottled table. Although Mr. Fool had left, she

Fool to send her back to the real world, The

expressed her curiosity with

and conjured a piece

you can provide me with some help. Based on this analysis, determine what kind of reactions ‘He’ will

not refuse

the content, Klein deliberated and said, “Regarding

pressing, while the others are not. You can wait for things to calm down and do

thought for a moment and nodded

“I understand.”

she suddenly

your blessings, hoping that I will still love this world after seeing the world as

was first taken aback before he asked with a smile, “You seem to

also a very complicated and contradictory person,”

slowly, “If I wanted to give

have said, I hope that you will still love your family and friends after

quivered, as though she was repeating

a few seconds, she closed her eyes and said

waters of

through the battlefield that was ravaged by

huge fireball flew over from nowhere. Intertwined silver beams split apart the surface of the sea, creating a passageway that didn’t originally exist. Surrounded by the massive waves on

at the bow, raised his right hand without a

the silver rays,


water splashed

opened his mouth, and let

the boat was suddenly lifted into the air by a

the Blue Avenger’s cannons automatically fired as a series of

the fireball’s detonation to allow the ship to drift sideways, Alger

thick bolt of silver lightning struck down, charring the

Boom! Boom! Boom!

hit their target,

instant, Alger felt a little dazed. He couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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