Chapter 1239 Legacy

Upon hearing Cattleya’s words, Queen Mystic Bernadette looked at her silently for a few seconds before saying, “That is your choice, and also your freedom.”

Cattleya stared straight at the Queen before pursing her lips and saying, “I know. You must’ve destroyed all the clues that will allow me to pursue your tracks…

“To you, this is to end the past—all of it—regardless of whether you return.”

The chestnut-colored hair casually draped over Bernadette’s shoulders as she maintained her silence as if she was using this method to confirm the Admiral of Stars’s guess.

When Cattleya saw this, she smiled bitterly and said, “I won’t harp on how I’ll do everything I can to find you if you were to remain lost for half a year or a year. I just want you to remember to recite Mr. Fool’s honorific name when the danger is gravest.”

She said that title frankly.

Queen Mystic Bernadette slowly nodded and said, “I will keep that in mind.”

Cattleya immediately revealed a smile as she said with misty eyes, “What items and matters need to be handed over to me?”

With a flip of her hand, Bernadette took out an item from somewhere.

The item was entirely gold in color, like a miniaturized kettle. Its surface was covered with mysterious and complicated symbols, and a part of a lamp’s wick extended out from the mouth.

“It’s name is the ‘Magic Wishing Lamp.’ Its serial number is 0-05. It might’ve originated from the First Epoch, and even a true deity can’t shatter it. Normally, it wouldn’t cause any harm, nor would it be of any use. However, it will constantly tempt you to rub it through dreams and illusions, to summon the Genie.” Queen Mystic Bernadette simply introduced the item’s origins and effects. “The Genie claims to be eternal and can grant you any ten wishes, but often, they are fulfilled in an extremely warped manner or with terrifying consequences. My father told me that the holder can avoid the harm brought by the first two wishes through proper wording and preparations, but the third wish is absolutely forbidden.”

At this point, Bernadette emphasized, “Absolutely forbidden!”

“It sounds easy to get around it…” Cattleya thought for a moment before saying, “Can’t you make two wishes before giving it to me. I’ll make another two wishes, then give it to Frank, Heath, and the others. This will allow for many things to be done.”

She was only using Frank as an example. She had no intention of letting him come into contact with something so dangerous.

Holding the Magic Wishing Lamp, Bernadette shook her head indiscernibly and said, “The owner is different from the wielder. Before I die, even if you obtain the Magic Wishing Lamp, you will only be a wielder. The first wish you make will also be counted as my third wish and your first wish.

“Also, although we can craft our words and make preparations to avoid the damage caused by the fulfillment of the wishes, this does not mean that the Genie isn’t intelligent. On the contrary, ‘He’ is very smart, very cunning, and has a very strong sense of autonomy.”

Cattleya tersely acknowledged.

“Then, is there any wish that ‘He’ cannot fulfill?”

“Nothing at the moment, but if it involves the level of a true deity, the distortion of the wish will exceed your imagination. To put it simply, if you wish to become a Sequence 0 true deity, then your body and soul will meld into one with an unknown evil god. Remember, the Genie’s requirement is that the wish has to be simple and concise. Otherwise, ‘He’ will reject it and treat it as if you have already made a wish,” Bernadette explained.

With that said, she got an invisible servant to fly towards Cattleya with the terrifying Sealed Artifact 0-05.

After Cattleya reached out her hand to grab the Magic Wishing Lamp, Bernadette continued, “If you dream of the Genie and are bewitched by ‘Him’ to make a wish, that means that I can no longer return. Following that, you will be its owner. I hope that your first wish is to retrieve all the items that were carried on Bernadette Gustav’s person before she headed out to sea, including her own Beyonder characteristic. Yes, it’s best to add the exact date when making a wish.”

Cattleya looked down at the golden lamp and blurted out, “Can I make a wish to bring you back to life?”

After a few seconds of silence, Bernadette said, “The resurrected me might just be a monster.

“If you really wish to do so, you can ask Mr. Fool for ‘His’ opinion.”

Cattleya nodded slightly.


item I’m giving you and the matters I need to settle. I’ll leave the rest to the Element Dawn. They will have a new leader and won’t collapse because of a person’s

extremely high, making

reply, Queen Mystic’s expression suddenly


was taken aback as she

“That’s right.”

chair over, and

her talk about all

letter by Cattleya, but due to the limited length, she didn’t provide any detailed descriptions. There were some that

asleep and dreamed of a time many years

just a maiden who stubbornly left the Dawn without looking

realized that it had already turned dark at some point

threw out an illusory ball

the void, leaving

through the spirit world as though she had mastered “Teleportation” and arrived at

that on the

sat down and leaned forward slightly. She hugged her knees

sun gradually rose

Backlund, at

recognize her. The only worry on her mind as she anxiously looked ahead was if the free food would last until it was her

She didn’t know if the armies of Feysac, Intis,

this war quickly… Stelyn, who had gone to

raised his voice and said from a few meters away, “All the food here has

looked up at the dark sky and dragged her feet in despair

the door, her two children

you get

“Mommy, I’m hungry…”

boy and a girl. Both of them were

tears and


the house, took out some pieces of bread she had stashed, and split it among the

regard for

Luke Sammer, returned home, but he, too, didn’t have

former manager had lost his job. He could only rely on their past savings and

this burly man with a

a deep breath and said, “Me too… I’ll go out and queue again. There should still be places

to respond,

to her back,

streets and arrived in front

saw the owner of the place, a tycoon in

Stelyn took out a stack of crumpled

elder smiled and said, “And

you rejected me last

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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