Chapter 1245 Help Available Even Without Summoning Help

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bolts of silver lightning that were as thick as an anaconda struck the translucent black velvet “curtain.” It shook violently as it distorted.

Taking advantage of this opening, Reinette Tinekerr’s figure, which was reflected on the castle’s glass, jumped back into Klein’s pocket and returned to the surface of the gold coin in the iron cigar case.

The prepared Klein raised his right arm and calmly aimed the Staff of the Stars at the floor tiles in the hall.

A scene surfaced in his mind. It represented one of the Beyonder powers of a Druid.

The ground beneath his feet instantly softened, turning into a marsh. It made his body sink like it had fallen into a sea.

Underground Slink!


The translucent black velvet “curtain” could no longer withstand the cleansing from the lightning storm the moment the marsh solidified. It curled into a ball and fell back into the castle.

No longer restricted, the few thousand thick bolts of lightning rained down the ancient castle.

A tower collapsed and the hall was left in shambles. One marionette after another burst into ephemeral illusions under the pricking of such a lightning strike. They were instantly charred black and reduced to ashes.

When the silver light that illuminated the entire mountain range subsided, Dark Demonic Wolf Kotar’s castle was in ruins. Many spots were burning with red flames.

Klein immediately emerged from the bottom of a deep pit and saw that the demonic wolf, covered in dark and short fur, had performed the same action.

Relying on the three Druids among “His” marionettes, “He” had successfully hidden underground to avoid the lightning bombardment.

And at that moment, the independent “kingdom” created by the “curtain” had completely disintegrated. However, the Dark Demonic Wolf’s wish hadn’t completely expired. The return of godhood still needed some time.

Without any hesitation, both parties engaged in another intense battle.

Kotar allowed the crinkled “curtain” to fly up and drape “Him,” so as to prevent the Wraith’s possession. After all, there were only three of “His” marionettes left. Of course, this way, “He” could no longer swap locations with his marionettes.

At the same time, Reinette Tinekerr left the gold coin in Klein’s pocket and floated towards the eight-legged demonic wolf.

“She” had given up on the idea of possession as “Her” arms suddenly swelled. A few strands of gray hair grew from the back of “Her” hand, and “Her” nails became long, sharp, and firm.

Werewolf Transformation!

This doll-like baneful entity became a huge werewolf. “She” kept moving at high speeds, waving “Her” sharp claws as “She” engaged in an intense battle with the hill-like Dark Demonic Wolf.

Amidst the clashing sounds, Klein was attacked by Kotar’s three remaining marionettes.

to tear through his clothes. In an instant, he transformed into a terrifying giant bear that was twice the height of a person. One crouched down, pressing his


the side. Then, he jumped out, raised his staff, and charged

he was originally standing, dark green mutated vines pierced through the ground and grew wildly, stirring

Tap! Tap! Tap!

it rushed towards Klein like a high-speed steam locomotive. It spread open its arms, trying to give him a “passionate” hug that could crush

Tap! Tap! Tap!

back, Klein didn’t retreat—he was about to

his left foot and twisted his waist. He forcefully jumped up and flew past the brown bear


his black staff down and ruthlessly struck the brown

the brown bear. However, with the Staff of the Stars, the physical attack would lead to random

changes and effects wouldn’t exceed that of


the huge brown bear’s shoulder tore open diagonally from its shoulder. The bottom half of its torso “teleported” more than ten meters away while

gushed to the ground in a rather shocking

yet. Its two halves were squirming as it struggled to stabilize his center of

he had long died. Such damage

already jumped behind the brown

of scarlet flames surged out, drowning

about to be extinguished rose up as Klein leaped out and arrived close to the

without turning his head as he swung the staff to the


into golden flames

jumped down. However, the golden flames

rushed in front

marionette immediately threw out the hair

of hair began to burn as they emitted black gases, sounding alarms to


An unknown poison!

creak, he forcefully stopped using his ability as a Clown. Using the inertia of his body,

sorts of thoughts rapidly reformed in his mind, quickly

hypnotize him. It made his brain unable to form scenes when he subconsciously thought of one. There would only be a single thought resonating in his mind, and he had to take the initiative to control it to construct the scene. This allowed him to use the Staff of the Stars for a long time without being affected by the negative effects. As for the flaws of thinking in

Staff of the Stars lit up. A pure white and holy pillar of light descended from

poison quickly melted under the Sun’s burning. It was the

a remnant glow still in his eyes, Klein instinctively turned around and aimed his staff at the brown bear that was split into

separated brown bear’s body finally collapsed,

Klein had finished off the

No one was willing to stall for time, because it wouldn’t be long before high-level

Dark Demonic Wolf Kotar trembled violently and flung out the translucent

into thin air before it suddenly appeared behind Klein. Just as his spirituality was about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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