There was no need for any communication. Just from this sudden locking of eyes, Klein knew that Colin Iliad had the same thoughts as him.

He didn’t hesitate to flip the black staff embedded with many gems and point it at himself.

In the next second, it was as if Klein’s body was a sketch that had met an eraser. It was wiped away inch by inch, and he quickly disappeared.

This was the power of Concealment, one that also came from the leader of the ascetics of the Church of Evernight, Arianna.

As the power of Concealment that was replicated by the Staff of the Stars was definitely much weaker than the original version, and the evil spirit’s level was rather high, Klein didn’t attempt to use it on Dark Angel Sasrir. Instead, he targeted himself.

At the same time that he was “concealed,” Colin Iliad fused into the faint light that illuminated everything in the shadow palace with his two swords of dawn.

Around Dark Angel Sasrir, who was dressed in a silver-threaded black robe, silver beams lit up one after another. Colin struck the evil spirit from different angles, forming a tornado that swept upwards. During this process, the gigantified Colin Iliad didn’t appear at all. Furthermore, he hid his malicious intent, making it impossible for the enemy to determine where his next attack would come from.

Derrick Berg recovered from the shock and quickly condensed bright white “Unshadowed Spears” as he wildly thrust them forward.

Amidst the crackling sounds, the Unshadowed Spears were either blocked by the black armor formed by the aura of Degeneration, or by the layered silvery-white sphere of lightning. He failed to truly hurt Dark Angel Sasrir, but it effectively affected his opponent’s actions.

While the two City of Silver demigods were holding back that special evil spirit, Klein, who was in a “concealed” state, approached the iron-black throne.

In his “concealed” state, he saw veiled scenes that were covered in a dark fog. He could only roughly tell where he was and what the surrounding objects were. He was unable to exert any influence on the outside world. If not for this, the moment he entered the “concealed” state, he could secretly control Sasrir’s Spirit Body Threads. It would be a method impossible to fend against.

After rapidly approaching the iron-black throne, Klein ended his “concealed” state, allowing his figure to instantly appear to the right of the target.

Following that, he aimed the Staff of the Stars at the grayish-white ancient stone slab.

Ignoring the contents on it, Klein quickly outlined a very familiar Beyonder power in his mind.


Silver bolts of lightning shot out with a strong destructive aura, striking the first Blasphemy Slate.

This was the Lightning Storm power from the Sea God Scepter!


Amidst the silver light that illuminated the surrounding area, an illusory “light” that was almost invisible appeared between the first Blasphemy Slate and Dark Angel Sasrir. It was difficult to describe the exact color, but under the terrifying lightning’s pandemonium, they evaporated and broke apart.

Pure beams of light shot out from Sasrir’s body, leaving no darkness in the shadow palace. Nothing else could hide.

Unshadowed Domain.

his silver armor. Together with Klein, layers of blazing halos pushed them away into the distance. The attacks of Derrick’s

In each of them, an illusory river that shimmered with waves of light appeared, circling the first

upstream as the illusory “light” that had evaporated and severed appeared once again and connected

damage that Klein had painstakingly

cycle of fate, the

“His” brass-like eyes to sweep across the demigods present. “He” said in a deep but magnificent voice, “I’m omniscient, and also

them. They also attempted to launch a new wave of attacks. However, Klein didn’t dare to forcefully pull the Dark Angel into a dream again, because if he was attacked by the

moment, a pitch-black flame burned in

voice turned evil and sinister, carrying a strong sense

“Blasphemer, die!”

he was about to die. His consciousness turned

better than him. He only felt his body grow heavy as his life slipped away

who was farthest from Dark Angel Sasrir, emitted bright bouts of sunlight, helping him quickly escape from his

“God says it’s ineffective!”

instantly dissipated a little, allowing Klein and

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Angel Sasrir. Along the way, he kept


pointed the pitch-black scepter ahead, causing Colin Iliad’s body to produce a shadow within the Unshadowed Domain. The shadow came alive as it followed the


sounded as though

ancient, mottled stone wall clock appeared in front of Klein once again, bringing

use of this respite, Klein used the Staff of the Stars to reproduce the “Unshadowed Spear” and cast it

light exploded, dispersing

hesitate at all. He jumped up, appearing right above Dark Angel Sasrir and cleaved down with


Colin Iliad’s intention. “He” raised the black scepter horizontally and

Colin Iliad’s

down like waves, instantly drowning Dark Angel Sasrir. It was as if “He” was wearing a set of full-body silver armor,

were immediately

this opportunity, Klein’s figure suddenly turned transparent as


the Stars and conjured a certain

the core powers of the Marauder


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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