The King of Space-Time, Beacon of Destiny, Embodiment of Sefirah Castle, Dominator of the Spirit World, Lord of the Mysteries… So the “Mysteries” mentioned by the ancient sun god refers to the Lord of the Mysteries… Klein silently repeated the titles as he felt the trauma in his heart increase.

He immediately thought of a question and hesitated before saying, “Based on what I know, a long time before the last civilization ended, The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth for Blessings had already appeared.”

After the Seven Lights exchanged looks, the thin Yellow Light Venithan, who was translucent like other spirit world creatures, sighed and said, “We weren’t aware of that. When the previous civilization came to an end, the Seven Lights from before had been wiped out when the Oldest One awoke. We were the pure lights that were born from the spirit world during the First Epoch.

“However, we have some guesses about ‘the great ruler above the spirit world.’ Perhaps this can answer your questions.”

Klein perked up and wore an attentive look.

Yellow Light Venithan continued, “We suspect that some of the Great Old Ones that were active in the First Epoch were Outer Deities who had been directly attracted to this planet. Some of them came alive as sefirots. In other words, some Great Old Ones were equivalent to the Oldest One—embodiments of the different personalities ‘He’ split into.

“Whatever separates will definitely converge, and whatever converges will definitely separate. This description isn’t limited to Beyonder characteristics, but also refers to the Oldest One ‘Himself.’ As most of the sefirot and characteristics are from this supreme existence, there are natural inclinations of convergence. And the Oldest One is the amalgamation of all the contradictions in the Universe. Once the sefirot and characteristics are gathered, it will almost certainly separate.”

Is this the crux and origins of the law of convergence of Beyonder characteristics? The Genie is an unlucky Outer Deity who got attracted to this world, only to encounter the Lord of the Mysteries? Klein nodded slightly and didn’t interrupt. He patiently waited for Yellow Light to share “Their” guesses.

Dressed in a lemon-yellow robe, Venithan glanced at Klein and said, “Perhaps the Oldest One had already had an inclination towards separating while asleep. Therefore, ‘His’ mind was split into different parts. ‘He’ used different titles to secretly interfere with the real world and prepare for the separation that was bound to happen once ‘His’ body woke up. For example, God Almighty or the Celestial Worthy…”

A reasonable guess; it can explain many of my doubts… Klein immediately felt enlightened.

He deliberated and said, “In other words, you believe that ‘the great ruler above the spirit world’ was a part of the Oldest One. To a certain extent, ‘He’ is equivalent to the Oldest One?”

“That’s right.” Orange Light Hilarion gave an affirmative response before comforting Klein. “Based on the present situation, the great ruler is also the same as the rest of the Oldest One. ‘His’ will and powers have faded over time. Your Excellency, regardless of you being ‘Him’ or not, it doesn’t hinder you from putting up a certain level of resistance. Keep what’s left of your humanity, and reach a particular balance with ‘Him.’ Heh heh, separation is inevitable.”

What kind of consolation is that? Klein couldn’t help but lampoon.

Then he realized a problem:

Since the Oldest One dissociated into different parts, the mental imprint in the body of a High-Sequence Beyonder of the corresponding pathway should also belong to the different Great Old Ones.

If the Primordial One which awoke in the ancient sun god’s body is the God Almighty as described by the Seven Lights, then who would it be when the Primordial One’s mental imprint begins eating at me?

The answer to this question was very obvious. Without needing to think, Klein could answer it:

Mysteries, the Dominator of the Spirit World, the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth

hadn’t left any traces as

Klein’s entire body turned cold. He inexplicably experienced what the ancient sun god

one day, he would unknowingly become another person, becoming the resurrected Lord of

awakening of this level is similar to what other angels have encountered. It’s not as strong and irresistible as I had imagined it to be… This is because I’m different from the ancient sun god. I wasn’t born with the status of an angel, or even in control of a Uniqueness. I advanced step by step, and I was able to complete the digestion in different stages? If that’s the case, I have to thank the grayish-white fog that sent the “curtain” into the Forsaken Land of the Gods. Perhaps, this involved the help of a particular, or several existences… Yes,

of his core secrets. He definitely couldn’t

placed it to his mouth.

“I roughly understand.”

Lights, Klein stood


of the great ruler above the spirit world as quickly as possible.” The Seven Lights

me? Klein teased himself as he politely

“Teleport” once again, and


first thing that caught his eye was the crowd of all kinds of people

didn’t suffer too much damage. Some held Desi pies and sweet ice tea in their hands, rushing past him, as though they were rushing to their workplace. Some of them rode cargo carriages, carrying

and pain on their faces, the vitality their bodies exuded seemed to interweave into a light of hope before Klein’s eyes. They were tenaciously brimming with

that tried their best to tear through stones after a

down his steps and gazed deeply at the

Miss Justice and Leonard. Furthermore, he had previously been

Spring had arrived.

gradually relaxed as the

and alleys that were rebuilt after the war, and he walked all the way

of cleaning. A small flock of pigeons

All he could do was

flew over, he crossed the square and entered the cathedral where the bell tower was being repaired. He sat

the crimson moon surrounded by stars, Klein took off his hat and clasped

gradually calmed down, feeling as if

trench coat and red gloves. He came near him and

stood up, put

he reached the door, Leonard slowly got

at a corner of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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