After returning to Biles’s house, Klein pulled a chair over and sat down without waiting for Roy and company to make inquiries. He made a rather pious wish:

“I wish for my spirituality to be restored.”

With that said, he raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and granted his own wish; thus, allowing his spirituality to return to its normal state.

Right on the heels of that, he extended his left palm, preparing to end the maintenance of the historical projection of the “curtain” before summoning a new one, so as to continue sealing off the spirit world area corresponding to Belltaine City. This prevented the Church of the God of Combat’s chief shepherd, Larrion, from escaping.

“There’s no need to do so. There’s always a next time.” At that moment, Arianna slowly shook “Her” head, indicating that Klein no longer needed to summon the “curtain” that originated from the Dark Demonic Wolf.

There was a limit to the power of “Wishes.” A Miracle Invoker couldn’t satisfy the same wish in a short period of time, which meant that, within the next one or two hours, Klein couldn’t recover his spirituality by granting his own wishes.

Of course, to a qualified Seer-pathway angel, this limitation was something that could be avoided. For example, he could get Pasha, Roy, Biles, and Arianna to take turns to wish for Klein to regain his spirituality before granting their wishes as a Miracle Invoker.

However, the problem was that, even if he could recover his spirituality that many times, he wouldn’t be able to maintain the “curtain” which was at the level of a Sequence 1 for more than an hour. Furthermore, he needed to wait an hour before 0-02 erased all the previous rules and rewrote them.

After some deliberation, Klein nodded slightly and replied with a smile, “Let’s give it a try first. After all, we’re rather free right now. I’ll give up after my last spirituality recovery attempt. Yes, this will purely depend on the chief shepherd’s luck. Perhaps ‘He’ might lose control because of anxiety, frustration, and nervousness?”

As he spoke, Klein dispelled the maintenance of the original “curtain,” and his left hand moved forward immediately after that. He pulled out a new “curtain,” allowing it to appear inside the spirit world that corresponded to Belltaine City.

In an area where saturated colors overlapped one another, Larrion, who was wearing a black robe with white edges and a square hat, felt the restriction disappear. Just as “He” was about to make “His” way out, he saw a new “curtain” descend, sealing him off again.

The smile on his face instantly froze.

Phew… A few seconds later, Larrion slowly exhaled and composed “Himself” mentally as he continued to wait.

In the next hour, the chief shepherd of the Church of the God of Combat repeatedly experienced the despair and pain of having “His” hopes extinguished.

“He” attempted to find the pattern and attempt to figure out the time interval so as to grasp the fleeting opportunity. “He” wanted to rush out of the barrier the moment the old “curtain” disappeared and before the new “curtain” was produced.

However, “He” eventually discovered that the intervals didn’t follow any pattern. The person stopping “Him” didn’t restore the barrier only when his spirituality was about to be depleted. At times, the other party would recreate the barrier far ahead of time.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Feysacian citizens weren’t forced to change faiths from the God of Combat, and that the decree that Larrion was considered a traitor hadn’t been widely spread, this Grounded Angel might’ve already lost control on the spot.

As time passed, Larrion once again sensed the collapse of the old “curtain.”

this time, there

Without any hesitation,

next moment, “He” saw a woman holding four blonde, red-eyed heads, dressed in a complicated long dress, an unknown existence that was wrapped in bandages with yellowish-brown liquid covering the

that Klein had summoned the previous times were Historical Void projections that had been tainted with Sefirah Castle’s aura. It naturally attracted objects sensitive to it. He wouldn’t even be surprised if

Larrion’s face


looked up into the sky. He muttered

magic mirror emitted an aqueous light that reflected the noticeboard’s

rules on the paper disappeared in reverse order of

to erase the rules that it had set

abolished, the highly-focused Klein immediately pulled Ma’am Arianna and used Flaming Jump

the brass pages of 0-02, the speed at which the rules were being wiped clear had become very fast. In just a

that, the clause disappeared as a new set of rules rapidly emerged without any

is the most precious item. No living

figure had already appeared beside the

had “Her” neck suddenly constricted as though an invisible rope

had actually suffered bone fractures

Death by hanging!

over with some difficulty, the first clause that appeared was “erased” before it

to be publicized or announced before it could truly be

Trunsoest Brass Book and threw it to Klein, who was outside

He was in no way nervous or flustered. While 0-02 was still

the Trunsoest Brass Book and used his historical projection to “Teleport”

Arianna landed on the ground with a loud thud, a deep mark left on “Her”

holding 0-02, appeared at the top of the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range. He

take the Trunsoest Brass Book and “Blink” to the main door of the palace before pushing

before him was a hall with many corpses hanging from above. Every corpse was different.

with complicated patterns. They came from the depths

transparent and distorted maggots were formed into a ball. They grew wantonly and extended out

the Antigonus family, who had lost

maggots left the stone chair and fiercely flailed their

bottom of the stone chair, the tarot card with Roselle’s image, which was

Klein’s historical projection towards experiencing a breakdown. Thankfully, he didn’t possess any sentience and was remotely controlled by Klein. He didn’t suffer the chaotic thoughts and the negative

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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