Chapter 1293 Devil“s Oil Painting

In a warehouse that was being rebuilt in Pritz Harbor.

Fors met her teacher, Dorian Gray Abraham, once again a few days later.

“Are you ready?” Dorian asked in a low voice.

Back when they met, he had already informed Fors of the ritual requirement of the Apprentice pathway’s Sequence 4 Secrets Sorcerer, so that she could make advanced preparations.

“More or less… I should be able to satisfy the requirements…” Fors replied without much confidence.

The advancement ritual of a Secrets Sorcerer was relatively simple, but in this case, “simple” was the antonym for “complex,” and not “difficult.” To Fors, she wished that it was something else.

The ritual required the candidate to seal a demigod-level creature with clear animosity. The less external help one received, the better the ritual’s effects. As for the target’s level, as long as it wasn’t lower than a demigod, it was fine. It had virtually no effect on the ritual.

Upon hearing that, Dorian nodded and said, “That should be fine. That ritual is really difficult for a Sequence 5 Beyonder to complete it on their own. It’s necessary to seek help at appropriate times, but you mustn’t go overboard, such as exceeding the corresponding limitations. Otherwise, the ritual will definitely fail.”

The suggestion he had previously provided to Fors was to borrow a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact. It would be best if she didn’t even hire a saint-level helper.

Fors said vaguely, “I only plan on making a wish to Mr. Fool to increase the success rate of advancement after consuming the potion. This is closer to obtaining good luck when consuming the potion, rather than being blessed and protected while sealing the demigod creature.

“Other than that, I’ll be using the painting that you mentioned.”

The painting wasn’t a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact, the Scroll of God, but the Abraham family’s Grade 1 Sealed Artifact. It was called “Devil’s Oil Painting.”

In the Fourth Epoch, when many members of the Abraham family had advanced to Sequence 4 Secrets Sorcerer, they had created the oil painting to seal the corresponding demigod-level creatures.

However, after being attacked by the Aurora Order and losing a lot of documents, Dorian Gray wasn’t sure how many terrifying creatures were sealed in the Devil’s Oil Painting. He was only certain that there was definitely more than one sealed inside.

His original plan was to release a demigod-level creature that was completely insane from the Devil’s Oil Painting, one that acted purely out of instinct. This could then be his student’s ritual target. This made it much easier than dealing with a rational and intelligent saint. Furthermore, it was completely in line with the ritual’s requirements, but he never expected Fors to directly borrow the Devil’s Oil Painting.

Dorian frowned and reminded her, “The Devil’s Oil Painting only has the effect of imprisonment and sealing. It doesn’t have the ability to actively affect the target. In other words, you have to stuff a demigod-level creature into the Devil’s Oil Painting.”

Fors nodded, indicating that she knew this.

“Teacher, you mentioned that one’s ‘Record’ ability isn’t considered external help.”


were considered external help, almost no Traveler could advance. After all, “Record” was the core ability of the Apprentice pathway before they became demigods. Once it was

case. However, you can only record at most

finished his sentence, he thought of Mr. Fool and “His” Blessed and felt

it isn’t impossible for me to succeed. It’s just a mad creature that’s acting on instinct.” Fors tried convincing both

loved music, and took out the Secrets Sorcerer main and supplementary ingredients. He then concocted a bottle of Secrets

there’s no way to complete the seal, there’s no need to forcefully consume it. Even if the potion and glass bottle fuses together and turns into a Sealed Artifact, we can also pray to Mr. Fool to restore it to a Beyonder characteristic.” Dorian continued to warn her worriedly before

layers of stellar radiance, as though the Milky Way

nodded heavily, indicating that she wasn’t worried that the

would immediately “Teleport” away once she realized she couldn’t seal the released demigod-level creature before making a wish to

was an image that no one could understand. Just looking at

was the Devil’s Oil Painting that had sealed

the Devil’s Oil Painting and said solemnly to Fors, “That is, on the night of the full moon, listen to what Mr.

of the Abraham family still couldn’t fully accept that the curse they had suffered from had stemmed

figure out

with her teacher’s sincere request, Fors agreed

Painting, “Teleported” out of Pritz Harbor, and came to a vast desert where no humans

way, even if an accident happened during the ritual, she had plenty of time to resolve it and not affect

Fors inserted the Devil’s Oil Painting into the

to pray to Mr. Fool. She wished

the illusory grayish-white fog and knew that

for a few seconds, Fors finally convinced herself. She took out the herbal powder she had prepared, and she scattered it on the Devil’s Oil

she recited the incantation to

an incantation that only

in the air landed on the oil painting and rapidly spun around a

spun, the surface of the oil painting turned illusory

hand emerged from the “vortex,” one that showed signs

out from the oil painting to the

suddenly turned cold as though she had fallen

seem to lose control of her body. No matter how hard

to return to her past state of writing books at night and sleeping during the day. At that time, she often felt that she had woken up, but she couldn’t move at all. It was as though she

yet to fully escape, its influence on the outside world with its godhood made Fors lose most of her ability to resist. Once it fully escapes from the oil painting, Fors would even

their lives’ natural order was

already lucid. She raised her arm and moved her feet, but on second thought, she realized that it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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