Alfred felt the room temperature plummet when he heard his squire.

An indescribable chill invaded his body, freezing his blood and bone marrow.

When the liner stopped at Utopia Port, he had expected the worst situation to happen—Utopia was the headquarters of some cult, and that everyone there was a dangerous lunatic.

But now, the truth was even worse.

Perhaps Utopia never existed!

At that moment, Alfred was unusually thankful that he was no longer the noble scion he was when he left Backlund. He had accumulated a great deal of experience and had thus, not really entered Utopia Harbor.

Under the gaze of the adjutant and squire, the major general paced back and forth with a solemn expression. He calmly instructed, “Draft up a telegram and report to MI9 about what happened in Utopia.

“At the same time, request the local official Beyonders to immediately take action and contact the captain to list down all the people who entered Utopia Harbor. If necessary, pay each of them a visit and confirm if there are any problems.”

“Yes sir!” his adjutant immediately stood at attention and saluted.

After the adjutant walked out of the study, Alfred said to a squire, “Bring up the typewriter from downstairs. I want to write a detailed report.”

His plan was to first use a telegram to report the key information to the brass and not delay the initial actions necessary. Then, he would reveal more details with a confidential document and provide more information for the military brass to make a decision.

Wendel walked into a second-class carriage with one hand on his top hat and the other carrying a suitcase.

He wasn’t even thirty years old. His sideburns were deep-black and his brown eyes were calm. He didn’t have any unique features that anyone could remember, but he exuded comfortable vibes.

A few months ago, he was still a Feynapotter intelligence officer who was active in Desi Bay, and had contributed greatly. Now that he was a Sequence 7 Beyonder, he was part of MI9’s internal affairs department.

Today, his goal was to send a confidential document to Backlund and personally hand it into the hands of MI9’s director.

After sitting down, Wendel bought a newspaper from the paperboy and leisurely read through it.

This was just a superficial act; in reality, he began to use his Beyonder powers to illustrate portraits of the passengers around him, remembering all their characteristics, making meticulous and perfect preparations for any accidents that might happen later.


The steam locomotive was chugging forward as the scenery outside sped past the windows.

A few hours later, Wendel cast his gaze out of the window with some anxiety. The sky was already filled with dark clouds, and a storm was about to descend.

This meant that the steam locomotive would stop at a station ahead of time to tide through the storm. It might only continue its journey the next morning, and not reach its designated location.

lead to more risks due to a deviation in his

weather like the Sea God, who was promoted by

he could do was pray to the Lord

the station in front of them had already sent a light signal to get the train to slow down and


again, and the train slowed down. Finally, it stopped

the next second, near the steam-powered train’s head, the mechanical door opened. The train conductor stood at the entrance and shouted to the staff on the platform,

zero!” the white-sideburned employee

sounded, causing everyone to tremble

conductor cursed. “Which station

was at. After all, the schedule he was in charge of didn’t stop at every station in

station! You can arrange the rest yourself!” the staff shouted and ran towards the other end of the platform

no doubts about the staff’s attitude because this was a

could even be certain that the other staff members of the Utopia

course, they must’ve received a telegram to learn of the area ahead

voice, not finding any useful

This was because there were many unknown steam locomotive stations in the entire Loen Kingdom. This was

a few words before using the newest megaphone to speak to the passengers on

is coming. The train will stop at

estimated the storm to continue the entire

stay in the carriage, or you can exit on your own accord to head into the city to look for an inn. Tomorrow, simply show your ticket stub to board the carriage again. Remember to be on time.” The train conductor gave the passengers two

and pondered for a few seconds

plenty of hardship. He was only relying on his professionalism that the sealed carriages, which were limited in space for passenger movement,

night, but this would definitely affect his condition tomorrow. Clearly, he still

the side

Kingdom, there would definitely be a cathedral

the hotel?” the carriage driver asked as he made the horse turn around, seemingly capable of getting along well

a Sequence 7 Beyonder, Wendel

long as he lived in the city center while overseas, he could easily find a group of helpers with his status, and his

is Red Boots. Are we going there?” the

he didn’t have a mission, Wendel wouldn’t mind pleasuring himself. However, he could


replied disappointedly. “Let’s go to the Irises Hotel. No one will

advanced, Wendel cast his gaze outside the window

people on

came to a preliminary conclusion from the lack of

carriage. This meant that most of the areas in Utopia could be reached on foot in an adequate amount of

minutes, the rental carriage

rushed into the hotel before

pattering sounds behind him just as

Wendel rested for a while. He kept the confidential document close to him and went to the restaurant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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