The avatar Klein created was a blueprint of his present state, and not Dwayne Dantès, Sherlock Moriarty, or Merlin Hermes, so as to avoid any obstacles in his self-awareness.

After experiencing the mutation brought by Adam, he became more careful in such aspects.

Glancing at his avatar, Klein’s thoughts made his face turn blank.

The avatar extended its right hand and stirred Sefirah Castle’s strength to grab at the main body.

Again and again, it failed more than ten times. Finally, it managed to extract bits of dark light from the main body.

Finally… Klein sighed and extinguished the thought of trying to execute this attempt during the actual battle.

Despite not resisting at all, with his body and mind at ease, his avatar had still spent so much time failing while using Sefirah Castle’s level and strength. It was easy to imagine its value in actual combat.

As more and more Beyonder characteristics left his body, Klein felt relaxed. He felt like he had finally abandoned a heavy burden after a long walk.

Of course, there was a certain fluctuation in his mental state. After losing the lingering mental imprint from Zaratul, the awakening of the Celestial Worthy’s consciousness began to invade his mind.

This was within Klein’s expectations; therefore, he wasn’t flustered at all. With his self-awareness that had long stabilized, his tenacious willpower, and his ample anchors, he gradually resisted the corruption of the Celestial Worthy’s will and found a new balance.

At the same time, when the Attendant of Mysteries Beyonder characteristic that Klein hadn’t fully digested entered his avatar’s body, its blank face suddenly twisted, growing out dark, lusterless eyes, and an indistinct white long beard.

At this moment, it greatly resembled Zaratul.

However, it was unable to withstand the madness brought about by the Attendant of Mysteries Beyonder characteristic. Its body rapidly developed towards collapse as transparent, distorted maggots crawled out and slippery and sinister tentacles extended out.

It lost control on the spot.

Klein didn’t stay idle. Without any hesitation, he moved his finger, making the avatar turn into his marionette.

This terminated the process of losing control.

At this point, he had already made all preparations. His main body had completely digested the potion, allowing him to be in a state to accommodate The Fool’s Uniqueness. He also had a Sequence 1 marionette.

Following that, Klein leaned back into his chair and replayed what he was about to do in his mind to see if there were any fatal flaws.

This is the most I can do for the battle of the deities. I can only do my best afterwards… Hmm, am I being too optimistic about the first stage because of the Goddess’s help and the supplementary River of Eternal Darkness’s water? That’s why I’m not worried that the Antigonus family’s ancestor won’t cause any accidents? After a round of scrutiny, Klein felt that he was still not cautious enough. There was a little arrogance and carelessness in the matter.

After some thought, he created another avatar which still had a blank face.

Klein stood up, took out Creeping Hunger from the fog of history, and wore it on his left

possible small-scale battles. Under such a scene, “Blink” was faster

of light that was

every one of them, his gaze landed on the three shattered

second, Klein’s figure vanished and appeared in the grayish-white fog of history. He walked to the time before the

barely stood erect. He looked down at the pile

remaining buildings. It seemed to pass through the barriers of history, allowing him to see the electric lamps lit up inside

from the lamps spread out gently, illuminating the glass and

retracted his gaze and took

the heels of that, he directly teleported to the summit of the Hornacis mountain range. He “saw” that ancient palace that

in front of

pressed his top hat,

instantly turned dark. Illusory stars appeared around

had “Grafted” this place to the astral

avatar to the main door of

was one step ahead. It bent down, stretched out its hands, and slowly pushed the heavy

creaked open,

the Trunsoest Brass Book over. It was dark inside, making it impossible for anyone to see the numerous corpses hanging above the hall, nor could he see the cluster of transparent maggots that were sitting on the

Klein made use of the intuition of a Seer at the King of Angels level to confirm that this was the change caused by the Evernight Goddess using the River of Eternal Darkness’s water to allow the ancestor of the Antigonus family to

the marionette and avatar entered, he slowly walked


walked along the streets. Their voices spread out, causing

and his marionette and avatar as they headed for their destinations

buildings were dark in color, almost close to black-and-white. They were like old photos that came from deep within history that had suddenly

scenes in the Historical Void, and those in real


the buildings became. The massive stone

this “black-and-white photo” were generally tall. They seemed to be learning, working,

continuously, showing the birth of a baby, the growth of a child, the ignorance of youth, the worries of an adult, the pressure of a middle-aged man, and

were all interlinked with each other. Only a portion would become the main

ventured deeper, he saw the residents of the

them on the bed with a pillow as if

Klein was about to leave the town’s borders, the dead got up from bed, left their family, and walked out of their homes,

City of the Dead, the eventual refuge

to where normal people lived. The latter was distributed by the mountainside to the peak, while the former was

be surprised by such a state, but Klein

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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