Upon hearing Amon’s words, Klein’s heart sank.

Before this, he wasn’t worried that Amon would collude with Genie, because “He” was a top-notch Swindler. No promises “He” made could be believed. As for Genie, “He” had encountered the former Lord of the Mysteries. “He” was considered a victim of such matters in a similar vein. Therefore, “He” would definitely use “His” most wary of approaches to deal with Mr. Error.

This was the result of a lack of trust.

Sometimes, lying, cheating, and swindling could indeed increase the profits in the short-term, but in the long-term, it was better to be honest.

But now, the Trunsoest Brass Book had just formulated the rule of “deception is prohibited here.”

And Amon didn’t receive any punishment after making the promise!

At the same time, Klein and Genie didn’t notice “Him” using any loopholes.

This proved how true and effective Amon’s words were. It was from the bottom of “His” heart and wasn’t a scam.

Genie could even rely on “His” own level and traits to distort the sentence from “I can promise” to “I promise.” It would make it impossible for Amon to go back on “His” word. If “He” did, “He” would suffer damage at the level of a Great Old One.

This made Klein not help but wonder if the rule that “deception is prohibited here” was secretly guided by Amon or deliberately created by Genie, making any Lord of the Mysteries candidate to promise to return “Him” to the cosmos.

To Genie, “He” didn’t suffer any losses in such a deal because Klein himself owed “Him” a promise.

If it were any other scene, Klein would still have the time to communicate with Genie and rebuild “His” trust. However, at this moment, Amon’s threat was right before his eyes. “He” wouldn’t give him the chance to resolve this problem.

If he chose to continue to believe in Genie, Klein would be putting his life in the hands of this Outer Deity and be under “His” control. In the subsequent battle, as long as Genie was able to formulate a few rules that appeared to be fine but were biased towards Amon through the Trunsoest Brass Book, Klein, who was already at a great disadvantage, would rapidly lose with no way to reverse the situation.

As his thoughts raced, Klein made the choice of this gamble. A translucent dark-colored cloak instantly appeared around him. His face was covered with a strange and distorted mask.

The Fool!

Invisible rings rippled from his body and instantly enveloped Genie, the Trunsoest Brass Book, and the entire wilderness, as well as Amon.

“Blind Stupidity” authority!

luster, as though “He” had lost “His” vision. “His” gaze also

text being written on the Trunsoest Brass Book clearly slowed down as though it would take fifteen minutes or even hours to think up the

suddenly shrank back into the golden magic lamp that looked like a water flask. It was unknown

escape Sefirah Castle

monocle appeared at the edge of

Amon still seemed to remember to

as they were still dyed black. “His” mouth

my instinct. This is a good way to resist the effects

cheated the rules and lied to “Himself,” making “His” instincts believe that this was

the “Grafting” he had prepared

a giant star that emitted light and heat

effects of “eternal daylight,” an orange sun with a destructive aura and a heavy feeling descended from

wilderness collapsed and curled up as though it was going to charge straight into

the same time, everything here was ignited,

shrink as they revolved around the real sun. Everything in the world either disintegrated or vaporized. All that was left was the Magic Wishing Lamp and the Trunsoest Brass Book, which were still struggling to withstand the flames, barely suffering any damage. Klein, who was floating in midair, had long disappeared. He had

with the concept of a star, not a physical entity. Otherwise, with The Fool’s obviously lower defense than most Sequence os, he would be

strengths and weaknesses were equally obvious. In addition, conceptualized objects couldn’t directly affect the surrounding environment and harm the enemy. It wasn’t enough to write the words “immense mass, gravity,

surroundings change according

“change” and also a type of

vaporize. At this moment, his figure distorted as “He” was instantly dyed with resplendent starlight. “He” turned extremely illusory, as though “He” had transformed into an

was closer to a collective body of the symbols like “wandering,” “astral world

was the ability of a Planeswalker to use the astral world to head to different planets and worlds. “They” were able to transform “Themselves” into

qualitative change in such powers became

concept creature and

was Klein, who was wearing a trench coat and a

time, Amon’s thoughts slowed down

Spirit Body Threads were grabbed by

combination he had with the corresponding

“Fooled” time, allowing the effects of the first two seconds to linger until now, allowing him to fool

probability of success was very low: On the one hand, Amon could withstand damage and steal the Spirit

Klein didn’t want his actions

“Fooling” authority during the stage of transforming into a marionette. And with Klein’s present state, he was naturally more willing to choose such a low-level but effective method. This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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