Chapter 1388 A Sudden Gathering

The Evernight Goddess nodded and didn’t say anything else. “She” reached out “Her” palm and grabbed a corner of the void and tugged lightly.

A thin layer of a “night curtain” gently floated down, covering Klein’s body as it silently seeped in.

Klein silently took in the blessings from the dream for two seconds. He pressed his hand to his chest and bowed.

He took two steps back and left the astral world.

The Evernight Goddess stood at the borders of the divine kingdom as “She” watched him leave.

In the next second, Klein landed in the projection of the Giant King’s Court in the ruins of the battle of gods.

Then, like Amon, he walked to the edge of the grayish-blue door and raised his hand to create a blue illusory door.

Through the door, Klein entered the Forsaken Land of the Gods. Following the guidance of fate, he “Wandered” straight to the peak of a mountain range.

There was a huge crucifix erected there, one covered with a faint shadow.

Klein stared at the shadow for a few seconds before sighing slightly. He bent down and picked up an ancient silver mirror that was placed near the huge cross.

Then, he turned around and vanished from the Forsaken Land of the Gods.

At the same time, the Worms of Spirit, who didn’t need to be on duty in Sefirah Castle, informed him of Queen Mystic’s current location. Klein raised his hand and took out the Magic Wishing Lamp from the junk pile. Using the ownership connection between it and Bernadette, he used another “Wandering” to appear on a rather hidden island where Emerald City was.

Bernadette was flipping through the latest album catalog from Intis. Just as she sensed something, she saw Gehrman Sparrow hand her the Magic Wishing Lamp.

“Thank you,” Klein said in a very normal voice.

Bernadette pursed her lips as though she wanted to say something, but at that moment, her eyes flashed as though she had seen something and prophesied something. Hence, she silently reached out and took the Magic Wishing Lamp.

Klein then took out a metal cigar case that had signs of corrosion on its surface.

“This is your payment.”

Even without the Eye of Mystery Prying, Bernadette could sense that the iron cigar case was extraordinary. She could roughly guess what kind of corrosion had happened to it.

However, she didn’t choose to accept it because of that reason, but she suddenly felt that she had no reason to reject it.

a moment before taking the

rather crazy state like before, Klein definitely would’ve smiled and said in an exaggerated manner

that last bit of lucidity. He had to put in a lot of effort to prevent himself

Klein seized the opportunity to “Wander” to Backlund,

raised his head and looked at Dwayne Dantès

feel the

to the opportunity for accommodating the Fate pathway’s

without any expression, “I am here to help

relying on a level of Above the

won’t be enough. It will require an additional ‘Fooling’ and use

tears that Will Auceptin dripped down suddenly stopped. “He” muttered in astonishment,

seek an existence at the level of a Great Old One to help, or rely on a

born with the Uniqueness, and only had the two options left to

on holding a simplified ritual, which was to wait for the opportunity of fate. Who knew that this opportunity was actually when Klein was approaching the level of a

Will Auceptin, cried even harder. He felt as though he had

of Thought’s demigod send over the Die of Probability. Normally, with your luck, the Die of Probability should be by your side.” Klein ignored

looked at Klein for a moment before he said, slightly choking, “Forget it, let’s wait for the next

would be a huge burden for you to forcibly help me accommodate it. Perhaps you would lose control on the spot. I don’t want to face the


into Klein’s eyes and said, “I have a feeling that the next

reverie-like expression as he said in


“No, it’s a blessing.”

slightly, stood up,


and sat on the high-back chair, allowing the grayish-white fog to

surveying the area and confirming the states of the crimson stars, Klein leaned back in his chair in exhaustion and slightly raised

create the fake World

of the long mottled table, crimson beams of light shot out at the same time, freezing into the members of the Tarot Club—The

beyond Audrey’s and company’s expectations. It left them

that weren’t a Monday afternoon, it was all planned. They knew in advance that they would be dragged here—they would’ve either applied for a mini gathering in advance, avoid the full moon ravings, or

first time, this was the second time they were

the club catch the hint

to The World Gehrman Sparrow’s visit and the words of Mr. Fool’s Blessed, Audrey, Alger, and

Is it finally here?

her head and looked down at the bottom end of the long mottled table. There was

was already mentally prepared, Audrey couldn’t help but be stunned as emotions

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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