1392 Yesterday No More

In a room beside the Evernight cathedral in the Southern Continent, East Balam, Leonard’s consciousness returned to the real world.

After a few seconds of silence, he picked up the cup of coffee that had turned cold and took a sip.

The bitter taste filled his mouth, gradually waking his mind up.

“Old Man, what happened today?” Finally, Leonard couldn’t help but ask.

After a moment of silence, Pallez Zoroast replied wistfully, “Error has perished.”

Error… Leonard almost didn’t realize which existence Old Man was referring to.

In the next second, he couldn’t hide his astonishment as he nearly forgot to whisper, “Amon?”

This was a standard true god!

“Yes.” Pallez Zoroast’s voice sounded like “He” had aged considerably. “To be precise, Amon’s main body perished.”

Leonard wasn’t in the mood to distinguish the subtle meaning behind Old Man’s words. He asked in disbelief, “W-why was there no sign of it?”

He had witnessed the phenomena before and after the God of Combat died. He knew that it was a change that would affect the entire world and bring about many terrifying monsters and dangerous regions.

And just now, the only two abnormalities were:

The doors and windows suddenly closing, and him seemingly forgetting something.

In reality, the latter wasn’t strange at all. Most people would encounter something similar during their daily lives.

Pallez Zoroast’s tone sank.

“‘He’ should’ve perished in Sefirah Castle.”

Sefirah Castle? Leonard was shocked.

The venue of the gathering he had just attended was inside Sefirah Castle!

A war between gods has just erupted there? Amon actually infiltrated Sefirah Castle? Amidst Leonard’s thoughts, his expression gradually turned solemn.

“Old Man, Mr. Fool was injured because of this and had no choice but to enter a state of slumber?”

“Is ‘He’ about to enter a state of slumber?” Pallez Zoroast asked in return.

“He” didn’t seem to be too surprised about this.

Leonard tersely acknowledged.

“The reason ‘He’ summoned us today was because of this matter.”

Pallez Zoroast fell silent for a few seconds before saying,

previous battle of gods and Amon’s infiltration, but it’s not because of injuries, but

Leonard blurted out in

corruption can still be encountered by


godhood. By relying on godhood to become a powerhouse, one can never escape the shackles

it’s the same for you and me. Likewise for The Fool. Heh, perhaps ‘He’ shouldn’t be called ‘The Fool’ anymore.

Mysteries… Regarding the problem of the mental imprint in a Beyonder characteristic, Leonard indeed had a deeper understanding of it than demigods at his level. However, he still had several holes in the knowledge on this matter. Even though he had heard

Mr. Fool’s words during


Man, why is

to wake him up as

tone was somewhat

could an old and weak angel like me know about matters at the level

even The Fool has no better solution, much

moment. He picked up his coffee cup

hesitantly, “Old Man, do you have any way of ‘Stealing’ the artistic flair of

Pallez Zoroast scoffed.

with no

to natural talent,

do anything about “Stealing” the natural talent of others to help

of someone who’s very poor. Make a deal with him and give him the money he wants to exchange for the corresponding natural

a deal with the

to spend money to hire

you say so earlier?”

Pallez Zoroast scoffed.

manage to think

thought you had eliminated

Man’s mockery. After some serious thought, he felt that this idea was indeed

a little guilty and uneasy, as if he was avoiding

poems, I have to

you going?” Pallez Zoroast asked in

as he said firmly, “I’m going to the nearby bookstore to buy

Warlock, he began to collect poem anthologies that were suitable for some

poem anthology

that, after becoming a high-ranking deacon, I would need to read poem anthologies again…

that Leonard’s next step would be to buy poem anthologies. After a while, “He” probed, “Is this an order from The

legendary stories,” Leonard answered simply as he opened the door and walked

from writing poems, you have to pay more attention to the besiegement of

down the stairs and entered the streets. He


he walked towards the bookstore, he felt as though he had returned to Tingen, back to the time when he was still a Midnight Poet. At that time, he had also walked along the bustling streets,


regained his senses, he found himself standing

already dim outside, and the flowers

Mr. Fool’s slumber were slightly different from the other

confusion, there was also the confidence that things would end

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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